书面表达(共1题,计15分)新海浪乐队是一支受欢迎的乐队。以下是有关这支乐队的一些信息,请根据所给的信息写一篇报道,不少于80词。Name of Band: N

书面表达(共1题,计15分)新海浪乐队是一支受欢迎的乐队。以下是有关这支乐队的一些信息,请根据所给的信息写一篇报道,不少于80词。Name of Band: N

Name of Band: New Ocean Waves
It was founded in October of 2004
The things they have done:
1. had three major concerts
2. made a hit CD
3. won the best new group of the year
The things they are going to do:
1. to appear on CCTV
2. to go on a world tour next month
3. to have a number one hit some day

Do you know the New Ocean Waves? It’s one of the best bands. It was founded in October, 2004.
In the past years the band has made great progress. It not only had three major concerts, but also made a hit CD. Best of all, it won the Best New Group of the year.
They have new plans this year. They are going to appear on CCTV. They plan to go on a world tour next month, so don’t miss them if you have a chance to go to their concerts. They believe that they will have a Number One hit some day. The band is on its way.
Let’s say good luck to them and wish them success.

假设你叫李华, 你的英国笔友Linda 将作为交换生(exchange student)来中国学习,她报名参加了汉语培训学习汉语。请根据下列提示和你学习英语的体会给Linda写一封回信。

注意:(1) 回信需要包括全部要点;(2) 开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总数;(3)字数在60以上。
Dear Linda,
I’m very glad that you’ll come to China as an exchange student. I know it isn’t easy to learn Chinese, but I have some ideas that may help.
Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China.
Li Hua
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
假设你是Li Ming, 你的新邻居的某些行为让你觉得很烦恼,你不得不写信委婉地告诉他们:
1. 不要把电视机的声音开得太大;
2. 不要让孩子在家里踢足球;
3. 晚上不要长时间大声地说话。
4.最好不要把自行车放在门口(put………in the doorway )
5.不要乱丢垃圾(throw…………..around )
7.照顾好你家的宠物狗,不要让它到处跑(run,,,,,,,,around )
要求: 1. 语言规范,格式正确;
2. 运用委婉请求句型;
3. 词数:60~80;
4. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brown,
Welcome to our neighborhood. Would you mind not.                                         .
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
请以“Good Habits”为题写一篇英语小短文,谈谈生活中你有哪些好习惯,你具体是怎样做的,这些好习惯对你的学习有什么样的帮助?(80词左右)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Dear  Kathy,
I have some problems and I need your help.
I was good at English in the past, but now I am in Grade 3 and I find English is getting more and more difficult. Now I am facing a big test. How should I study for the English test?
Another problem is that now I am not allowed to watch TV. My mother said It was a waste of time, but I don’t think so. I think It’s a good way to have a rest. How can I solve this problem?
The last one is that I used to be thin, but now I am getting fatter and fatter. I am afraid to see my old friends, and I am very sad.
I know you always come up with good ideas. Could you help me deal with these problems?
Dear Mary,
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
假如你是Henry, 请结合你自己的梦想,选择一份工作。写一篇求职信来介绍自己。
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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