听对话,回答问题。1. How many hours a day does David work at the moment? [     ]A. 8 hour

听对话,回答问题。1. How many hours a day does David work at the moment? [     ]A. 8 hour

听对话,回答问题。1. How many hours a day does David work at the moment? [     ]
A. 8 hours
B. Less than 10 hours
C. More than 10 hours 2. What is the reason for David"s trouble? [     ]
A. Too much sleep.
B. Too much work.
C. Too much exercise. 3. What is the idea the doctor gave him? [     ]
A. Eat more and work less
B. Eat more healthy food and do more exercise
C. Have a good rest for four weeks
1-3: CBB
听短文,回答问题。1. Bill"s mother asked him to _______. [     ]
A. wash her sock
B. eat something
C. wash his own socks 2. The socks _______. [     ]
A. had just been washed, so they were clean
B. were dirty, so they needed washing
C. were washed by Bill at last 3. Bill thought that the socks ______. [     ]
A. would be dirty again
B. were very clean
C. should be washed the next day. 4. How did mother feel after hearing Bill"s words? [     ]
A. She got angry.
B. She said nothing but got a good idea to give him a lesson.
C. She gave up. 5. Do socks need washing when they are dirty? [     ]
A. Yes, they must be washed by mom.
B. Yes, they do.
C. No, they don"t.
题型:月考题难度:| 查看答案
题型:月考题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. Yes, he was                  
(     )2. A. I agree                       
(     )3. A. It doesn"t matter            
(     )4. A.  For five hours               
(     )5. A. I have failed the English test
B. Yes, he did.                       
B. Thank you                            
B. Never mind                        
B. In five hours                      
B. I"m going to have an English test 
C. He gets up early             
C. That"s right                  
C. SO do I                     
C. At five o"clock               
C. I like the English test     
题型:月考题难度:| 查看答案
题型:月考题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. What color is the backpack?  
(     )2. Who always forgets things?   
(     )3.What language does Lucy study?
(     )4. What"s not in the backpack? 
(     )5.Whose backpack is that?       
A. Green     
A. Linda  
A. English    
A.  a  CD  
A.  Carla"s    
B. Black          
B. Lucy             
B. French        
B. A soccer ball   
B. Jimmy"s     
C. Blue           
C. Carla          
C. Chinese        
C. A hair  band                
C.  Lucy"s      
题型:山东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. Thank you.         
(     )2. A. Yes, thanks.       
(     )3. A. He never wastes time.
(     )4. A.
(     )5. A.
B. Sure, I"d love to.             
B. Two dollars in all.             
B. He didn"t prepare for the test.
C. That"s all right.                  
C. Three stamps, please.               
C. He gets on well with his friends.