完形填空。     Two women were quarreling (吵架) on the train. One wanted to open the wi

完形填空。     Two women were quarreling (吵架) on the train. One wanted to open the wi

完形填空。     Two women were quarreling (吵架) on the train. One wanted to open the window,   1   
wanted to close it. Then the conductor came to them.
     One woman said to the conductor,"If this window is open, I will  2 a cold. And perhaps
I will die of cold. "
     The other woman said,"But if the window is 3 .I"ll feel hard to breathe and I may die. "
     The conductor didn"t konw   4  to do.
    One man said,"I"ve been listening to them   5   the time.I don"t think   6   of us can
help them. It"s   7   to leave them alone. "
      Then the man sat    8  to them and had an idea.
      "  9   , open the window and that will make one die."he said."Next   10  it and that
will make the other die, then we"ll have peace(平静) . "
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. other  
(     )2. A. catch  
(     )3. A. open    
(     )4. A. which  
(     )5. A. all    
(     )6. A. some    
(     )7. A. good    
(     )8. A. beside  
(     )9. A. At first
(     )10. A. leave  
B. the other
B. had      
B. close    
B. who      
B. along    
B. one      
B. better    
B. next      
B. One      
B. open      
C. another    
C. caught    
C. closed    
C. how        
C. whole      
C. any        
C. best      
C. by        
C. The first  
C. take      
D. one    
D. get    
D. leave  
D. what  
D. around
D. none  
D. well  
D. behind
D. First  
D. close                                            
1-5    BACDA    6-10   CBBDD
      Old John went to see a doctor. The doctor looked over him and said, "Medicine can"t help
you. You must have a good rest. Go to a quiet place for a month, go to bed early, drink some
milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar a day."
      "Thank you very much,"said John."I can do everything as you say."
       A month later old John came to the doctor again. "Well," said the doctor,"I"m glad to see
 you. You look much younger."
         "Oh, Doctor," said old John,"I feel well now.I had a good rest. I went to bed early.I
 drank a lot of milk, and l walked a lot. Your advice certainly helped me. But you asked me to
smoke one cigar a day, and the one cigar a day nearly killed me at first. It"s no joke to start
smoking at my age."
1. The doctor ______.     
A. asked him to take some medicine    
B. asked him not to take any medicine
C. didn"t say any word about medicine    
D. gave him some medicine
2. Old John after a month. ______       
A. didn"t get well    
B. got well    
C. was younger    
D. was old
3. Which of the following is right?     
A. Old John smoked before.    
B. Old John didn"t smoke before.
C. Old John didn"t smoke a cigar a day.    
D. Old John smoked less than before.
4. When old John was ill, he looked ______.
A. young    
B. old    
C. younger    
D. older
5. The best title of this story should be ______.  
A. Old John
B. Old John Is Ill
C. The Doctor"s Adivce
D. Old John Did as the Doctor Asked Him
       There was a robbery near Harry"s home one night. Harry was looking out of his window   1  . He saw a robber run out of a shop and he saw the robber    2   his mask (面具).  He saw his face.
       Harry told his father what he had seen. When the police came,Harry and his   3   went to talk to them. "I saw the robber, " Harry told the police., "I can    4   him. He was about fifty years old. He   5   a big red nose. His ears were big. He was quite tall and thin.  He had   6   wrong with his right leg. "
       "  7   do you know that?" one of the policemen asked Harry.
       "He lamed (跛行), " Harry said.
        "What was he wearing?" the other policeman asked.
       "He was wearing black trousers and a shirt, " Harry said.
        "Hismask was a lady"s stocking. His shoes were white sports shoes. "
       "You are a very clever boy, " the policeman said. "  8   ! Now we can send out a description of the
       " The police did this and the next day they caught him. They put him in a line   9    some other men.  
They asked Harry to point him out.  Harry did this _10_ The police arrested (逮捕) the man. Then Harry went home with his father happily.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏期末题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. at that time    
(     )2. A. put on          
(     )3. A. policeman      
(     )4. A. tell            
(     )5. A. wore            
(     )6. A. nothing        
(     )7. A. How            
(     )8. A. I"m afraid not  
(     )9. A. on              
(     )10. A. easily        
B. at this moment
B. put off        
B. mother        
B. describe      
B. had            
B. everything    
B. What          
B. Of course      
B. for            
B. badly          
C. at last      
C. take out    
C. father      
C. ask          
C. took        
C. anything    
C. Why          
C. Well done    
C. with        
C. sadly        
D. at the beginning      
D. take off              
D. brother              
D. greet                
D. put                  
D. something            
D. When                  
D. It doesn"t matter    
D. after                
D. suddenly              
     It"s Jim"s birthday today.   He is five years old.   He gets many nice birthday presents from his family and one of
them is a big drum (鼓).
