完形填空。     "Who did this?" asked my teacher. Forty children tried to   1   about

完形填空。     "Who did this?" asked my teacher. Forty children tried to   1   about

完形填空。     "Who did this?" asked my teacher. Forty children tried to   1   about what had really happened.
     "Who did this?" She asked again. She wasn"t really asking, she was demanding (要求) an answer. She   2 
 became angry, but she was this time. She held up a piece of broken   3   and asked, "Who broke this window?"
     "Oh, oh," I thought. I was the one who   4   the window. I did not do it on purpose (故意). It was caused
by a bad throw of baseball. Why did it have to be me?
     If I admitted (承认) it, I would get   5   trouble. How could I pay for a big window like that? "My father will
get mad at me," I thought. I didn"t want to   6   my hand, but some force (力量) much stronger than me pulled
it up. "I did it." Then I was   7  . It was hard for me to say anything.
     My teacher went to the bookcase and took down a book. Then she began walking towards my desk and I   8   how she would punish (处罚) me.
     "I know you like birds very much," she said as she stood looking down at my face. "Here is that field guide
book about birds that you are always borrowing. And it is   9   now. You will not be punished. But remember,
it"s only for your honesty (诚实)."
     I couldn"t  10  it! I wasn"t punished and I got my own bird field guide. It was the very book that I was
saving up all my money to buy.
(     )1. A. talk   
(     )2. A. never  
(     )3. A. wood   
(     )4. A. made   
(     )5. A. out of  
(     )6. A. hide   
(     )7. A. silent  
(     )8. A. knew   
(     )9. A. yours  
(     )10. A. forget 
B. think     
B. often    
B. paper     
B. broke      
B. away from  
B. show       
B. happy    
B. wondered     
B. mine       
B. remember  

C. worry       
C. sometimes                     
C. glass        
C. repaired       
C. into     
C. raise         
C. tired      
C. predicted    
C. theirs         
C. believe

