No More Time OutShawn and Thomas had always been good friends. They lived near e

No More Time OutShawn and Thomas had always been good friends. They lived near e

No More Time Out

Shawn and Thomas had always been good friends. They lived near each other, and they both loved __36__.They played baseball, touch football, and kickball. They also liked to play soccer, shoot baskets, and skateboard.When they were in the fourth grade, though, Thomas broke his __37__ in a soccer game. He had to be on crutches for six weeks.
Shawn __38__ Thomas, but what was there to do? Shawn didn’t like television or computer games. Thomas didn’t like to sit and talk. After trying three times to start a conversation, Shawn __39__ up. He said, “I’m out of here.”
For days, Shawn __40__at home, feeling guilty for not visiting Thomas again. Thomas stayed home, too, feeling __41__because Shawn wasn’t visiting him. After a week, Shawn’s mom spoke up. “It’s time for you and Thomas to get back into action! That’s why I spoke to Ms McNulty at the library. She has the perfect volunteer job for you both,” she said.
Shawn said __42__.
His mom continued, “The library sells used books to raise money. People are always __43__off books in bags and boxes. Someone has to carry the books to the storage room. Someone has to sort them into fiction (小说) and nonfiction. You and Thomas can be a team __44__.”“No, we can’t!” said Shawn. “He and I don’t want a job.” However, Shawn’s mom wouldn’t __45__ no for an answer.
Sure enough, __46__the boys began, things changed. Shawn felt strong as he carried bags and boxes through the library. Sorting books in the storage room, Thomas felt useful again. In fact, one day Thomas said, “Between you and me, Shawn, this isn’t so __47__.” Shawn smiled and agreed. They were a good team.
301 words
A.sports B.booksC.movies D.arts
A.arm B.handC.legD.nose
A.phonedB.invited C.visitedD.checked
A.came B.gave C.turnedD.hurried
A.bringingB.dropping C.showingD.knocking
A.becauseB.once C.ifD.although
A.privateB.simple C.badD.special



小题1:B。give up放弃。三次尝试聊天失败后,肖恩放弃了。
小题1:D。feel angry感到生气。托马斯也呆着家,因为肖恩没有来看望他而生气。
小题1:A。肖恩什么也没说(nothing )。

On a cold winter afternoon, Susan was walking home from a supermarket. She was feeling a little   46  , as she was carrying her shopping bags. They were   47  heavy that she decided to have a rest in the park. Then she noticed a poor man   48  in front of her. The man was holding a paper bag. He walked to a rubbish bin(箱) and started looking    49  it.
Susan suddenly felt sad. She knew this man would take all that he could get. So she went up to him and gave him some fruit. The man looked up in  50  and took what she gave him.
A big smile appeared on his face and she felt very happy. Then he said, “Wow! First someone gave me this sandwich, then the orange juice, and now some delicious   51  . This is my daughter’s lucky day. Thank you, girl.” Then he went   52  , singing a song.
Just then, Susan understood   53  the saying “Giving is getting” really meant. Everyone in the world needs help; everyone can offer help and everyone will   54  by showing kindness.
Giving sometimes doesn’t cost much,   55  it means a lot to the people who you help. The man’s happiness at that moment comes into Susan’s mind every time she has the chance to help others.
小题1:A. sad     B. tired    C. frightened
小题2:A. soB. too  C. such
小题3: A. walked     B. was walking  C. to walk
小题4:A. atB. for  C. through
小题5:A. surprise    B. surprised    C. surprising
小题6: A. food   B. drink    C. fruit
小题7:A. out     B. away C. in
小题8: A. what   B. which    C. why
小题9: A. help   B. be helping   C. be helped
小题10:A. orB. but  C. and
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
One day an American called Simon went to London to visit his friend, Rick. Rick told him that his flat was on the first floor. When he arrived, Simon went straight to the first floor of the building. But he was told that there was no Rick on that floor. Do you know why?
In fact, the British call the first floor of a building the ground floor. The floor above the ground floor is the first floor, which Americans would call the second floor.
The story shows that there are a few culture differences between Britain and American, though the British and Americans both speak English.
The British usually hide their feelings. They seldom start a conversation with strangers. For example, on the train the British often spend their time reading newspapers or books. But Americans are quite different. They’re more active and easier to talk with.
The British and Americans may use different terms for many things. The British usually use football ,eraser and mail while Americans prefer to soccer, rubber and post.
小题1: Simon went to London to         .
A. spend his holidayB. visit his friend C. study English
小题2:Which picture shows us where Rick’s flat was?

小题3:According to the passage, the British usually spend their time        on the train.
A. playing cards B. talking loudly   C. doing some reading
小题4:What does the underlined word “terms” mean in Chinese in the passage?
A. 成果   B.术语C. 学期
小题5:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A. Different culture between Britain and America.
B. The British and Americans have the same language.
C. The British and Americans have different words.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

When Jack was very young, he often played football, and he was very  1  at it. But then he went and worked in a town and there was no   2 for him there, so he stopped  3 .
Then he began to get rather  4  . So he thought ,“I’ve stopped playing football, and now I’m getting fat.  5   am I going to do?” He thought about it for  6 , and then he said to himself, “I know , I’ll play tennis .”
He had a few   7 , and then played for a few months. He met a nice girl at the tennis club one day, and they played a game of tennis   8 another young man and woman. Jack played very badly and was very   9 with himself .“I’ve never played as badly as this before, ” he said to the girl.
“ Oh,” she said , “you   10  how to play tennis ?”

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Mrs Brown"s telephone number was 3464, and the number of the cinema in her town was 5463, so people often made a mistake and telephoned her when they wanted the cinema.
  One evening the telephone bell rang and Mrs Brown answered it. A tired man said, "At what time does your last film begin?"
  "I"m sorry," said Mrs Brown, "but you have wrong number. That is not the cinema. "
  "Oh, it began twenty minutes ago?" said the man. "I"m sorry about that. Goodbye! "
  Mrs Brown was very surprised. So she told her husband. He laughed and said, "The man"s wife wanted to go to the cinema, but he was feeling tired, so he telephoned the cinema. His wife heard him, but she didn"t hear you. Now they will stay at home this evening, and the husband will be happy! "
  根据短文判断正误:(T or F)
(    ) l. Mrs Brown knew a lot about The films, so people often telephoned her.
(    ) 2. The man made a mistake and telephoned her.
(    ) 3. The man didn"t want to see a film because his wife was feeling tired.
(    ) 4. The man and his wife didn"t go to the cinema because the film had already
(    ) 5. The man telephoned just to cheat (骗) his wife.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Peter wondered why he didn’t have many friends. The reason was he was always taking, never giving.
One day Peter told Bill, “I’d like to give a party on Saturday, I’d like you to come and bring Martha, too.”“Thanks, Peter. We’d be happy to come.”“Perhaps you’d like to bring your violin. You and Martha sing well together. I’m sure everyone will want you to sing for us.” That was how Peter began to plan his party. Next he asked another friend, Betty, to bring a cake. “You make the best cake in the world, Betty, and I like to eat your cake better than have one from the bakery.” Peter invited a few other friends to come to his party. He didn’t forget to ask something from each one of them. He even asked Jim and Mary Jackson to let him give the party at their house! They agreed.
The party was a big success. However, as the guests were leaving, they said “Thank you ” to Bill and Martha for the music, Betty for the cake, the Jacksons for the use of the house and to others for their hard work. To Peter they just said, “Thanks for the invitation.”

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