1段短小的招聘启示,银行marketing方面的,哪位英语高人帮帮忙,求翻译 答得好送金币(⊙o⊙)哦
1段短小的招聘启示,银行marketing方面的,哪位英语高人帮帮忙,求翻译 答得好送金币(⊙o⊙)哦
Internship - Marketing and Corporate Communications
ANZ Bank Shanghai has an opening for interns who are available to work on a number of projects across marketing and corporate communications.
The role of interns will involve;
- working with the manager to coordinate & execute specific events from the ANZ events calendar
- sourcing venues
- liaising with suppliers
- logistics, preparing event plans & on the day execution
Interns will also work with the team in coordinating a wide range of projects and delivering high quality results.
Interns will require the ability to communicate, co-ordinate and collaborate with a wide range of people, including senior executives, senior management, stakeholders and suppliers (both internal & external).
Fluent English and availability to work full time are required.
招实习生:市场合作与交流澳洲银行上海分行有一个关于市场和合作交流的实习生职位空缺.实习生需具备:1 协助经理执行银行年历上的工作安排.2 提供场地3 联络供应商,客户4 准备,策划工作计划实习生必须在多各项目上与...
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