根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A.You can start by turning off the ligh

根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A.You can start by turning off the ligh

A.You can start by turning off the lights .
B.We get a lot of paper at home .
C.You’ d better clean your room every day .
D.Turn off the shower .
E.Can I help you ?
F.Don’ t use plastic bags .
G.Don’ t take a bus if you don’ t have to .
A:Hi , Janet . Would you like to help save the environment ?
B:Yes . But what can I do ?
A:Well . 小题1: 
B:Yes , that’ s easy . Sometimes I turn on the lights without thinking . What’ s next ?
A:Second , you can ride a bicycle . 小题2:
B:That will save money , too . What else ?
A:Third , try to recycle paper .
B:Mm . Newspapers , magazines , mails.小题3: Good idea .
A:The fourth idea is turning off the shower when you’ re not using it .
B:You mean when I have shampoo in my hair ?
A:Yes . Get wet . 小题4: Put the shampoo in your hair and then turn on the shower and wash it out .
B:Will that help the environment ?
A:Yes , we have to save water . And fifth , take a bag when you go shopping . 小题5:
B:OK . My parents do most of the shopping . I’ ll tell them .


小题1:根据下文Sometimes I turn on the lights without thinking的描述可知,保护环境的第一步是从电灯开始,注意关灯。故应选A,You can start by turning off the lights 。
小题2:联系上下文,骑单车可以省钱,可知如果不是必须,不要坐公共汽车,这样也可以保护环境。故应选G,Don’ t take a bus if you don’ t have to。
小题3:联系上文,保护环境的第三个做法是循环用纸,家里面可以找到很多象报纸、杂志、邮件之类的纸张。故应选B,We get a lot of paper at home 。
小题4:联系下文Put the shampoo in your hair and then turn on the shower and wash it out的描述可知,洗头的过程应是把头洗湿,关水,涂抹洗发露,再开水冲洗。故应选D,Turn off the shower。
小题5:联系上文 take a bag when you go shopping 的描述可知,购物时带个袋子,不用塑料袋,以保护环境。故应选F,Don’ t use plastic bags 。
-- Let’s see the pandas first.
-- __________.
A.Why do you ask me?B.That sounds great. Let’s go.
C.What animals do you like?D.No, I don’t.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
--- Would you mind my opening the window?
A.I wouldB.I’m afraid it’s too windy
C.Yes, please go ahead.D.Sure. I’m going to close it soon.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
—Which one of these T—shirts do you want?  —______,Either will be OK.
A.No problemB.I’m sureC.ThanksD.I don’t mind

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
—Excuse me, is this seat taken here?
—_________.The girl here will be back in a minute.
A.I’m afraid notB.I’m afraid soC.I hope soD.I hope not

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A: Good morning, madam . What can I do for you?
B: 小题1: But it doesn"t work. Can I return it for a refund(退款)?
A: Let me have a look at the radio. Oh, there is really something wrong with it. 小题2:
B: That"s a good idea. 小题3:
A: How about this one? It"s made in Japan, but it"s five dollars more expensive than that one.
B: I see. 小题4:
A: One year. 
B: 小题5:
A: Sure.
B: Well, it"s very nice, and I"ll take it. Here is the money.
A.I’d like to buy a radio.
B.Could I try it out?
C.How long is the warranty period(保修期) of the radio?
D.May I change them?
E. I bought this radio here yesterday morning.
F. Please show me some others.
G. But I think you’d better change it for another one .
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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