根据汉语意思完成句子,一空一词。1. 说实话,我对汤姆的学业有几分担心。     ______ ______ ______, I am ______ of wo

根据汉语意思完成句子,一空一词。1. 说实话,我对汤姆的学业有几分担心。     ______ ______ ______, I am ______ of wo

根据汉语意思完成句子,一空一词。1. 说实话,我对汤姆的学业有几分担心。
    ______ ______ ______, I am ______ of worried about Tom"s schoolwork.
2. 如果不是水尽粮绝,我们将不会停止宿营。
    We won"t stop camping ______ we ______ ______ ______ food and water.
3. 你应当把钥匙藏在除了我俩谁也找不到的地方。
    You should ______ the keys ______ ______ ______ us two.
4. 工人们靠自己的力量最终生产出了这种主要针对国外市场的新型玩具。
    The workers ______ ______ themselves and finally produced the new type 
    of toys which mainly ______ ______ the foreign markets.
5. 即使有许多人不同意,他也会坚持自己的想法。 
    ______ ______ many people don"t agree with him, he will still ______ ______ 
    to his own idea.
1. To be honest, kind
2. unless/until, run out of
3. hide, from, anyone/anybody/ everyone/everybody, except
4. depended on, aimed at
5. Even though, hold on
完成句子, 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 1. 所有参展的东西我都感兴趣。
  I _________ _________ in all the things _________.  
2. 飞机半个小时后就要起飞了,咱们做好准备吧。  
    The plane _________ _________ _________ in half an hour. Let"s get ready.   
3. 必须采取措施防止此类事故在该市发生。  
    Something must be done _________ _________ this kind of accident _________ _________ in this city.   
4. 你认为你最原愿学哪一门学科?  
    Which of the subjects do you think you would _________ _________ _________ _________?   
5. 丢失的部件在船拖出水后找到。  
    The lost parts _________ __________ after the ship was __________ __________ of the water.
题型:山东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语。1. Listening to __________________ will make you relaxed, and singing along will make you happy.
2. Spring is walking to us quietly. We can see __________________, white clouds, green grass and beautiful
    flowers here and there. (蓝天)
3. Our life is __________________ changes, but there are also a lot of challenges. (充满)
4. A lot of people like eating French Fries. __________________, it"s bad for our health. ( 实际上)
 5. Parents often tell their children to __________________ computer games. ( 远离 )
题型:澳门特别行政区中考真题难度:| 查看答案
根据中文意思完成句子。 1. 为什么不一起去游泳呢?
    _______________ go swimming together?
2. 她擅长跳舞。
    She _______________ dancing.
3. 我能跑得和你一样快。
    I can run _______________ you.
4. 天要下雨了,你去上学时最好带上雨衣。
    It"s going to rain. _______________ a raincoat with you when you go to school.
5. 我想我们应该阻止人们在公共场所吸烟。
    I think we should _______________ in public places.
题型:北京期中题难度:| 查看答案
根据中文意思完成句子。 1. 很抱歉今天不能陪你去购物,明天怎么样?
    I"m sorry I can"t go shopping with you today. ________________________ tomorrow?
2. 多吃水果和蔬菜对身体有好处。
    ________________________ our health to eat more fruit and vegetables.
3. 北京的援建工人一到什邡就开始了工作。
    The workers from Beijing started working ________________________ they arrived in Shifang.
4. 刘强不仅对家长有礼貌,对他的邻居们也很有礼貌。
    Liu Qiang is polite ________________________.
5. 我确信什么也无法阻止李雷成为一名作家。
    I"m sure ________________________ a writer.
题型:北京中考真题难度:| 查看答案
根据中文意思完成句子。 1. 七点钟了,该上学了。
     It"s seven o"clock. ____________.
2. 北京以长城闻名。每年都有许多外国人来参观长城。
     Beijing ____________ the Great Wall. Thousands of foreign friends visit it every year.
3. 你昨晚没有去参加聚会。你怎么了?
    You didn"t go to the party yesterday evening. ____________?
4. 我很高兴自从来这以后我交了许多朋友。
   I ____________ since I came here.
5. 我有两个学习英语的方法。一个是大声朗读英语,另一个是坚持收看英语电视节目。
    I have two ways of learning English. ____________.
题型:北京期中题难度:| 查看答案


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