根据下面的对话内容,从对话前的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其选项标号填入文后的答栏内。选项中有一项为多余选项。 A. That"s true

     根据下面的对话内容,从对话前的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其选项标号填入文后的答栏内。选项中有一项为多余选项。 A. That"s true

题型:四川省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:陕西省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:青海省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
A. That"s true.
B. How did you like it?
C. The concert ended at 10:00pm
D. I went there with him
E. It was called "Saving the Children".
F. The concert was held for collecting money for the Hope Project (希望工程)
1-5        DBEFA
(A: Tom B: Miss Zhang C: Doctor )
A: Excuse me, Miss Zhang. I don"t feel well today.
B: Oh dear. I"m sorry to __________(1) What"s your trouble?
A: I don"t know . I feel sick and I"v got a headache.
B: Let me see if you have a fever.
(Miss Zhang feels Tom"s head)
Yes, your head feels a little hot. Why don"t you __________(2)?
(Miss Zhang takes Tom to the doctor"s)
B: Good morning, doctor.
C: Morning. What"s wrong with you?
B: It"s the boy. He"s got a headache and he feels sick .
C: __________(3) have you been like this?
A: Ever since I got to school this morning.
C: Have you taken any medicine?
A: No, I don"t have a cough. I feel only a little hot. What"s __________(4) with me, doctor?
C: Let me see. Well, just a cold.
A: Is it serious, doctor?
C: No, I think you should lie down and have a good rest. Please have more water.
   Then you will be __________(5)
A: That"s very kind of you. Goodbye!
C: Goodbye!
(W-Wu Dong Li-Li Ming P-Peter)
W: Who" s that young man? 1. _________________
L: Of course, I know. That"s Peter. He"s from Canada.
W: Oh, really? 2. _________________
L: He" s a businessman. Come on. Let me introduce you to him.
    Good afternoon, Peter.
P: Hi, Li Ming. 3. _________________
L: Fine. Peter, I" d like you to meet my friend, Wu Dong.
P: Nice to meet you, Wu Dong.
W: 4. _________________ He told me you" re from Canada.
P: Right.
W: 5. _________________
P: For about one year.
W: Can you speak Chinese?
P: Yes, but only a little.
     Alice打电话给Laura,相约于明天上午九点在St.Peter"s hosptal门口会合一起去看望因病住在该院的
A: Alice  B: Laura"s mother
A. Hello! Could I 1______ to Laura, please?
B: I"m sorry she isn"t in. This is Laura"s mother. Can I 2______ ?
A: You are very kind. This is Alice. I am sorry to tell you that our 3______ is ill.
    She is now in hospital. I"d like Laura to go to visit her with me.
B: Sorry to hear that. I"ll let Laura know it. When and where will you meet?
A: What about 9:00 4______ St. Peter"s Hospital?
B: Ok. I"ll give her the message.
A: All right. 5______!
B: See you later!

W: Excuse me, sir. 1_______
M: Go along this road, and then take the fifth turning on the left. It"s in the eastern part of our city.
W: 2_______
M: It"s about ten kilometers away.
W: 3_______
M: Yes, you need to take a number 8 bus.
W: How long will it take me there by bus?
M: 4_______
W: Where"s the bus stop then?
M: 5_______ Look! A number 8 bus is coming!
W: Thank you very much. Bye!

题型:湖北省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:湖北省中考真题难度:| 查看答案


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A. Oh, I think I need to take a bus.
B. For about half an hour.
C. I"m going to the Country Hotel.
D. Where"s the Country Hotel, please?
E. The bus stop is just over there.
F. How can I get there?
G. How far is it from here?
LIN TAO: Hello, may I speak to David?
DAVID: 1________!
LIN TAO: Hi, David! 2________.
DAVID: Hi, Lin Tao. What can I do for you?
LIN TAO: 3________.
DAVID: Homework?
LIN TAO: Yes. 4________.  Could you tell me what Mr. Li asked us to do?
DAVID: OK. He asked us to do Exercise 2 on page 56.
LIN TAO: OK. Thanks a lot.
DAVID: 5________. Bye!