阅读理解。      A man went to a fast-food restaurant to buy his lunch."Hi," a worker

阅读理解。      A man went to a fast-food restaurant to buy his lunch."Hi," a worker

阅读理解。      A man went to a fast-food restaurant to buy his lunch."Hi," a worker said."May I help you?"
     "I"d like a hamburger, large chips, and a Coke," the man said.
     "Anything else?" the worker asked.
     "No," the man answered."That"s it."
     "Is that for here or to go?" The worker asked.
     "To go," the man said.
     The worker put the man"s lunch in a bag. The man took out his money and paid for his lunch.
     "Thank you," the worker said. "Have a nice day."
      The man took the bag and walked to a park. He sat down and opened the bag. He was surprised.
There was no hamburger in the bag. There were no chips. There was no Coke. There was only money
in the bag-a lot of money! The man counted the money. Two thousand dollars! Why was the money in the
bag? Where was the man"s lunch?
     The manager of the fast-food restaurant needed to go to the bank. He put two thousand dollars in an
envelope (信封). He put the envelope in a bag and put the bag down. The worker gave the manager"s bag to
the man by mistake. So the manager had a hamburger, chips and a Coke, and the man had two thousand
dollars. What should the man do? 1. The man went to a restaurant to __________. A. buy his lunch
B. have a rest
C. sell drinks
D. cook food 2. The man wanted to have his lunch __________.A. in a hotel
B. in a shop
C. in a restaurant
D. in a park 3. When the man opened the bag, he found __________ in it. A. food
B. drink
C. money
D. nothing 4. _________ couldn"t find his money. A. The man
B. The manager
C. The worker
D. Nobody
1-4       ADCB
完形填空。     Mr. and Mrs. Smith"s house was full of suitcases, packages and packed-up boxes. The two of them
were   1   with pencils and paper, checking their luggage, when there was a   2   at the door. Mr. Smith
went to   3   it and saw a well-dressed middle-aged lady outside. The lady said that she lived in the house
beside theirs, and that she had come to   4   them to their new home.
     The Smiths invited her in after apologizing for the state of the house.
     "Oh,   5  ," she answered. "Do you know in some parts of this   6   neighbours are not all   7  ? There
are some streets where people do not   8   their neighbours,   9   their next-door ones. But in this street
everybody is friends with  10  else. We are one big, happy family. I"m  11  that you will be  12  here."
     The well-dressed lady got a  13  when she came to visit the house the  14  time, because she found a
quite  15  man and woman in it. Mr. and Mrs Smith had not had the courage to tell her that they were not
the new owners of the house, who were to move in the next day, but the old ones, who have lived beside
her for two years without ever having visited her or even noticing her existence (存在).
题型:江苏中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏中考真题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. free    
(     )2. A. sound    
(     )3. A. answer    
(     )4. A. invite   
(     )5. A. excuse me 
(     )6. A. house     
(     )7. A. busy     
(     )8. A. know     
(     )9. A. only    
(     )10. A. anybody   
(     )11. A. uncertain
(     )12. A. happy    
(     )13. A. surprise  
(     )14. A. first    
(     )15. A. famous   
B. busy      
B. ring      
B. serve     
B. lead      
B. here you are   
B. street     
B. lonely     
B. understand   
B. even      
B. nobody    
B. glad      
B. lonely     
B. fright     
B. exact      
B. different    
C. pleased   
C. friend    
C. see     
C. take     
C. never mind     
C. town     
C. safe     
C. welcome 
C. mostly    
C. somebody  
C. sure     
C. popular    
C. pleasure   
C. next     
C. young     
D. familiar (熟悉的)          
D. message           
D. guess             
D. welcome           
D. thank you         
D. time              
D. friendly          
D. respect           
D. neither           
D. none              
D. afraid            
D. friendly          
D. worry             
D. same              
D. old               
     My first performance (表演) in front of an audience was coming up soon.
     I tried as hard as I could to remain calm, but my heart was racing. I stared down at my sweat-covered,
shaking hands.
