阅读理解。     A lot of boys and girls in Western countries are wearing the same kind

阅读理解。     A lot of boys and girls in Western countries are wearing the same kind

阅读理解。     A lot of boys and girls in Western countries are wearing the same kind of clothes, and many of them have
long hair, so it is often difficult to tell whether (是否) they are boys or girls.
     One day, an old man went for a walk in a park, in Washington, and when he was tired, he sat on a chair.
A young person was standing on the other side of the pool.
     "Oh!" the old man said to the person sitting beside him on the chair. "Do you see that person with the
glasses and long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?" 
     "A girl," said the neighbour. "She is my daughter."
     "Oh!" the old man said quickly. "Please forgive me, I did not know that you were her mother."
     "I"m not." said the other person, "I"m her father." 1. "Is it a boy or a girl?" The word "it" here means ______. A. he
B. she
C. the person
D. the pool 2. The meaning of "forgive" is ______. A. 忘记
B. 责骂
C. 放弃
D. 原谅 3. The old man thought his neighbour was ______. A. a woman
B. a man
C. a girl
D. a boy 4. The old man thought that his neighbour was the girl"s mother because his neighbour ______. A. was wearing a skirt
B. had a beautiful face
C. had long hair
D. was young
1-4 CDAC
阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答下列各题。      Mrs. King has two children, Jodie and Julie. They are ten years old. It"s 5:00 p.m. now. Mrs. King is
cooking in the (A) kitchen. Jodie and Julie are playing in their room. Later Jodie comes to the kitchen. She is
hungry (饥饿). But the dinner isn"t ready (准备好). (A)Mrs. King gives two apples to her. One is big and the
other is small. She says,"Take these two apples, and give one to you sister." Jodie eats (B)_________ and
gives her sister the small one. When her sister sees this, she says, "Why do you give me the small one? If I
have two apples, I"d like to give you the big one.""I know you would," says Jodie, "so I take the big one." 1. What is Mrs. King doing? 
2. Why does Jodie come to the kitchen? 
3. 写出(A)处kitchen 的汉语意思。 
4. 改写(A)句,句意不变。 
5. 在(B)处填上适当的词语,使句子完整,文章通顺。 
题型:山东省期末题难度:| 查看答案
动词运用。     The Greens liked 1______ (travel) on holiday. One day, Mr. Green and his wife decided 2______ (do) some
shopping in Sun Rise Supermarket for the holiday. They 3______ (stop) their car in front of the supermarket.
Then they entered the supermarket. Half an hour later they 4______ (buy) a lot of things and returned to the car.
They couldn"t 5______ (open) tile door. "Oh, dear!" said Mrs. Green. "What 6______ we ______ (do)?" "Let"s
7______ (ask) the policeman." Said Mr. Green.
     The policeman was very kind and happy 8______ (help) them. A few minutes later he 9______ (open) the
door. Just at that time, an angry man 10______ (come) near to them and shouted, "What are you doing with my
car?" The Greens looked at the number of the car and their faces turned red.
题型:山东省期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Sick men and women were sitting on their chairs in the doctor"s waiting room. They all looked sad except
Tom. He was playing with some cards. Just then the doctor came to say he was ready for the next one. Tom
jumped up and entered the doctor"s room in a hurry.
     Before Tom could say a word, the doctor made him lie down on the bed."Now let me listen to your heart."
Tom tired to speak, but the doctor told him not to say anything. "I"ll take your temperature." Tom tried to sit up, but the doctor stopped him. After a while, the doctor said, "Well, you don"t have a fever (发烧), boy. In fact,
there"s nothing wrong with you.""I"m quite well, doctor." Tom said."I just came here to get some medicine for
my grandma." 1. In the doctor"s waiting room Tom _______. A. looked sad
B. was playing with some cards
C. was talking with others
D. was very happy 2. Before the doctor listened to Tom"s heart, he _______. A. asked Tom how old he was
B. asked Tom to sit down
C. made Tom lie down on the bed
D. talked with Tom for a few minutes. 3. The doctor thought _______. A. Tom had a fever
B. there"s something wrong with Tom
C. there"s something wrong with Tom"s heart
D. nothing is wrong with Tom 4. Tom came to the doctor"s room because he _______. A. was ill
B. wanted to see the doctor
C. wanted to get some medicine for his grandma
D. had a fever 5. Which is right? A. Tom played with some cards in the doctor"s room.
B. The doctor told Tom to enter his room quickly.
C. The doctor looked over Tom"s grandma.
D. Tom"s grandma needed some medicine.
题型:山东省期末题难度:| 查看答案
根据句子内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词,使句子意思完整。      One day Mozart saw an old blind street-performer (1)p______ the violin at the street corner with a hat
in front of him. He (2)f________ the old man was playing one of his compositions.
      The old man played for a (3)w______, (4)b______ nobody put money into his hat. Mozart asked the
old man, "Do you often play composition by Mozart?" "Yes, sir," answered the old man. "Now everyone knows
Mozart and they love his (5)m_______.""Do you make a living by playing the violin?" The old man said he
(6)d______. Mozart took over the violin from the old man and began to play.
     He played so (7)w_____ that all the passers-by stopped to (8)l______ to the wonderful music and
(9)g______ him money. Soon the old man felt surprised that the man could play so well. He asked Mozart,
"Who are you, sir?" "Your colleague, a poor musician (10)l______ you." Then Mozart gave the violin back to
the old man and left.
题型:山东省期末题难度:| 查看答案
根据短文内容,回答问题。     Dick is seven years old. He begins to go to school this term. He studies very hard and listens to the teachers
carefully. He is polite (礼貌) and has lots of friends. So they all like him very much.
     It"s Saturday today. Dick, his sister Kate and his mother stay at home. His mother is doing some housework
and he is watching TV and the girl is doing her homework. At ten his father comes back from the farm with a
bag of apples. The boy likes them very much and wants to eat some. His mother gives him four apples and says,
"Go to wash them in the kitchen."
     Dick washes the apples and then gives them back to his mother. The woman says, "Which apple do you
want, Dick?"
     "The biggest one, Mummy."
     "What?" says Dick"s mother,"You should be polite and want the little one."
     "Should I tell a lie just to be polite, Mummy?" 1. At what age do children begin their schooling in Dick"s country?
2. Is Dick"s sister a student? 
3. Why does the mother ask Dick to wash four apples
4. Who do you think may eat the biggest apple?
5. What"s the meaning of "just to be polite" in the last paragraph in Chinese?
题型:黑龙江省期末题难度:| 查看答案


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