Complete the conversation. (完成对话。)Marie: Hello! May I speak to Karen? Karen: Hel

Complete the conversation. (完成对话。)Marie: Hello! May I speak to Karen? Karen: Hel

Complete the conversation. (完成对话。)Marie: Hello! May I speak to Karen?
Karen: Hello! This is Karen. How are you, Marie?
Marie: I’m fine. What ______(do)?
Karen: Nothing much. I ______(study)math.     What about you?
Marie: I _______(clean)my room.
Karen: Hey, do you want to ______(go)to the movies?
Marie: That _______(sound)boring.
Karen: I just call Lucy. She ________(swim). Do you like _______(swim)?
Marie: Sure. We can swim in the school’s swimming pool. When do you want to go?
Karen: Let’s _______(go)to the swimming pool now.
Marie: Great!
1.are you doing studying cleaning    4.go   5.sounds swimmimg   7.wimmimg    8.go
确保对话通顺。A: (1)________ fine it is today ! Let"s go to Sunshine Zoo .
B: (2)________! Let"s go.
A: Wow, There are so many  (3)________.
A: What"s your (4)________ animals ?
B: I like pandas best. They are lovely. (5)________   you ?  
A: I like elephants very much.. Do you know elephants (6) _________, so they can walk in
    the mud easily.
B: Oh, that sounds interesting . Look, what animal is that? It"s running fast.  .
A: It is a kangaroo. It cannot jump if (7)________ tail is (8)________.
B: How can you know about that?
A: I have a book about some (9)________  things . If you read it, you will know a lot .
A: Can I borrow it from you?
B: (10)________.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
补全对话 从方框中选择最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
A. She has curly hair.
B. Is your pen pal a girl?
C. Is your pen pal a boy
     or a girl?
D. She"s from America.    
E. No, she isn"t.
F. Only a little.
G. Yes, she is.
补全对话: 根据对话内容, 从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项. 选项中有两项为多余选项.
A: Hello! This is Kate.
B: Hi, Kate! __1__. Where are you now?
A: __2__.
B: Really? How"s it going?
A: __3__. People in Shanghai are friendly.
B: How"s the weather in Shanghai? Is it cold?
A: No, it isn"t. __4__. I like the weather in China.
B: That"s good. __5__. The weather is a little cold.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
A. This is Tim.
B. Pretty good.
C. Terrible.
D. It"s raining in Toronto today.
E. I"m in Shanghai, China.
F. It"s very cold here.
G. It"s sunny and warm these days.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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A. But we are old enough.
B. I think your mother is right.
C. Wow, how kind your father is!
D. What rules do you have at home?
E. Well, sometimes our parents don"t understand us.
F. My father doesn"t allow me to go out on weekends.
G. My parents don"t allow me to make friends with any boys, either.
A: What do people usually do on Chinese New Year, Lingling?
B: Well, most people buy (1)     and give them to others.
A: That"s great. I love getting presents. Can I (2)      the present I receive right at the time?
B: I"m afraid you must wait! In China, you are not (3)     to open the present at once. You must wait and open it (4)      . And you must receive it with both hands.
A: Really? That"s interesting. (5)     in Britain, we can use one hand to receive the present. Thanks for telling me so much.
B: My pleasure.