     " Who gives him the drum?" his father asks.
     " His grandfather does." answers Jim"s mother.
     Jim likes his drum very much.   He makes a noise(噪音) with it,   but his mother doesn"t say anything about it. His
father is not at home. He is working in a school. So he doesn"t hear(听见) the noise.
     But one of the neighbours doesn"t like the noise at all.  So one morning she takes a knife and goes into Jim"s room.
Jim is making a noise with the drum. She says to him, "Hello,  Jim, Do you know there is something nice in your drum?
Here is a knife. Open the drum and let"s find it."
1. Jim"s       gives Jim the drum.       
A. grandfather
B.  father      
C. mother    
D. neighbour
2. Jim"s father is         
A. a worker      
B. a  teacher  
C. a cleaner  
D. a shopkeeper
3. The neighbour hates                .   
A. Jim"s presents  
B. the drumC. the knife  
D. the noise
4. The neighbour tells Jim                .      
A. to put the drum away (收拾)      
B. to look after the drum 
C. to open the drum with the knife    
D. to make a noise with the drum
5. Which of the following is right?             
A. Jim"s grandfather makes the drum.
B. Something is wrong with Jim"s father"s ears.
C. There is a nice present in the drum.
D. Jim"s mother doesn"t stop (阻止) the noise.
     It is 1965,a 1ittle boy is on the beach (海滩) with his parents. He is four years old. The boy plays near the water. He
walks into the water. His parents aren"t watching him.
     The water is over the boy"s head! A woman sees the boy. She picks up the boy and carries him to his parents. The
woman"s name is Mrs Blaise.
     It is 1975,ten years 1ater.The boy is on the same beach. He is 14 years old now. He is big and strong. He is a good
swimmer. A man is in the water. The man can"t swim. "Help! Help!" the man cries.
     The boy runs into the water. He swims to the man and pulls the man to the beach. "Thank you. Thank you." says
the man. Who is the man? His name is Mr Blaise. He is Mrs Blaise"s husband.
1. The boy was born in            .         
2. Where is the boy when Mrs Blaise sees him?    
A.He is in a park.          
B.He is near his home.
C.He is with his parents.    
D.He is in the water.
3. The underlined phrase"picks up"means"             ".     
4. What can the boy do when he is 14 years old?     
A.He can swim.    
B.He can run.
C.He can pull.    
D.He can play near the water.
5. Which is NOT right?      
A.The boy is very strong.
B.The boy saves Mr Blaise.
C.The man is Mrs Blaise"s husband.
D.The boy"s parents don"t want to save Mr Blaise.
     A frog (青蛙) is born in a small river.When he is young,the river is his home.He doesn"t know his parents,but
he has hundreds of brothers and sisters.He swims about and plays with them all the time.At that time,he doesn"t
look like his parents.He has no legs and he has a big tail (尾巴).So he looks like a fish.
     Later,his tail gets shorter and shorter.And he has four legs and a very short tail.He looks like his parents now.
Then, he"s going to eat a lot of bad insects (害虫).
1. Where is a frog born?
A. On a farm.      
B. On the land.      
C. In the river.      
D. In the sea.
2. Which of the following is right."?     
A. A baby frog stays at home and knows only his parents.
B. A baby frog looks like a bird and he knows his parents.
C. A baby frog looks like his parents but he doesn"t know them.
D. A baby frog looks like a fish and he has a lot of brothers and sisters.
3. Who does a frog play with all the time?      
A. His parents.  
B. His brothers and sisters.  
C. Fish.      
D. Insects.
4. A frog has              .    
A. four legs and a very short tail        
B. four legs but he has a long tail
C. no legs but he has a long tail          
D. no legs and he looks like a fish
5. A baby frog              .     
A. can"t swim  
B. can"t eat bad insects  
C. has no tail  
D. can eat bad insects