—Can I get you a cup of black coffee?—______. A.It’s nice of youB.With pleasureC

—Can I get you a cup of black coffee?—______. A.It’s nice of youB.With pleasureC

—Can I get you a cup of black coffee?
A.It’s nice of youB.With pleasure
C.You can, pleaseD.Thank you for the coffee

别人做了对你有礼貌、有益的事,或者对你赞美,给予你帮助的时候,常用It’s nice of you.来表达感激之意。Can I get you a cup of black coffee?我可以给你一杯黑咖啡吗?说明你应该感谢他。故选A.
--.Miss Brown has a bad cold. She can’t come to school today.
-- ________.
A.Sorry to hear that.B.That’s not a good idea.
C.Is that so?D.I don’t think so.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
–- Can you discuss the science report with me this afternoon?
--      . I will be free after 2:30 in the afternoon.
A.Sorry, I can’tB.No, you can’t
C.Sure, I’d love toD.Of course not

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
---Why not come and join us in the game, Linda?
--- ______, but I have something to discuss with Mr. Smith at his office now.
A.Let’s goB.I’d like toC.Yes, pleaseD.It’s a pleasure

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

A: Hi, Joe,    1   
B: Nothing much. Why?
A: I’d like to go swimming.    2   
B: OK. I am thinking about it, too. My body is dirty. By the way,   3   
A: I was watching TV at home.   4   
B: I was in a shopping center with my parents. We enjoyed ourselves there.
A: That sounds amazing.   5   next weekend instead of watching TV.
B: That’s a deal. I’ll call you then.
A: That’s all right.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

A:     41  , where is the nearest police station, please?
B: I’m sorry , I don’t know.     42   .
A:      43  .  Excuse me, where is the police station, please?
C: It’s over there.      44     
A: Thank you very much.
C:     45    .
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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