补全对话有(两项多余选项)。Jim and Kitty are walking to the Center Park when they see a young

补全对话有(两项多余选项)。Jim and Kitty are walking to the Center Park when they see a young

补全对话有(两项多余选项)。Jim and Kitty are walking to the Center Park when they see a young man lying in the street.
Jim : Kitty, look, there"s a young man lying in the street.
Kitty:      1       And he couldn"t stand Lip.
Jim: Let"s go and have a look.
Jim: He isn"t injured. He seems to be asleep.
Kitty:      2  _   He might be ill.
Jim : Let me feel him.
Kitty:      3      
Jim: He"s having a high fever and his face is as white as a sheet. _   4      
Kitty : Let"s call 120.      5      
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
A. He must be seriously ill.  
B. No, he can"t be asleep.              
C. He"s hurt in a traffic accident.      
D. Is he OK?
E. It"s sure that he needs medical help.
F. He might be injured.                
G. He might be sleeping
1-5   FBDAE
A: Excuse me.     1    ?
B: Sorry, I"m new here. You can ask my friend. He may know.
C: The Children"s Hospital? Er …It"s a little far from here.
A:     2    ?
C: It"s about 5 kilometres away.
A:     3    ?
C: Yes, the No. 15 bus will take you there.
A: Where is the bus stop?
C:     4   and take the first turning on the right. You can see it on your left. You can"t miss it.
A:    5    .
C: You are welcome.
Tom: Hi! Lucy! I haven"t heard from you for a long time!    1  
Lucy: I started a new job as a computer sales woman six months ago. Last month I
went to Japan. 
Tom: Wow! Japan!    3   Tell me all about it.
I.ucy: I stayed there three weeks in a big hotel.
Tom:Oh, it must cost lots of money.
Lucy: Yes, but the company always pays for everything.
Tom:    4  
I.ucy: Well actually, Tom, that is the reason why I am calling you now. I need an
    Would you like to be my assistant?
Tom: Great 1    5  
Lucy: Tomorrow, if possible.
A. it was great.
B. When shall I start?
C. where have you been?
D. How long have you been there?
E. I"d love to have a job like yours.
F. Don"t worry.
G. I don"t like to go to Japan.
1.           2.           3.       4.           5.           
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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A. You helped me rebuild my self-confidence

B. Don"t mention it

C. That"s great

D. Oh, it"s my pleasure.

E. Good idea


Mary:  Hello. Could I speak to Rose please?
Rose: Speaking. Oh, it"s Mary.
Mary: Yes. Rose, I made a birthday    1     for you.
Rose:  You made it!  What is it?
Mary: I"m not telling you     2     I bring it to your birthday party next week.
Rose: Let me guess. What color is it?
Mary: Um...it"s green and blue.
Rose: So what    3   is it?
Mary: Rectangular(长方形),I suppose.
Rose: Hmm. And, how big is it?
Mary: Oh, about 40 centimetres wide and 2 metres long.
Rose: Really? How heavy is it?
Mary: I"m not sure. Less    4   a kilo?
Rose: And what"s it made of?
Mary: Silk.
Rose: Oh, I see. It"s a scarf(围巾). You"re so    5   , Mary. Thank you very much.
Mary: You"re welcome!
1.                    2.                    3.                  4.                   5.              
A: Is this a photo of your family?
B: Yes, it is. It was    1    ten years ago.
A: Who is the old    2   in front of the house?
B: That"s my grandmother.
A: Then that must be your house?
B: No, that"s my grandmother"s   3   .
A: Then does she live with your uncle or aunt?
B: No, since my grandpa died she has lived     4    .
A: Alone! But she is so old. Who takes care of her?
B: She takes care of   5   , though she is 80 years old.
1. ______    2. ______  3. ______  4. ______    5. ______