—Could I sit here?—________. It’s Mr. Li’s seat.A.Yes, you could.B.Yes, sure.C.O

—Could I sit here?—________. It’s Mr. Li’s seat.A.Yes, you could.B.Yes, sure.C.O

—Could I sit here?
—________. It’s Mr. Li’s seat.
A.Yes, you could.B.Yes, sure.
C.Of course not.D.Sorry, you can’t.


试题分析:A. Yes, you could.是的,你能     B. Yes, sure.是的,当然 C. Of course not.  当然不行    D. Sorry, you can’t. 不好意思,你不能;句意:我能坐在这里吗?不好意思,你不能,这是李先生的座位。故选D
-Would you mind my opening the window?
A.No, not at allB.Sorry, I’ll do it right away
C.Yes, pleaseD.I’ll be glad to

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A: Tomorrow is Sunday. What do you plan to do?
B :小题1:_____________ Maybe I will surf the Internet at home.
A: It"s boring to stay at home all the time小题2:_____________
B: That sounds like a good idea小题3:_____________
A: Let"s go to visit a village not far from here.
A:  Many wonderful things.  We may watch wild flowers, play with the farmers" animals and even
taste all kinds of delicious food in the countryside. 小题5:_____________
B: Great! I can"t wait to go there. How shall we go?
A: What about riding our bikes? 100
B : OK ! See you tomorrow.
A : See you.
A. What can we do there?
B. But where shall we go?
C. I haven"t decided yet.
D. It"s good for our health.
E. When and where will we meet?
F. The farmers are sure to welcome us.
G. Why not do some outdoor activities?

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
---Hello! ______ Wu Dong. ______ Li Ming?          --- Speaking.
A.This is; Is thatB.That is; Is this
C.I’m; Are youD.That is; Are you

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
--- Thank you for your help.                       --- ______.
A.No, thanks.B.You’re welcome.C.Don’t say it.D.All right.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
---Would you like some more rice?           ---______. I’m full.
A.No, thanksB.Yes, thank youC.I’d love toD.Yes, please

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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