根据对话内容,补出空格内所缺的内容,使对话完整、通顺。A: Hello, Fangfang. We are looking for you everywhere

根据对话内容,补出空格内所缺的内容,使对话完整、通顺。A: Hello, Fangfang. We are looking for you everywhere

A: Hello, Fangfang. We are looking for you everywhere. _____小题1:_____.
B: I went to the school library. What’s up?
A: We’re going to help the children in hospital. Will you join us?
B: Of course. _________小题2:________?
A: This Saturday morning. We’ll stay there for the whole day.
B: That’s great. See you then.
(At the Children Hospital)
B: Hello, I’m Fangfang. Can I have your name, please?
C: I’m Li Hua.
B: Hello, Li Hua.___________ 小题3:________?
C: I’ve got a high fever. I have stayed here for five days.
B: How are you feeling now?
C: _________小题4:________. I hope I can go back to school soon.
B: Don’t worry. I will help you with your lessons.
C: ___________小题5:__________.
B: It’s a pleasure. Now, let me read you a story.

小题1:Where have you been?/Where did you go?/Where were you just now?
小题2:When shall we leave/go there?/When?
小题3:What’s wrong/the matter with you?/What’s your problem?
小题4:Much better
小题5:Thank you so much/Thanks/It’s very kind of you

小题1:根据答语I went to the school library.可推知此处是在问你去哪里啦,所以填写:Where have you been?/Where did you go?/Where were you just now?
小题2:根据答语This Saturday morning. We’ll stay there for the whole day. 可推知此处是在问何时去哪里,所以填写:When shall we leave/go there?/When?
小题3:根据答语I’ve got a high fever. 可推知此处是在问你怎么啦,所以填写:What’s wrong/the matter with you?/What’s your problem?
小题4:根据问句How are you feeling now?和下句I hope I can go back to school soon. 可推知此处该回答: Much better
小题5:根据答语It’s a pleasure. 可推知此处是在表示感谢,所以填写:Thank you so much/Thanks/It’s very kind of you
Which sign can you probably see in the library?

A.             B.           C.           D.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Sandy: Could I invite my friends to a party on Saturday, Mom?
Mom:        That sounds like fun.
Sandy: Yeah. Ummm…could I borrow some money?
Sandy: I need to buy some drinks and snacks. Could I go to the store?
Mom: Well, I’m going tomorrow, and I can buy some drinks and snacks for you.
Sandy: Oh, good. Thanks, Mom.
Mom:      Oh, could you clean your room?
Mom: You need to clean it again for your party
Sandy: OK. At the party, could I use your CD player?
Mom: Yes, if you’re careful with it.
Sandy: Don’t worry, Mom!
Mom: Now, there are a few other things I want you to do before the party. Could you move the good chairs to the bedroom and clean the living room?
Sandy:       Dave is coming early on Saturday, so he can help me.
A.Of course.B.Sorry, you can’t
C.Oh, noD.Not at all
A.Do you need it?B.When do you need it?
C.What for?D.How do you need it?
A.It doesn’t matter. B.No problem.
C.Excuse me D.You’re welcome.
A.No, I don’t want to do thatB.I cleaned it last week.
C.Yes, I’d love itD.Of course not
A.Sure.B.Sorry, I can’t
C.Yes, I do. D.Not at all.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
— I would like to go to Hangzhou for my summer vacation .
A. Well done.      B. Have a good trip.   C. Take it easy.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
You must stop and wait for your turn when you see the sign______.
A.               B.               C.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
–I lost the watch that my uncle gave me as the birthday gift. 
–Oh, _________.
A.that’s rightB.reallyC.no worryD.sorry to hear that.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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