What counts ishowmuch work we must do to pay for what we buy.For an hour’work,in 1931 anAmerican factory worker could buy lessthan a pound and half of beef.Today he can buy more than three pounds.Theprice of beef is higher now,but the worker buys it with a smaller part ofwhathe earns.He has more money left for other things.His standard of livingishigher than before.
The food instoesis cheaner and better today,too.In the old days food was kept in openboxes andtubs.Today it is packed and displayed in cleaner ways.Peope can buymorekinds of food than ever before.80 years ago,most stores a about 100 kindsoffood,but mow most medium-sized food stores sell about 8000 and they sellfreshfoods all year round Many preparedfoodsare almost ready for busy mothers to put on the table.Babies can havemoregood foods and grow better.Today children are taller and heavier.
In somecountries,a farmer still grows only enough food for four or five people.In theUnitedStates a farmer grows enough
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