阅读下面有关“touch词组”的短文,了解这些词组的不同含义,然后从方框中选出合适的词组,将其字母序号填入71~75的空格中,使句子意思正确。小题1:—I di

阅读下面有关“touch词组”的短文,了解这些词组的不同含义,然后从方框中选出合适的词组,将其字母序号填入71~75的空格中,使句子意思正确。小题1:—I di


小题1:—I didn’t get the job. —Oh,________!
小题2: I often ________ with my friends by chatting on QQ.
小题3: If someone has “________”,he is very good at making money.
小题4: Last night the football team needed just one more ________ to win the game.
小题5:The mobile phone doesn’t work,because something is wrong with the ________.


小题1:从第二个短语的解释,是表示同情的时候用的短语,和第一题的I didn’t get the job.一致:选B
小题1:从keep in touch的解释,可知是:保持联系,和第二题的by chatting on QQ.一致。选A
小题1:从the media touch的解释,可知是擅长挣钱,和第三题的he is very good at making money.一致,选 E
小题1:从touchdown的解释可知是足球里面的“触地得分”和第四题的needed just one more 一致,选D
小题1:从touchscreen可知是触屏,和第五题的The mobile phone doesn’t work对应,选C

A group of fifteen-year-olds at Sunshine School are holding a charity sale to raise money to help their classmate Lisa. Lisa had cerebral palsy(大脑性瘫痪)when she was a baby. Although Lisa has to use a wheelchair to help her get around, she never gives up. And she is always ready to help others. 、
Lisa has the chance of standing up, but she needs an operation(手术)which will cost lots of money." Lisa’s doctor said.
"I never thought that I could stand up one day. Actually the news is surprising for me. However, when I see my parents are worried about the cost of the operation, I am sad. I am used to my life. I don’t mind even if I can’t stand up," Lisa said, "Now ray classmates and some other kind people are helping me. I am really thankful. If I stood up one day, I would try my best to help more people."
"While helping Lisa, we can also learn a lot. We have learned how to cook cookies and how to sell them," Betty, one of Lisa’s classmates said. "Now we know making money is not easy, so we won’t waste money anymore."
Alex, a boy in Lisa’s class, told a reporter that they could raise about $100 every day. "We have raised about $2,100 so far. We hope we will raise more money for Lisa’s operation," said he.
Lisa is a fifteen-year-old girl with cerebra palsy. She can’t stand up and has to get around in a wheelchair. If she is小题1:an operation, she may be able to stand up. Bui her 小题2:have trouble affording the operation. Some kind people give her a hand and Lisa’s 小题3:   decided to raise money
to help her by selling home-made cookies. After about three 小题4:  they have raised about $2,100 for Lisa’s operation. Lisa is very thankful. And she is very lucky because so many people are helping 小题5:.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
In Beijing, it is not unusual to see a foreigner. However, in small小题1: (城镇), we can be seen as a "panda", something you have heard about but 小题2:(几乎不) or never seen in person.
My wife is Chinese and the first time 1 met her parents we went to their home in a 小题3: (西部的) province. We arrived in the afternoon and went inside to eat and 小题4: (闲聊). After 1 had a short rest. I was told that there was a小题5: (群) of people on the street waiting for a chance to see the "panda". Then I decided I should show 小题6: (我自己) so that everyone could go back to their 小题7:(日常的) lives. After I had gone back inside that evening, we 小题8: (注意到) that some other people were out on the street. They would have to wait 小题9: (直到|) the next day to see the "panda". The kids next to the home were surprised when they saw me 小题10:(步行) down the road. They were shouting "Foreigner! Foreigner!" as they along with me.
Please remember that there is a place in this world where every one of us would be a "panda".
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Things You Can Do to Help the Environment
Cars are getting bigger. Bigger cars burn more gas and increase problems with air pollution. So try to walk, ride, or take buses or subways. And if you drive a car, keep it in a good state. This can save gas and make less pollution.
The biggest use of home energy is for heating and cooling. So turn up your air conditioned and ,um down the heat, especially at night. Use energy-saving lights. And remember to turn lights off. 
Each American throws away 10 kilograms of litter everyday. Try to make less waste. Ask yourself before you buy something: Do I need it? Buy products that you can use over and over again.
Showers use a lot of water. In one week, a common American family uses as much water as a person drinks in three years! Take shorter showers or buy a special small showerhead. This can cut water use in half.
小题1:Linda always takes long showers in the morning.
小题2: Jeff leaves the lights on at home all the time.
小题3:Nick buys a newspaper every day, but never reads it.
小题4:Gina drives to work, but her office is near her home.
小题5:This passage is most probably taken from _______________
A. a magazine   B. a news report   C. a diary
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

小题1:He is stone deaf.
小题2:Watch out! There’s a car coming!
小题3:The policeman followed the thief into s supermarket.
小题4:I moved here when I was five.
小题5:It seems that they are on the playground.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Richard: I’m crazy about basketball. I play basketball for 2 hours every day. My father doesn’t allow me to do so. <X>_<)o I don’t even want to talk to him.
Sunny: Playing basketball takes you too much time.
Fiona**: You should spend more time on your study,
Angel: I feel sorry for you and your dad. Don’t argue with him. Anyway he loves you.
SuiirjjfN’ Cool of and talk to him
AK 007: How about sending him a text message?
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