Today I want to introduce a writer Greg Mortenson to you, especially one of his

Today I want to introduce a writer Greg Mortenson to you, especially one of his

Today I want to introduce a writer Greg Mortenson to you, especially one of his works called Three Cups of Tea. It has been one of the best sellers. Why can it be so popular?
Greg Mortenson was born in the state of Minnesota and grew up near Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Mortenson later became a nurse. He loved to climb K2 in Pakistan, the second highest mountain in the world. One day, he failed to reach the top of K2, and he became separated from his climbing group on the way down. He was very tired, sick and lost. He had no food, water or shelter(住所).
Mortenson reached a poor village called Korphe in the Karakoram mountains of Pakistan. The villagers had never seen a foreigner before. They provided food and a place for him. Mortenson became friends with the villagers and he wanted to see their school. But they had no school.
He promised(承诺) to return and build a school for the children of the village. This was not easy. He had to return to the United States, ask people for money, buy materials in Pakistan, send them to the village and build the school. But he finally carried out his promise after more than three years. That first school in Korphe was so successful that he decided to continue building schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan. It turned out to be a great act.
Three cups of Tea is about many interesting people Mortenson met and the problems he faced.
I think he is really wonderful. He should be the pride(骄傲) of his country.
小题1:Three Cups of Tea is ___________.
A.a bookB.a kind of drink
C.a kind of cupD.a programme
小题2:Greg Mortenson grew up ___________ and his birth place was ___________.
A. in Asia; Mount Kilimanjaro             
B. B. in Africa; England
C. in Europe; Tanzania                    
D. in Tanzania; the state of Minnesota
小题3: The underlined words “turned out” mean ___________ in Chinese.
小题4:Rearrange(重新排列) the things happened to Greg Mortenson.
a. He built a school for a poor village called Korphe.
b. He became a nurse.
c. He failed to reach the top of the second highest mountain in the world.
d. One of his works called Three Cups of Tea has been a best seller.
小题5: From the passage, we can know that Greg Mortenson ___________.
A.showed his love only to his own country wonderful and great
C.didn’t like the disabled and the poor
D.was really unhappy



试题分析:本篇短文主要讲述发生在美国作家Greg Mortenson身上的故事,最后他把故事的经历写成了一本书Three Cups of Tea。
小题1:细节理解题。从短文中这句话“Today I want to introduce a writer Greg Mortenson to you, especially one of his works called Three Cups of Tea. ”可知Three Cups of Tea是一本书。故选A。
小题2:细节理解题。从短文中这句话“Greg Mortenson was born in the state of Minnesota and grew up near Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. ”可知选D。
Before I started school, people felt that I was not going to be successful.At the age of four I started speech lessons because I could not speak well enough for anyone to understand me.
The first grade was a struggle (挣扎).I had difficulty speaking, I also couldn’t learn to read.The second grade was not much better.I still struggled with the inability to read.In the third grade a new school was built. It was near my home. I went there with my parents and helped to get the school ready so that we could move to the new one. However, things didn’t get better for the next two years.
It was in the fifth grade.Mrs.Wakefield was my teacher, and she was a good teacher.She did not make me feel unconfident. Instead, she did her best to let me know that I could be whatever I wanted to be.And that is just what I did.
For the past 22 years, I have been a fifth grade teacher.Because of Mrs.Wakefield"s influence on my life, I am now encouraging students who have had difficulties in their lives to believe that they can deal with any difficulty successfully and become someone.I have won many awards(奖项) up to now, such as Teacher of the Year.I think I should thank my fifth grade teacher. She believed in me and helped me to be all that I could be.
小题1:The writer started speech lessons at the age of four because_________.
A.he could not speak wellB.he could not read
C.he wanted to be a good teacherD.he wanted to go to a new school
小题2: The writer ______ when he was in the third grade.
A.did better in readingB.met a good teacher
C.received a high awardD.went to a new school
小题3:We can know that the writer ______.
A.has taught speech lessons
B.thinks teaching is a good job a very successful teacher now in the same school with Mrs. Wakefield

