阅读理解。    Tom lives a long way from the city. One day he goes to the city to visi

阅读理解。    Tom lives a long way from the city. One day he goes to the city to visi

阅读理解。    Tom lives a long way from the city. One day he goes to the city to visit his friend,
Jack. Jack asks Tom to have lunch together. They go into the restaurant and sit down at
a table. Tom looks around and he sees some old people put eye glasses on before reading
their books, so after lunch he goes to a shop to buy some glasses, too. He walks along
the road, and soon finds a shop. The man in the shop makes him tries on a lot of glasses,
but Tom always says, "No, I can"t read with these."
    The man in the shop becomes more and more puzzled (困惑的). At last he says, "Excuse
me, but can you read at all?"
    "No, I can"t." Tom says,"If I can read, do you think I come here to buy glasses?" 1. Tom meets some old people _____. [     ]
A. far away from the city
B. in the shop
B. in the restaurant
D. in the village 2. When does Tom go to the shop? [     ]
A. After lunch
B. Before lunch
C. In the morning
D. In the evening 3. Tom goes to the restaurant to _____. [     ]
A. buy eye glasses
B. have lunch
C. buy some books
D. sell eye glasses 4. Before reading their books the old people in the restaurant _____. [     ]
A. put their glasses on
B. drink tea
C. take their glasses off
D. buy glasses 5. In fact (事实上), Tom _____.[     ]
A. likes eye glasses
B. goes to the wrong shop
C. can"t read at all
D. knows the man in the shop
阅读理解。    I read some stories about amazing people today. Here I"d like to share something
interesting with you. Xie Qiuping, a Chinese woman, has the longest hair in the world.
Her hair is 5,085 meters long! How amazing! Before I got to know this, I thought my hair
was quite long. It is nearly 50cm long. I don"t know how she washes her hair.
    The tallest man in the world lived in the USA. His name was Robert Pershing Wadlow.
He was 2.72 metres tall. I want to know if he lived in a flat like mine, how could he go
into the room? The tallest man died in 1940.
    There is a man in France called Michael Lotito. He eats such items as metal (金属),
glass and rubber. He even once ate a model plane! How strange! I don"t think metal is as
tasty (美味的) as sweets or chocolates. 1. Where does the woman with the longest hair come from? [     ]
A. France
B. The USA
C. Korea
D. China 2. The tallest man in the world died _____.[     ]
A. in the nineteenth century
B. in the twentieth century
C. in this century
D. about thirty years ago 3. Robert Pershing Wadlow was the _____ man in the world. [     ]
A. shortest
B. oldest
C. tallest
D. smallest 4. Once Michael Lotito ate _____. It"s so amazing! [     ]
A. some sweets
B. a model plane
C. some hairs
D. a frog 5. How many amazing people are there in the passage? [     ]
A. One man and two women
B. Three men
C. Two men and one woman
D. Three women
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。    A farmer (农夫) wants to eat food every day, but he doesn"t like working. He often
goes to other farmers" homes. When they eat, he eats with them, so other farmers don"t
like him. One day, he sees a hare (野兔) running down the hill. The hare knocks against
(撞上了) a tree in his field, breaks its neck and falls dead (死了). The farmer is happy
and says,"Great!" He goes to the tree and gets the dead hare, and goes home with it. That
day, he eats a lot. He thinks that the meat is very good. The next day, he puts down his
hoe (锄头), and waits by the tree for a second hare to turn up. He waits all day long,
but no hare comes at all. 1. A farmer doesn"t like working, so _____. [     ]
A. other farmers don"t like him
B. other farmers like to help him
C. no one wants to work with him
D. other farmers give him something to eat 2. The farmer sees _____ one day. [     ]
A. others help him work
B. a hare is working under a tree
C. a hare knocks against a tree and dies
D. a hare is sleeping under a tree 3. After he picks the hare up, he _____. [     ]
A. sits there and waits
B. takes it home and eats it
C. finds another one
D. sells it and gets some money 4. The farmer waits near the tree because _____. [     ]
A. he wants to work hard
B. he is tired and needs some rest.
C. others are working for him
D. he hopes to wait for another hare near the tree 5. From the story we can learn that "_____." [     ]
A. Don"t work. Others will give you everything
B. If you work, you can"t get what you want
C. Waiting can also make you get what you want
D. Working is the only way to make you rich
题型:0110 期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。    Mr. Reece was a farmer. He and his wife (妻子) grew a lot of things. They worked very
hard. One day, Mr. Reece said to his wife, "let"s go to the city next Sunday. We can have
a good lunch there, and then we"ll go to the cinema." His wife was very happy when she
