写作。Write about a person you admire.     ________________________________________

写作。Write about a person you admire.     ________________________________________

写作。Write about a person you admire.
Madame Curie
  I like Madame Curie best. Madame Curie was a world famous woman
scientist. She was born in Poland in 1867 and died in 1934.
  When she was a child, she loved to study and hoped to become a scientist.
She finished middle school at the age of 16. At the age of 24, she left for Paris
and entered Paris University. She lived a simple life and studied very hard.
  Madame Curie devoted all her life to the study of science. She won the
Nobel Prize for physics in 1903 and for chemistry in 1911.
  It is not easy for a woman to succeed in her work. It is even more difficult
for a woman to win the Nobel Prize twice in life. So Madame Curie will always
be remembered as a great woman. As a girl, too. I learn a lot from her.
话题作文         假如你的朋友Mike想参观你的房间,根据所给的信息,用4-6句话介绍一下你房间的摆设。要求:1、必须回答以下问题。 2、意思表达清楚,内容合理。
        1. Where are your books? (in the bookcase)
        2. Where is your soccer ball ? ( behind the door)
        3. What do you think of (认为) your room? (nice)                                                                                                                                                             
题型:广东省月考题难度:| 查看答案
话题作文        假如今天是你父亲的生日,你准备了一份生日礼物送给他.请根据所给信息,用3-5句话描述这件事。
提示: 1. What is the date today? (August 12th)
           2. What do you buy for your father? (A T-shirt)
          3. How does your father feel? (Very happy)
题型:广东省月考题难度:| 查看答案
要求:1. 必须回答以下问题。 
            2. 意思表达清楚,内容合理。
提示:1.Who is your favorite teacher? (Miss Li)    
            2.Where does she come from ? (Zhanjiang)    
            3.Why do you like her ? (a good teacher, kind to you)My favorite teacher
题型:广东省月考题难度:| 查看答案
根据提供的信息内容,完成下面小短文。        学校举办了丰富的俱乐部活动以充实学生的课余生活,请你写一则布告来介绍俱乐部活动。
                                           1     play sports!
     Do you 2 tennis? Do you play  3  ?We have        4        :tennis,baseball,basketball  and     5   .
题型:浙江省期中题难度:| 查看答案
写作。  假期同学们有很多空闲时间,在这个时间里我们一定有很多计划,比如去旅游,去看望亲人等,用英语写出你的小计划。
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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