请听短文,然后补全短文中所缺的单词。     Two year ago, Mrs King saw a mouse in her 1_______. "I th

请听短文,然后补全短文中所缺的单词。     Two year ago, Mrs King saw a mouse in her 1_______. "I th

请听短文,然后补全短文中所缺的单词。     Two year ago, Mrs King saw a mouse in her 1_______. "I think it came in from the garden," she said
to her husband. "We must get a cat."
    Mrs King was 2_______. A friend gave her a black and white cat. It lived in the Kings" house but Mrs King
let it go into the garden sometimes.
    Last month, the cat stayed in the garden most of the day. It only came into the house to get food and
3_______. Then Mary King saw the cat take some food out of the house. She 4_______ the cat. It went under
a wooden hut (小木屋) in the garden.
     Last week, Mary heard a noise under the hut. She looked under it and saw three kittens (小猫咪). She told
her mother.
     "We can"t keep the kittens," Mrs King said. "We must find good 5_______ for them."
     Mary told her friends. When the kittens were bigger, Mary"s friends were glad to have them.
1. kitchen  2. lucky   3. milk   4. followed   5. homes
题型:四川省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:四川省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. Is that true?                              
(     )2. A. You can"t.                                 
(     )3. A. Really?                                    
(     )4. A. Are you Mark?                              
(     )5. A. Any kind is okay.                          
(     )6. A. I"m sorry. I have to      
          study for my math test.
B. That"s right.                      
B. Hold on, please. 
B. I think so.                        
B. Nice to meet you. 
B. I"m not hungry. 
B. No, I"m not interested
    in any party.
C. I"m sorry to hear that.          
C. Who are you?                     
C. I"m glad you like it.            
C. I don"t know you.                
C. I"d like some coffee.            
C. Happy birthday.
     I"m sure to come.

题型:四川省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:四川省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:新疆自治区中考真题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. In the country.             
(     )2. A. It began at 8:15.           
(     )3. A. Sam.                        
(     )4. A. Not so good.                
(     )5. A. The Main Post Office.       
(     )6. A. He wants to find
               a new job. 
(     )7. A. It"s ok to go skating. 
(     )8. A. Tony.                       
(     )9. A. Because he has
              caught a cold.
(     )10. A. He is next to Jane.        
B. In a school library. 
B. It began at 8:30. 
B. Bob.  
B. Not so bad. 
B. The Central Gym. 
B. He wants to change his pen
    for a new one.   
B. It"s good to stay at home. 
B. Tim.  
B. Because he wants to sleep
    far some more time.
B. He is in front of Jane.  
C. In a bookstore. 
C. It began at 8:45. 
C. Jack.
C. Not so boring.  
C. The City Library.  
C. He wants to buy another
    new pen at the same store.
C. It"s nice to visit the space museum.  
C. Bill.      
C. Because he worked until almost
    midnight yesterday.
C. He is on Cindy"s left.  
1. Where did the story happen?
A. In front of the building.
B. Near the speaker"s house.
C. Inside the local restaurant.
2. Why did the speaker and his wife eat something at a restaurant?
A. Because they had enough time.
B. Because they saw a homeless man.
C. Because they were too hungry to go on driving home.
3. When did the speaker notice the homeless man?
A. Before breakfast.
B. During breakfast.
C. After breakfast.
4. Why did the homeless man stand in front of the restaurant in the speaker"s opinion?
A. Because he wanted to keep warm.
B. Because he wanted to drink something warm.
C. Because he wanted to ask for something for his dog.
5. Which of the following impressed the speaker most?
A. The homeless man had no money to buy food for himself.
B. The homeless man bought food for the dog with all his money.
C. The homeless man wore dirty and thin clothes on such a cold day.
(     )1.
                            A                        B                          C
(     )2.
                              A                    B                         C
(     )3.
                             A                         B                    C
(     )4.
                              A                       B                       C
(     )5.
                              A                      B                       C