补全对话(共10小题;A项第66-70题,每小题1分,B项第71-75题,每小题2分,满分15分)A) 阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的选项完成此

补全对话(共10小题;A项第66-70题,每小题1分,B项第71-75题,每小题2分,满分15分)A) 阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的选项完成此

A) 阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的选项完成此对话,将选项填入空格内,使其意思完整。

(K="Kitty;" D=Daniel)
K: Did you know that小题1:__________________?
D: Oh, really?
K: Yes, it’s true. What is your favourite colour?
D: Red.
K: 小题2: _____________and it’s also the colour of heat.
D: 小题3:________?And do you know what it represents?
K: I prefer green. 小题4:_____________.
D: 小题5:___________. Can you tell me more about colours?
K: Sure. I will show you the article I found on the Internet.
(P="Peter," W="Wang" Tao,)
W: 小题6:_________________________________________________if I want to join a charity walk?
P: First, you need to pay attention to the weather. Will it be cold or rainy?
W: 小题8:___________________________________________________________?
P: You must carry enough water because you need to drink a lot of water during the walk.
W: 小题9:___________________________________________________________?
P: It’s wise to take a map and a mobile phone.They’ll be useful, especially小题10:_________________.

小题1:E    小题1:C    小题1:A    小题1:D   小题1:G
小题1:What do you need to pay attention to
小题1:Bring an umbrella if necessary
小题1:What else do I need to do?
小题1:What else do I need to take?
小题1:if you get lost.

小题1:根据“What is your favourite colour?”可知,谈论的是颜色。E“颜色能影响我们的心情。”故选E。
小题1:与上句衔接最紧密的是“Red represents power.”故选C。
小题1:根据答语“I prefer green.”可知,上句问的是你最喜欢什么颜色?故选A。
小题1:根据“Can you tell me more about colours?”可知,丹尼尔觉得颜色很有趣,想知道更多。故选G。
小题1:根据答语“首先,你要注意天气是寒冷还是阴雨。”可知,Wang Tao问的是参加charity walk时应该注意什么。故填What do you need to pay attention to。
小题1:上文提到了天气变化,故如果需要,可以带把雨伞。故可以填Bring an umbrella if necessary。
小题1:根据答语“你一定要带足够的水”可知,问的是还需要带什么东西。故填What else do I need to do?。
小题1:根据答语“带一张地图和手机是明智的”可知,问的是还需要带什么吗?故填What else do I need to take?。
小题1:especially“特别,尤其”;特别是迷路的时候。故填if you get lost.。
— Can you play tennis with me?                   
—______. I have to study for a math test.
A.That sounds good B.I’m sorry, I can’tC.I’d love to D.Thank you

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

A: You don’t look well today.   小题1:_
B: I’m not feeling well. I have a headache.
A: I am sorry to hear that.  小题2:
B: About two days ago. And maybe I have a fever now.
A: That’s too bad.  小题3:
B: Yes, I think so. I’ll go right now.
A: I hope   小题4:_
B:    小题5:   Goodbye!
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
─ Would you like to go camping with us this weekend? ─__________
A.I’m afraid so.B.I’m glad to hear that.C.Yes, I’d love.D.A great idea!

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A:Could you show me around the Confucius Temple tomorrow ?   
A.I’m sorry to hear thatB.That’s all rightC.No, thanksD.All right, no problem

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
— How can you finish the work on time?
— ________.
A.By working with friendsB.By working for friends
C.To ask the teachersD.To read a lot of books

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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