1-5 BACBC   6-10 CABAC
     A teacher started his first job at a primary school and wanted to make a good impression (印象) on the
children. When he noticed a boy  1  all by himself,  2  the other children were playing football, he walked up
to him and asked, "Are you alright?"
     The boy told him  3  was fine and the teacher left him. A few minutes later,  4 , he noticed that the boy
was still standing alone and had not  5 he other boys.
     This time, the teacher decided to  6  what was wrong. He came up to the boy again and said, "Hi, are  7  
you"re not feeling left out? Would you like me to be your friend?"
     The boy  8  uncomfortable, but after a little hesitation (犹豫), he said, "Maybe". Encouraged by his
progress, the teacher asked,"Tell me,  9  are you standing here alone?"
     "Because," the said with clear anger in his  10 , "I"m the goalkeeper."
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(     )1. A. standing  
(     )2. A. when     
(     )3. A. anything  
(     )4. A. so       
(     )5. A. helped   
(     )6. A. care about 
(     )7. A. angry   
(     )8. A. felt    
(     )9. A. what     
(     )10. A. noise   
B. sitting 
B. while  
B. nothing 
B. besides 
B. covered 
B. belong to
B. sure   
B. replied 
B. why   
B. sound  
C. learning  
C. before   
C. everything 
C. except   
C. stopped  
C. find out  
C. happy   
C. bothered  
C. how    
C. voice   
D. laughing 
D. unless   
D. something
D. however  
D. joined   
D. let down 
D. patient                              
D. smiled   
D. where    
D. point    
     Once upon a time, there was an island. All the feelings lived there such as Happiness, Sadness, and Love.
One day the feelings heard that the island would sink (下沉). They all repaired their boats and left except Love.
Love wanted to stay until the last possible moment. Just as the island began to sink, Love decided to ask for
     Miserliness (吝啬) was passing by Love in a big boat. Love said:"Miserliness, can you take me with you?"
Miserliness answered:"No, I can"t. There are a lot of silver (银子) in my boat. There is no place for you here."
     Love decided to ask Vanity (虚荣) who was also passing by in a beautiful boat."Vanity, please help me!"
"I can"t help you, Love. You are all wet. You"ll make my boat dirty," Vanity said.
     Sadness was close by, so Love asked for help, "Sadness, let me go with you." "Oh…Love, I am so sad
that I need to be alone by myself!"
     Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear Love call her.
     Suddenly, there was a voice, "Love, I will take you." It was an old woman. Love felt so lucky that he even
forgot to ask for her name. When they got to dry land, the old woman went away. Love asked Knowledge,
another old woman, "Who helped me?"
     "It was Time", Knowledge answered. "Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?"
     Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom (智慧) and answered, "Because only Time can understand how great
Love is."
1. Where did the feelings live?
2. What was there in Miserliness"s big boat? 
3. How many feelings did Love ask for help? 
4. All the feelings refused to take Love with them, didn"t they?
5. Why did Time help Love? 
     Mr. Robinson never went to a dentist, because he was afraid. One day his teeth began hurting badly,
and he had to go to a dentist. The dentist did a lot of work in his mouth for a long time. On the last day Mr.
Robinson said to him,"How much is all this work going to cost?" The dentist said,"Twenty dollars." But he
did not ask him for the money.
     After a month Mr. Robinson phoned the dentist and said,"You haven"t asked me for any money for your
work last month."
     "Oh," the dentist answered, "I never ask a gentleman for money."
     "Then how do you live?" Mr. Robinson asked.
     "Most gentlemen pay me quickly," the dentist said, "but some don"t. I"ll wait for the money for two
months, and I"ll say he isn"t a gentleman, and I"ll ask him for the money."
1. Mr. Robinson is a ______.
A. doctor
B. nurse
C. student
D. gentleman
2. There was some trouble with ______.
A. the dentist"s teeth
B. Mr. Robinson"s teeth
C. the dentist"s work
D. Mr. Robin"s hearing
3. Mr. Robin ______.
A. forgot to pay the dentist
B. didn"t want to give the dentist any money
C. wanted to pay the dentist but didn"t know when and how
D. didn"t take any money when he went to the dentist
4. When the dentist said "I never ask a gentleman for money," Mr. Robinson ______.
A. was very angry
B. was surprised
C. wanted to pay more
D. went to the dentist at once.
5. We can know from the story ______.
A. Mr. Robinson was a very rich gentleman
B. The dentist never got any money from gentleman
C. Mr. Robinson wasn"t a gentleman
D. Mr. Robinson would go to the dentist and pay him soon
     After staying in Beijing, it was time to go to Shanghai. So I decided to take the train to Shanghai and stop
halfway at Tai"an for a day to break up the trip and climb Mount Tai. The train arrived in the city at 10 pm.
It was late and I was tired. I started to walk around the city to look for a hotel, but I couldn"t find a reasonable(合理的) one. Something was strange. There were so many Chinese tourists walking somewhere. I finally
followed them to see what all the excitement was about. As it turned out, they were all climbing the mountain
to reach the top by sunrise. What a crazy idea!
     I later found out it was the thing to do, so having no luck with hotels, I decided I had better join them. And
maybe because of the dark, I didn"t have to pay for any entry fees (费). Of course the first thing was to find if
the mountain had a wall around it. Of course it did. And the second, it had a paved (用砖铺的) path and road
all the way up to the top. Anyway, I ran up the mountain and made it to the top by about 4:30 am. I relaxed a
little and watched the sunrise. Nothing was special. Everyone was cheering so I guessed it was worth it.
1. The writer took a trip to Mount Tai ______.
A. from Shanghai
B. by plane from Beijing
C. on his way to Shanghai
D. in his dream at night
2. When did he get to the city of Tai"an?
A. 9 pm.
B. 10 pm.
C. 11 pm.
D. I don"t know.
3. Why did the writer climb the mountain at night? Because ______
A. he liked to walk at night.
B. he could pay half of the fees at night.
C. the Chinese tourists told him to follow them.
D. he hadn"t found a suitable hotel.
4. What does the underlined"a crazy idea" refer to?
A. That the write got to the tain station at 10 pm.
B. That the tourists climbed the mountain at night to reach the top by sunrise.
C. That there were no suitable hotels in such a famous place
D. That people in Tai"an work all the time without sleeping at night.
5. The possible title of the passage is "_______".
A. A trip to Mount Tai.
B. No hotel to stay in.
C. The famous place between Beijing and Shanghai.
D. Why do the tourists climb Mount Tai at night?
     "What"s happened to the bottle of medicine?" He couldn"t find it in this usual place on a table in the sitting
room." What have you done with it?" he asked his wife. She said she hadn"t seen it, and told him it was
probably under his nose, if he"d only open his eyes and look.
     He went into their son"s bedroom to read him his bedtime story. On the floor there lay a bottle, the one he"d
been looking for; but it was empty."David what have you done with those sweet tablets which were in that
bottle? Did you eat them?" David nodded."How many did you eat?" No reply. He called his wife. She came,
realized what had happened and went very white."There must have been twenty-five or thirty tablets left in the
bottle. He can"t have taken them all," said the father, feeling rather amazed. They searched the whole room,
but there were no tablets on the floor, or in David"s bed.
     David and his mother and father hurried to the nearest hospital. "Put the boy on the stomach pump at
once," said the doctor, as soon as he heard the facts. They could hear David crying as they sat in the waiting
room that was the worst of it, for they were wondering if the child was going to be all right, but unable to do
anything except wait. The crying stopped and the doctor came back."Lucky you brought him quickly. The
tablets don"t have time to dissolve in his stomach, so we got them all out. He"s going to be all right." They took
David home, and bought a medicine box with a lock on it the next day.
1. The bottle of medicine is most probably for _______.
A. the husband
B. the wife
C. the son
D. somebody else
2. We know from the passage that the sweet tablets _______.
A. are a kind of delicious sweet food
B. are used to make people"s body stronger
C. are used for treating some kind of illness
D. are a kind of nurture (营养品) good for people"s health
3. David must have eaten _______ of the tablets.
A. several
B. half
C. most
D. all
4. What would the father and mother do to prevent such a thing from happening again?
A. Throw the medicine away.
B. Put the medicine in a safer place.
C. Not buy such medicine again.
D. Tell the son to eat less of the medicine.
5. Which of the following is the best title (标题) of this passage?
A. An Empty Medicine Bottle.
B. The Missing Tablets.
C. The Son, The Trouble Maker.
D. Careless Parents.