     I looked up again at the audience, realizing that these were real people. They were not just my mum and
dad, who would say, "Good job!" even if I messed up the entire piece.
     What if I had the wrong music? What if I played the wrong notes? 
     As it turned out, I was never able to answer these questions because the spotlight (聚光灯) was waiting
for me. I grasped my hands tightly together, drying off the sweat.
     Slowly I walked to the mud-brown piano in the center of the room. It contained 88 demanding keys,
which were waiting impatiently to be played. I swallowed the golf-ball-sized lump (隆起部分) in my throat
and sat down. Slowly, I opened the music. Next, I rested my still shaking hands on the ivory (象牙色的)
     As my fingers played across the keys, I was becoming more unsure of my preparation for this moment.
But the memory of my years of training came flooding back. I knew that I had practiced this piece so many
times that I could play it backwards if requested.
     Although at one point I accidentally played two keys instead of the intended one, I continued to move
my fingers automatically (自动地).
     My eyes burned holes into (were fixed on) the pages in front of me.
     There was no way that I was going to lose my concentration. To keep this to myself, I leaned forward
and focused carefully on the music.
     When I came to the end of the page, a warning went off inside my head: DON"T MAKE A MISTAKE
     Needless to say, I obeyed myself with all my heart and mind. And, proud of my "page-turning" feat (技
艺), I finished the rest of the piece without making a single mistake.
     After the final note died away, a celebration went into action inside my head. I had finished. I had
mastered the impossible.
1. The author was nervous before the performance because _____.
A. her mother and father weren"t present
B. the strong spotlight was shining onto the stage
C. she hadn"t mastered the entire piece
D. she had never performed in public before
2. The underlined phrase "mess up" in Paragraph 3 probably means _____.
A. put into disorder
B. forget about
C. stop halfway
D. do well in 
3. The author _____.
A. didn"t make any mistake in the performance
B. felt better at the beginning of the performance
C. paid all attention to nothing but her performance
D. lost her concentration (注意力) sometimes during the performance
4. What did the author feel about her performance?
A. She thought it was comfortable and successful.
B. She thought it was very difficult but successful.
C. She thought she had never made a mistake during the performance.
D. She thought she played through the piece carefully but light-heartedly.
     One evening after dinner, Mr. and Mrs. William called a family meeting. "We"ve had to make a difficult
decision." Mr. William announced. "You see, your mother has been offered a post as co-director of a
television in Chicago. Unluckily, the station is not here. After thinking long and hard about it, we"ve concluded
(下结论) that the right decision is to move to Chicago."
     Peter looked shocked, while his sister Amy breathlessly started asking when they"d be moving:"It"s
surprising, but exciting!" she said. Peter simply said, "We can"t go-I can"t leave all my friends. I"d rather stay
here and live with Tommy!"
     Mr. and Mrs. William hoped that by the time they moved in August, Peter would grow more accustomed
(习惯) to the idea of leaving. However, he showed no signs of accepting the news, refusing to pack his
belongings (物品).
     When the morning of the move arrived, Peter was nowhere to be found. His parents called Tommy"s house,
but Tommy"s mother said she hadn"t seen Peter. Mrs. William became increasingly worried, while her husband
felt angry with their son for behaving so irresponsibly (不负责任).
     What they didn"t know was that Peter had started walking over to Tommy"s house, with a faint idea of
hiding in Tommy"s attic (阁楼) for a few days. But something happened on the way as Peter walked past all
the familiar landscape of the neighborhood: the fence that he and his mother painted, the tree that he and his
sister used to climb, the park where he and his father often took evening walks together. How much would
these mean without his family, who make them special in the first place? Peter didn"t take the time to answer
that question but instead hurried back to his house, wondering if there were any moving cartons (纸板箱) the
right size to hold his record collection.
