根据对话内容,选择句子完成对话。A. Can you play the piano?B. but I can play the piano. C. I can

根据对话内容,选择句子完成对话。A. Can you play the piano?B. but I can play the piano. C. I can

A. Can you play the piano?
B. but I can play the piano.
C. I can play the drums.
D. Can you sing?
E. what can you do, Jennifer?
1-5  DECAB
A: Is that your new pen pal, Lucy?
B:    1    
A: Oh, what"s her name?
B: Her name is Maria.
A: Uh-huh.   2   
B: Um, she"s from Canada.
A: Uh-huh.    3    
B: She lives in Toronto.
A: Does she have any brothers and sisters?
B:    4    She has two brothers and two sisters.
A:    5    
B: Yes. She speaks English and Spanish.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案

A. Yes, she does.
B. Where does she live?
C. Yes, she is.
D. Does she speak English?
E. Yes, it is.
F. Where does she come from?
G. Can he speak English?


A: Where are you, Bob?
B:    1     
A: Are you doing your homework?
B:   2     
A: It"s boring.     3     
B:    4     
B: When do you want to go?
A:    5     

题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
A. Let"s go to the movie.
B. I"m in my bedroom.
C. Let"s go at six.
D. That sounds good.
E. No, I"m reading a book.
A: Hi, mom! This is Mary. I need my pencils, English book and ruler.
    Can you bring them to me?
B:    1    Is your ruler in the drawer?
A: Yes, it is.
B:    2     Are they on the bookcase?
A:    3    They are on the table.
B: Where"s your English book?
A:    4   
B: What color is it?
A:    5   
B: I find them.
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:0117 月考题难度:| 查看答案
A: Thank you.
A. No, they aren"t.
B. It"s blue.
C. Yes, I can.
D. Where are your pencils?
E. It"s on the chair.
Tim: Excuse me, Sonia. Is this your backpack?
Sonia: No, it isn"t.My backpack is here. You can ask that girl. I think (认为) it"s hers.
Tim: Ok. Excuse me. Is this your backpack?
Jane: Oh, yes.
Tim: Here you are.
Jane: Thank you very much.
Tim: That"s all right. ( You are welcome.) Oh, what"s your name, please.
Jane: My name is Jane.
Tim: Are you in Class Two?
Jane: No, I"m in Class Eight. And what"s your name?
Tim: Ah, it"s a secret (秘密). Good bye.
Jane: Bye.
1. This conversation (对话) is _____.
[     ]
A. in a car
B. in Tim"s house
C. at school
D. at Jane"s home
2. That backpack is _____.
[     ]
A. That boy"s
B. Tim"s
C. Jane"s
D. Sonia"s
3. Jane is a _____.
[     ]
A. teacher
B. boy
C. Tim"s friend
D. student
4. Jane _____ in Class Two.
[     ]
A. and Tim are
B. and Sonia are
C. is
D. is not
5. Jane _____.
[     ]

A. doesn"t know (认识) Tim"s name
B. is Sonia friend"s
C. knows Tim
D. isn"t in Class Eight

A:    1    Could you tell me where the nearest bus stop is, please?
B:    2    You can ask that cleaner over there.
A:    3    
B: You are welcome.
A: Excuse me.    4   
C: Yes. Walk along this road,and turn left at the first turning.
    It"s about 100 metres long on the left.
A: Thanks a lot.
C:   5    
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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A. Thank you all the same.
B. It"s my pleasure.
C. Is there a bus stop near here?
D. Excuse me.
E. Thank you very much.
F. I"m sorry. I don"t know.
G. It"s very near.