用方框中所给句子完成对话。A. He said he"d be back in an hour.B. Could I speak to Mr Jackson,

用方框中所给句子完成对话。A. He said he"d be back in an hour.B. Could I speak to Mr Jackson,

A. He said he"d be back in an hour.
B. Could I speak to Mr Jackson, please?
C. I"ll be at that number until 6:00 pm.
D. Can I take your name and number, please?
E.  I"m sorry, Mr Jackson"s out just now.
1—5: B EADC
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
Don"t agree; much nicer; put on; agree with; what about
Jane:Hello?    1   is that?
David:This is David    2    . Can I speak to Peter?
Jane:Yes.   3   on,please.
David : Thank  you.
Peter : Hello ?  David ?
David:Hi,Peter.Have you     4   your homework?
Peter:No,not yet.
David:Would you like to come to play basketball with us when you are free?
Peter:Great! I"d love to.
David:OK. Please     5   me then. Goodbye.
Peter : Bye.

A:What are you going to do tomorrow?
B:I"ve no idea.   1  ?
A:What about going to the ballgame?
B: Hmm. I really don"t feel like going to the ballgame.   2  ?
A:Well,shall we go to the cinema?
B:   3   . We haven"t been to the cinema for a long time.   4  ?
A:Let"s meet outside your house at ten.
B:It"s too late.   5   ? How about nine?
A:Sure. How shall we get there?
B:Let"s go there by car.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
A. Same to you.
B. To the department store.
C. Happy New Year!
D. That"s very kind of you.
E. Merry Christmas, Mary.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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A. You will have a good time.          
B. And can you make some food for us?
C. Will you help me organize it?
D. There"s a test tomorrow.
E. I"m going to take a bus to the party.
F. Let"s have it today after class.
G. I don"t think we should watch a video.