完形填空。     Christmas is for giving and sharing, for getting together with family

完形填空。     Christmas is for giving and sharing, for getting together with family

完形填空。     Christmas is for giving and sharing, for getting together with family and friends. But mostly it"s for love.
I had not believed this until a student, who was called Mark, gave me a wonderful gift one Christmas.
     Mark was an ll-year-old orphan (孤儿) who lived with his aunt, a middle aged woman greatly annoyed (使
烦恼) with the burden (负担) of  1  for her dead sister"s son.
     I had not  2  Mark especially until he began staying after class each day to help me tidy up the room. We
did this quietly, not speaking much, but enjoying the time of the day. When we did talk, Mark spoke mostly
of his  3 , who had alwaya spent much time with him before she passed away.  4  Christmas came near,
however, Mark failed to stay after school each day. I  5  him one aftemoon and asked why he no longer helped
me in the room."I was making you a  6 ," he said confidently (有信心地) in a low voice. "It"s for Christmas."
With that, he left the room in a hurry. He didn"t stay after school any more after that. Finally  7  the last
school day before Christmas. Mark walked slowly into the room late that aftemoon."I have a present," he said.
"I hope you like it." He held out his hand, and in it wasa tiny wooden box. "It"s beautiful, Mark. What"s in it?"
I asked, opening the top to look  8 . "Oh, you can"t see it," he replied," and you can"t touch it, or taste it or feel
it, but mother always said it makes you feel good all the time, warm on cold nights, and safe when you"re  9 .
     "I looked into the  10  box. "What is it, Mark," I asked, "that will make me feel so good?" "It"s  11 ," he said
softly," and mother always said it"s best when you give it away." And he tumed and quietly left the room.
     So now I  12  the small box on the piano in my living room. Yes, Christmas is for joy, songs and nice gifts,
but mostly, for love.
(     )1. A. asking  
(     )2. A. seen    
(     )3  A. mother  
(     )4. A  If      
(     )5. A. caught  
(     )6. A. secret  
(     )7. A. went    
(     )8. A. up      
(     )9. A  alone   
(     )10. A. tiny   
(     )11. A. love   
(     )12. A. leave  
B. waiting 
B. known   
B. teacher 
B. As      
B. called  
B. wish    
B. returned
B. inside  
B. tired   
B. empty   
B. time    
B. place   
C. caring  
C. found   
C. aunt    
C. Because 
C. took    
C. surprise
C. came    
C. down    
C. sad     
C. strange 
C. life    
C. put     
D. looking 
D. noticed 
D. friend  
D. Though  
D. stopped                       
D. wonder  
D. passed  
D. round   
D. ill     
D. beautiful
D. hope    
D. keep    
1-6      CDABDC        7-12       CBABAD
     I watched as my little brother was caught in the act. He was sitting in the comer of the living room, a   1  
 in one hand and my father"s hymnbook (赞美诗集) in the other.
     As my father walked into the room, my brother cowered slightly (轻微地畏缩). He sensed that he had done
something   2  . I could see that he had   3   my father"s new hymnal and scribbled (乱涂) in it. Now he was
waiting for his punishment.
     For my father, books were knowledge. They were important to him. And yet he loved his children. What he
did next was   4  . Instead of punishing my brother, he sat down, took the pen from my brother"s hand, and then
wrote in the book himself, alongside the scribbles John had made:"  5    work,1959, age 2. How many times have
I looked into your beautiful face and into your warm eyes looking up at me and   6   Cod for the one who has
now scribbled in my new hymnal. You have made the book sacred (神圣的), as have your brother and sister."
     "Wow," I thought. "This is   7  ?"
     The years and the books came and went. Our family experienced what all families go through and perhaps a
little bit more. But we always knew our parents   8   us and that one of the proofs (证明) of their love was the
hymnal by the piano.
     Dad taught us about   9   really matters in life: people,not objects; tolerance (宽容), not judgment; love, not
anger. Now I, too, am a father. But unlike my father,l do not wait for my daughters  10  to take books from my
bookshelf and scribble in them. From time to time I take one down, and give it to one of my  11  to scribble in.
And as I look at their artwork, I think about my father and the  12  he taught me.
