Jane Austin once wrote,in her novel “Emma”,that one half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.That is exactly the case with the preference to different kinds of music.There is a long-existing fierce discussion about classical music and popular music.Some people enjoy classical music very much,while others think it is quite boring and they are keen on popular music.I have a preference to popular music which brings me so much courage and energy.
First and foremost,compared with classical music,popular music is a more direct way to express thoughts and emotion.It is true that classical music,with its inner beauty,deep emotion and well-designed movements,has a permanent attraction to people of all places and all ages.However,popular music,especially popular songs,using smooth and sweet melodies,vivid and straightforward lyrics,and emotional performances has fascinated most of common people,especially youngsters.
On the ot
Jane Austin once wrote(这个wrote典型的汉语是英语,这个地方应该换为mentioned),in her novel “Emma”,that one half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.That is exactly the case with ...
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