补全对话。2班的学生Mary和1班的学生Jenny都刚旅游回来,她们在谈论自己的旅行。Mary:  1. _____did you go on your tri

补全对话。2班的学生Mary和1班的学生Jenny都刚旅游回来,她们在谈论自己的旅行。Mary:  1. _____did you go on your tri

Mary:  1. _____did you go on your trip?
Jenny: I 2. _____ to the beach, What about you?
Mary: I visited the 3. _____.  What did you do there?
Jenny: I went swimming, fishing and sailing.
Mary: That sounds interesting.
Jennv: What did you see there?
Mary:  I 4. _____ some tigers, fishes, pandas, monkeys and so on.
Jenny: What 5. _____did you do?
Mary: We watched a movie about animals.  We liked it very much.
Jenny: Oh, next time I can show you some photos.  See you.
1. Where  2. went  3. zoo  4.  saw  5.  else
Louisa: 1. ______ this vacation?
  Josie:  I went to visit my grandma in Britain.
Louisa: 2 _____ there?
  Josie: I went hiking in the mountains and visited some interesting places.
Louisa: That"s great.3. _____ ?
  Josie:  I 4. ______some films, went to the beach and swam.
Louisa: Did you buy this hat there?
  Josie: Yes, I 5. _____it in a famous shop in England.
Louisa: How lucky you are ?  I have to go now.  Bye!
  Josie: Bye!
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
在空白处填入适当的句子补全对话。A: Hi, I am Sun Hao. I"m a journalist from TV station. I want to know something about you school life.
Could you ___1___ about it?
B: Yes, I"d love to.
A: Well, ___2___
B: About two thousand students in our school.
A: And are you always busy with your lessons?
B: ___3___ We have much homework to do every day. We have to work hard.
A: What about your free time?
B: We can take part in different kinds of activities. ___4___ in our school. And these hobby groups are
open to us on Friday afternoon.
A: I think your school life is wonderful, isn’ t it?
B: I think 80.
A: It’s nice talking to you. ___5___
B: You’re welcome.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
A: Peter, I saw you sleeping just now. __1__
B: Yes. I stayed up playing the computer game, Happy Farm. Have you heard about it?
A: Yes. __2__
B: So am I.  Playing it is just like planting a real garden on the Internet. Do you play it?
A: __3__
B: Why?
A: It"s a waste of time! As a student, we should spend more time studying instead of playing computer
B: __4__
A: If that"s the case, you should play it just in your spare time.  Don"t let it affect your studies.
B: You are right. __5__ 
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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A. A lot of people are crazy about it.
B. I don"t think you are right.
C. Thanks for your advice.
D. Did you go to sleep very late last night?
E. No, I don"t.
F. What about you?
G. I agree with you, but I really love it.
A: Morning!  1_
B: We"d like to make a trip for 2010 EXPO in Shanghai.
A: We have many different kinds of visiting groups.  2  
B: I"m not sure what kinds of groups you can have.
A: We have family groups, old people groups, student groups. The family groups and the old people
groups can start at any week. The student groups will only start during their summer holiday.
B: We"d like to choose a family group.
A: It"s really worth visiting. Which hotel do you want to live in?
B:   3  Which hotel do you think is comfortable?
A: The Holiday Hotel is very good. What"s more important, there are different kinds of houses for you to
B: We don"t want to live in an expensive hotel. That"s what we"ll do.
A:   4_
B: OK.  I"ll ask my wife to fill in the form.  By the way, is it all right if we pay by credit card?
A: Yes, it"s quite all right.   5_
B: Thank you.
W: Oh, hi, Mike. You look tired.____1____
M: I"ve just got back from Florida.
W: Oh, was it fun?
M: Yes, I spent every morning sleeping lazily on the beach.
W: You lucky thing. I went on an activity holiday in England. The map staff had a bell to wake us every
      morning.  It rang very loudly.
M:     2____
W: It was. Let"s talk about Florida instead.___3____
M: I went to Sea World.    4_____
W: Don"t they treat the animals cruelly?
M: Well, there was a show with whales and dolphins. But I think they enjoy performing. The dolphins
      jump so high and the whales make a huge splash. Also, Sea World saves many animals    5____