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. book       
(     )2. A. wrong      
(     )3. A. dropped    
(     )4. A. unnecessary
(     )5. A. My         
(     )6. A. asked      
(     )7. A. decision   
(     )8. A. loved      
(     )9. A. why        
(     )10. A. quickly   
(     )11. A. children  
(     )12. A. skills    
B. pen          
B. special      
B. read         
B. unbelievable 
B. Our          
B. trusted      
B. explanation  
B. encouraged     
B. which        
B. secretly     
B. sisters      
B. rules        
C. paper      
C. dangerous  
C. borrowed   
C. interesting
C. John"s     
C. respected  
C. punishment     
C. pleased    
C. who        
C. carefully  
C. brothers   
C. lessons    
D. ruler     
D. different 
D. opened    
D. important 
D. Father"s  
D. thanked   
D. excitement              
D. missed    
D. what      
D. suddenly  
D. parents   
D. subjecls  
     I stood there listening to my father shout at the top of his voice. The look on his face said that one of us
had done something wrong.
     "Which one of you did this?"
     We all looked down at the step. There was child"s  1  in chalk there. I was very  2 . I hoped no one could
see it. Would he  3  it was me? I was so scared. When he asked me, I lied, "Not me, Dad."
     The others denied (否认) it as well. Of course, we all knew that one of us  4  have done it. But as the
youngest and smallest of the three, I just couldn"t find the courage (勇气) to tell the  5 .
     To  6  out who had written on the step, Father gave us each a piece of paper and a pencil. "I want each
of you to write exactly  7  you see on the step."
     I tried my best to write the words  8 . I didn"t want dad to be able to tell it was me.
     He gathered up our pieces of paper and looked at them, "Since  9  of you will admit (承认) to have done it,
then I will punish you all." I stood there and said nothing.
     The last thing I  10  was for Dad to punish me!
      "I did it." My sister stepped forward and said she had done something she hadn" t. She was grounded (受
处罚) for a month.
     We didn"t talk about that day for many years. Not until we were all older and I knew it was  11  to finally
tell my dad it was really me. I always felt  12  because of it. That was the last time I let anyone take the blame
for me.
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. handwriting   
(     )2. A  pleased       
(     )3. A  decide        
(     )4. A. could         
(     )5. A. way           
(     )6. A. look          
(     )7. A. how           
(     )8. A. differently   
(     )9. A. each          
(     )10. A. gave         
(     )11. A. safe         
(     )12. A. afraid       
B. painting   
B. angry      
B. guess      
B. should     
B. truth      
B. find       
B. when       
B. carefully  
B. some       
B. hated      
B. hard       
B. troubled   
C. counting 
C. worried  
C. hope     
C. must     
C. story    
C. take     
C. what     
C. clearly  
C. one      
C. did      
C. true     
C. sorry    
D. drawing  
D. frightened
D. agree    
D. may      
D. secret   
D. work     
D. who      
D. quickly  
D. none     
D. wanted   
D. polite   
D. lonely   
     Once when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus (马戏团).
This is about the family standing ahead of us.
     The family had eight children. Their clothes were not expensive but  1 .
     The children were well behaved. They stood in line, two by two behind their parents, holding hands.
They were excitedly talking about the clowns (小丑), elephants and other acts they would see that night.
You could  2  that they had never been to the circus before.
     The ticket lady asked the father how many tickets he wanted. He  3  replied, "I want eight children"s tickets
and two adult tickets please, so I can take my  4  to the circus."
     The ticket lady quoted (报) the price. The man"s wife let go of his hand. The man"s lip started to quiver
(颤抖).He leaned (靠) toward  5  and asked again, "How much did you say?" The ticket lady quoted the price
again. The man didn"t have  6   money. How was he supposed to tum and tell his eight kids that he couldn"t
take them to the circus?
      My dad put his hand into his pocket, pulled out a $20 bill and  7  it on the ground. (And we weren"t rich!)
Then he  8  down, picked up the bill, tapped the man on the shoulder and said, ""Excuse me, sir, this  9  out of
your pocket."
     The man knew  10  was going on. He looked into my dad"s eyes, held my dad"s hand in his, and took the
$20 bill. With a tear in his eye, he replied,"Thank you, thank you, sir. This really  11  a lot to me and my
      My father and I went back to our car and drove home. We didn"t get to see the circus that night, but we
didn"t  12 .