heard this, because she and her husband (丈夫) always ate a lot. She didn"t like cooking
three times a day.
    They went to the city by train the next Sunday. They walked about for an hour. When
it was twelve o"clock, they wanted to have a meal. They looked at some restaurants. Out
of one of them was a notice (布告), "Lunch12:30 to 2:30, 1.5 dollars."
    "Well, that"s good," said Mr. Reece, "we can eat for two hours for 1.5 dollars here.
That"s too cheap. This is the place for us." 1. Mr. Reece usually worked in ______. [     ]
A. the fields
B. the city
C. the restaurant
D. the theatre2. Mr. Reece and his wife went to the city ______. [     ]
A. to have a good lunch
B. to see a film
C. to do some shopping
D. A and B3. When did Mr. And Mrs. Reece arrive in the city? [     ]
A. At about 11:00.
B. At about 12:00.
C. At about 12:30.
D. At about 2:30. 4. We can see that Mr. Reece ______.[     ]
A. was poor
B. was rich (富的)
C. was healthy
D. was lucky5. Why did Mr. Reece say that restaurant was the place for them? Because ______. [     ]
A. that was the best restaurant
B. 12:30 to 2:30 was the best time for lunch
C. He thought they could eat a lot and it was cheap
D. They were very tired and hungry
题型:江苏期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。    This morning, a boy of twelve saw a small fire at one end of a ship. Tom left home very
early, against the wishes of his father, to see the ships at the port. It was a good thing that
he did, because there was nobody else around, and the small fire grew dangerously big very
    Tom stood near the ship and shouted at the top of his voice. He woke up the port workers
living nearby. The ship was one of the six big ships in port at the time and they were all carrying
oil (石油) and paper. The fire burned hundreds of boxes of paper, so it spread very quickly.
The end of the ship was black with smoke, but thanks to Tom, the fire didn"t reach the oil.
    Tom was also lucky, because his father was pleased rather than angry with him. 1. When Tom saw the fire, he was _____. [     ]
A. at home
B. at the port
C. on the ship
D. on another ship 2. It was a small fire _____. [     ]
A. but it grew big very quickly
B. and luckily it stayed small
C. but it grew big very slowly
D. and it was not dangerous 3. As soon as the boy saw the fire, _____. [     ]
A. he knocked on the doors of nearby houses
B. he ran back home to tell his father
C. he shouted to wake up the workers nearby
D. didn"t do anything at all4. The ship was carrying _____. [     ]
A. paper and wood
B. oil and paper
C. wood but not oil
D. oil but not paper 5. The fire _____. [     ]
A. burned boxes of paper at first
B. burned oil at last
C. burned the boy
D. burned the whole ship 6. In this story the underlined word "against" means _____ in Chinese. [     ]
A. 顺从
B. 按照
C. 违背
D. 防备
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。    Each morning a rich man found a poor man sitting on a park bench (长凳). The poor man
always sat there, looking at the big hotel in which the rich man lived. One day the rich man got
out of his car and said to the poor man, "Excuse me, but I just want to know why you sit here
and look at my hotel every morning." "Sir," said the poor man, "I am a failure. I have no money,
no home. I sleep on this bench, and every night I dream (梦想) that one day I"ll sleep in that hotel."
The rich man said, "Tonight your dream will come true. I"ll pay for the best room in that hotel for
you a whole month."
    A few days later, the rich man went by the poor man"s room to ask him how he was enjoying
himself. To his surprise, he found that the man had moved out of the hotel, back to his park bench.
When the rich man asked why, the poor man said, "You see, when I"m down here sleeping on my
bench, I dream I"m up there, in that big hotel. It"s a wonderful dream. But when I was up there, I
dreamed I was back to this cold bench. It was a terrible dream, and I couldn"t get any sleep at all." 1. The poor man lived in _____ before he met the rich man. [     ]
A. the hotel
B. his home
C. the park
D. the car 2. Every morning, the poor man sat on the bench and _____. [     ]
A. waited for the rich man
B. looked at the rich man"s hotel
C. looked at the rich man"s cat
D. enjoyed the clean air 3. Every night the poor man dreamed of _____.[     ]
A. sleeping in that hotel
B. becoming rich
C. owning that hotel
D. being the rich man"s friend 4. The poor man moved out of the hotel because _____. [     ]
A. he didn"t want to live in such a fine room
B. he didn"t like the rich man
C. he couldn"t pay for the room
D. he couldn"t get any sleep at all there 5. In the end, the poor man found it _____ to sleep in the hotel. [     ]
A. sorry
B. nice
C. wonderful
D. terrible
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案


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