1. The conflict (分歧) in this story was caused by _____.
A. Peter and Amy"s different tempers (脾气)
B. a quarrel (争吵) between Tommy and Peter
C. Peter"s disagreement with his parents about their move
D. Mr. and Mrs. William"s words of Peter"s irresponsibility
2. Peter and Amy were both _____ after hearing the move.
A. surprised
B. angry and worried
C. anxious for more details
D. worried about packing
3. The reason for Peter"s going home was that _____.
A. he did not want to be left behind
B. he realized his family was essential (重要的) with him
C. he hoped to reach an agreement with his parents
D. He wished to be a more responsible person
4. What would more probably happen next?
A. Peter would bring his records over to the Tommy"s house.
B. Mr. and Mrs. William would call the police.
C. Peter would join his family for house moving.
D. Mr. and Mrs. William would start searching for Peter.

     Canada Geese are large blue and white birds. When autumn comes. they have to move to south where
the weather is warmer. The winters are so cold in Canada that the birds will die if they stay there.
     Last spring, Bill and a man found sixteen young Canada Geese on his farm. They had lost their way. Bill
thought, "These young birds won"t know what to do in the autumn." He had a small plane and he decided to
teach the birds to follow him. All through the summer, he went on short trips in his plane and the young geese
new after him.
     When the cold weather arrived in the autumn,Bill flew to Virginia in the United States. 600 miles South of
his home in Canada. The geese followed him all the way. Bill left the geese in Virginia and he returned home.
     This spring,Bill was waiting for the birds to come back. They didn"t arrive, so Bill flew to Virginia to get
them. He looked for them for two weeks but he couldn"t find them. When he arrived back home, he found the
geese waiting for him. They had found their way home without him!
1. What will happen to the geese if they stay in Canada in winter? 
2. Where did Bill find sixteen young geese last spring? 
3. Is it 600 Bill far from Bill"s home to Virginia? 
4. How long did it take Bill to look for the geese in Virginia? 
5. The geese found their way home by themselves, didn"t they? 
     It was a great day for a picnic and a picnic was a great day to start the summer holiday. Fred brought his
classmates John and Betty to a wonderful picnic place. After lunch, John said they should play football. When
the ball came to Fred, he locked it into some long grass. "I"ll get it." he said and hurried off to find the ball.
Moments later there was a shout and out came Fred holding his leg,"I"ve bitten by a snake!"   
     As the others rushed over to help. Fred began laughing. "Ha! I"m not really hurt." But Betty didn"t laugh, "I
can"t believe you did that, Fred. I was really frightened for you."   
     The friends then decided to go for a swim. John and Betty jumped into the water. Fred was standing on a
long rock by the riverbank and said, "Watch me jump." They shouted excitedly as he went under the water, but
as the seconds passed he didn"t come back to the top. The friends became worried. Suddenly they heard Fred"s
laugh, "Won"t you ever learn? I swam behind this tree when I jumped."   
     "Very funny, Fred?" said John angrily. "Anyway, I"m feeling tired and I"m going for a sleep." Betty joined
     Fred, however, moved to a narrow part of the river and jumped in. Although he was a good swimmer, the
water there was moving much faster and Fred found himself dragged away. He managed to catch hold of a tree,
but he was very tired now and with the water still moving very fast, couldn"t pull himself out.   
     Back at the picnic place, as Betty and John were preparing to sleep, they heard Fred"s cries for help, John
looked at Betty and said, "Does he really think we"re so foolish? Wake me up in an hour. It"ll be time to go back
home then."
1. What happened when Fred went to get the football?
A. He was bitten by a snake.
B. He fell and cut himself.
C. He called for the others to help him.
D. He let out a frightening shout.
2. At the end of the story, why didn"t John and Betty go to help Fred?
A. They didn"t believe that Fred was really in trouble.
B. They thought Fred was a good swimmer.
C. They couldn"t hear his cries for help.
D. They were too tired and needed to rest.
3. The underlined word "dragged" means "_____".
A. pulled
B. held
C. guided
D. gave
4. What can you learn from this story?
A. It is important for a person to tell the truth.
B. You should know how to swim if toy want to play in the river.
C. You must watch out for snakes in the countryside.
D. Picnics can often be dangerous for children.