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. clean   
(     )2. A. find    
(     )3. A. suddenly
(     )4. A. wife    
(     )5. A. her     
(     )6. A. much    
(     )7. A. missed  
(     )8. A. got     
(     )9. A. moved   
(     )10. A. what   
(     )11. A. takes  
(     )12. A. worry  
B. large    
B. agree    
B. proudly  
B. children 
B. him      
B. any      
B. lost     
B. reached  
B. broke    
B. how      
B. costs    
B. care     
C. thick
C. tell 
C. safely
C. team 
C. them 
C. enough
C. passed
C. went 
C. fell 
C. when 
C. owns 
C. know 
D. warm  
D. decide
D. quietly
D. family
D. us    
D. some  
D. dropped
D. looked
D. took  
D. who   
D. means 
D. show  
     I still remember Father spent plenty of time teaching me how to pronounce a word, how to understand
something that I saw for the first time and how to be polite to others. And I will never   1   one sentence my
father used to say to me, "I love you, son. Say you love me, son." Naturally, I would scream, "I love you,
     When I was growing up, I found that I had little in   2   with my father gradually. Sometimes we often
argued about something sharply and then the argument changed into a quarrel (争吵). I knew there was a gap
between us. I didn"t   3   hearing the words "I love you" from my father the last time. To tell you the truth, I
couldn"t honestly remember when I had last said those words to him, either.
     Now Father was in hospital. The doctor said it was   4   and he needed an operation at once,   5   he wasn"t
sure whether my father was able to survive (幸免于, 经受得住) if. Everything in my childhood   6   in my
mind. Then I called and said," Dad, I love you!"
     There was a   7   at the other end and then he replied coldly, "Well, I love you, too!"
     I cried and said, "Dad, I know you love me, and when you are   8  , I know you will say what you want to
     Fifteen minuets later, my mother called and nervously asked, "Paul, is every thing OK?"
     A few weeks later, I was working when I received my father"s call, "Paul, I love you." I was so   9   that
my tears rolled down my cheeks. Perhaps both of us  10  that this special moment had taken our relationship
to a new level.
     A short while after this special moment, my father finally narrowly escaped death following the heart
operation. I can"t  11  that ifI did not take the first  12  and Dad did not survive the surgery, what kind of life I
would lead now.
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(     )1.A. forget  
(     )2.A. heart   
(     )3.A. expect  
(     )4.A. difficult
(     )5.A. but     
(     )6.A. appeared
(     )7.A. happiness
(     )8.A. free    
(     )9.A. touched 
(     )10.A. required
(     )11.A. conclude 
(     )12.A. advice 
B. practice 
B. manner   
B. remember 
B. serious  
B. because  
B. opened   
B. surprise 
B. ready    
B. bored    
B. realized      
B. infer    
B. step     
C. understand
C. common    
C. enjoy     
C. important 
C. so        
C. kept      
C. silence   
C. happy     
C. encouraged   
C. reported  
C. imagine   
C. word      
D. say       
D. danger    
D. think     
D. sad        
D. for       
D. reached                
D. luck      
D. excited   
D. educated  
D. got       
D. decide    
D. world     
     Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed that the boy ahead of him had tripped and
dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with two sweaters, a baseball bat, a glove and a small tape
recorder. Mark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the scattered articles. Since they were going the same
way, he helped to carry part of the burden. As they walked, Mark discovered that the boy"s name was Bill, that
he loved video games, basebaii and history, that he was having a lot of trouble with his other subjects and that
he had just broken up with his close friend.
     They arrived at Bill"s home first and Mark was invited in for a Coke and to watch some television. The
afternoon passed pleasantly with a few laughs and some shared small talks, and then Mark went home. They
continued to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, and then both graduated from
junior high school. They ended up in the same high school where they had brief contacts over the years. Finally
the long last year came, and three weeks before graduation, Bill asked Mark if they could have a talk.
     Bill reminded him of the day years before when they had first met. "Do you ever wonder why I was
carrying so many things home that day?" asked Bill. "You see, cleaned out my locker because I didn"t want to
leave a mess for anyone else. I decided to drop out of school. But after we spent some time together talking and
laughing, I realized that if I had left school, I would have missed that time and so many others that might follow.
So you see, Mark, when you picked up my books that day, you did a lot more. You helped me out."
1. Which of the following is the correct order of the events that happened to Bill?
    a. Bill tripped and dropped all of his books he was carrying.
    b. Bill broke up with his close friend. 
    c. Bill graduated from junior high school.
    d. Bill cleaned his locker.
    e. Bill decided to drop out of school.
A. d-e-a-b-c
B. e-d-b-a-c
C. b-d-e-a-c
D. b-e-d-a-c
2. We can learn from the passage that _____.
A. Bill loved video games, baseball and geography
B. Bill and Mark studied at the same senior school
C. because they were good friends, Mark picked up Bill"s books
D. Mark knew Bill was having a lot of trouble before he was told
3. The author"s purpose in writing this passage is to _____.
A. remind us that we should pick up the articles others dropped
B. tell people schoolboys are easy to get along with each other
C. tell us that everybody can be great if he has a heart full of love
D. tell us that schoolboys should make as many friends as they can