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Jack loved ice cream. He wanted to have ice cream every day.
On his birthday, Jack wanted ice cream, but his parents gave him a pet turtle as a present instead. Jack tried to teach his turtle to play games, but it couldn’t carry a ball in its mouth. It couldn’t jump high or run very quickly. Jack didn’t really like his turtle. He thought it was a boring pet.
One day, he took the turtle out of its box and found it didn’t move. Jack took it to his mum. “Mum,” he said, “My turtle is not moving. I think it is dead.”
“Don’t be sad”, she said, “We’ll put him in a box and bury(埋)him. Then we’ll go to the store and have some ice cream to make you feel better”
Ice cream! Jack began to feel happy. Then his mother saw the turtle move.
“It’s all right!” She said” Your turtle isn’t dead after all!”
“Oh,” said Jack. “It also wants to eat ice cream!”
根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确为“T”,错误为“F” ,并在答题卡上把“T”或“F”涂黑。
小题1:Jack didn’t want to have ice cream every day.
小题2:On Jack’s birthday his grandparents gave him a pet turtle as a present.
小题3:Jack thought the turtle was boring.
小题4:Jack was so happy after he had some ice cream.
小题5:The turtle isn’t dead at all.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
  I was born in Quincy, a town on the east coast of America. There were lots of things to              in Quincy, with many stores, two movie theatres, and football and baseball teams there.        presidents of the USA, John Adams and his       John Quincy Adams, were born in Quincy. You can           their old family houses.
        house was big. There was a big living room      a TV, a kitchen, a bathroom and three bedrooms. On my bedroom walls there were      of my favourite movie stars.
There was a big garden with many trees and there was a pond (池塘)with      in it. It was great to play there.
There were a lot of    , so I had many friends there. Quincy was my last home in the     , and the last time I was there was in 2003. One day I’ll go back.
A.motherB.son C.wife D.sister
A.look C.visit
小题6: C.for D.with
A.childrenB.animals C.flowersD.trees

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Once upon a time, there lived an unhappy young girl. She was unhappy, for her mother died several years ago, and her father married (结婚) another woman. The woman had two daughters. They were her stepsisters (异父/母之姐妹)now. Her new mother didn’t like her. All the nice dresses, shoes, delicious food, kind thoughts and care were for her own daughters.
For the poor unhappy girl, there was nothing at all. No dresses, only her stepsisters’ hand-me-downs(别人用过的旧东西). No lovely dishes and no nice rests. For she had to work hard all day, and only when evening came, she could sit for a while by the fire, near the cinders (煤渣,炉渣). That is how she got her nickname-Cinderella.
小题1: All the good things were for _________.
A.Cinderella herselfB.her father
C.her new motherD.her stepsisters
小题2: What did Cinderella do all day?
A.She worked hard.B.She felt sad.
C.She cooked meals.D.She enjoyed eating.
小题3: Cinderella could have a rest only _________. the the afternoon the eveningD.after lunch
小题4:People called her Cinderella because_________.
A.she lost her mother long ago
B.she did not have nice things
C.she looked very pretty
D.she sat by the cinders sometimes

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A man had a little daughter-an only and much-loved child. He lived for her--she was his___  .But one day, the girl was ill. He     his best to save her, but his daughter died.
The father became a recluse(隐居者), getting himself     from his friends and not___  part in any activity, but one night he had a    .
He saw a lot of little girls. Every girl carried a candle. He found that one girl"s candle was not lit(点燃).Then he saw that the girl     the dark candle was his own little daughter. He ran to her and asked, "How is it, darling,that your candle alone is not     ?""Daddy, they often Light it, but your tears(眼泪) always put it out."
Just then he woke up from his dream. From that moment on, he     being a recluse. He     to his friends and took part in all kinds of activities. His daughter"s candle would      be put out.
A.has done B.doesC.has triedD.tried
小题4: takeB.tookC.takingD.taken
A.went over B.went backC.looked backD.looked up
A.not sooner D.not at all

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