A recent survey of 2000 parents in Britain showed that they are often afraid of

A recent survey of 2000 parents in Britain showed that they are often afraid of

A recent survey of 2000 parents in Britain showed that they are often afraid of science questions asked by their curious children only because they have no idea what the answer is. Here is a list of some simple questions that you can ask your parents to see if they know the answers.
Q: Why is the sky blue?
A: You probably know white sunlight is made up of seven colors. While it moves in a straight line when going through space, it starts to divide as it hits “raised area” in the atmosphere. The ones with longest wavelengths pass through easily. The blue , however , can be taken in by the gas molecules (分子) because it has a shorter wavelength , which in turn scatters (使分散) it in different directions. That’s why when you look up at the sky, it appears to be blue.
Q:Why does the moon sometimes appear during the daytime?
A: The simple answer to that is because just like any other object it is being lit by the sun. As long as it is around 45 degrees or even 90 degrees off the sun, it will receive light and be able to be seen. The only time it is not able to be seen during its 28-day orbit (轨道) around the earth is when it is right between the earth and the sun. That’s because its back , which is not lit by the sun, is facing us.
Q: Where do birds/ honeybees go in winter?
A: While the bird part is quite easy, since a lot of them get together and travel, the honeybee part is likely to puzzle your parents. It turns out that these busy insects stop being that active when the temperature drops below 50°F. Instead ,they get together in the lower central area of the hive (蜂巢)and form a ball around their queen. This helps keep both warm enough to survive the cold winter months.
小题1:The sky looks blue mainly because the color blue in the sunlight_______.
A.has the longest wavelength among all the colors
B.cannot be taken in by the gas molecules
C.doesn’t hit “raised area” in the atmosphere
D.cannot pass through space successfully
小题2:How long can’t the moon be seen during the daytime in a month?
A.2 B.28 C.30 D.31
小题3:What do honeybees choose to do when the temperature drops below 50°F?
A.They choose to be active in the wild.
B.They choose to keep themselves warm.
C.They choose to travel to a warm place.
D.They choose to get together in the upper central area of the hive.
小题4:What is NOT explained in the passage?
A.Why is the sky blue?
B.Why is the moon able to be seen during the daytime?
C.Why do birds travel in winter?
D.Where do honeybees go in winter?



试题分析: 本文是在讲许多父母害怕被孩子问到一些科学问题,下方列举一些父母所不知道的问题,你可以问问你的父母知道吗?
小题1:D 细节理解题。根据第三段提到的While it moves in a straight line when going through space, it starts to divide as it hits “raised area” in the atmosphere当他穿过太空时,被分开,The ones with longest wavelengths pass through easily. The blue , however , can be taken in by the gas molecules (分子) because it has a shorter wavelength , which in turn scatters (使分散) it in different directions.其它的颜色可以穿过太空而蓝色不波长短,被分开。所以选D项。
小题2:B 细节理解题。根据第五段提到The only time it is not able to be seen during its 28-day orbit (轨道) around the earth is when it is right between the earth and the sun在其28天轨道(轨道)在地球是地球和太阳之间这时候恰好是我们是看不到的,所以28天是看不到的。所以选B项。
小题3:B 细节理解题。根据最后一段提到Instead ,they get together in the lower central area of the hive (蜂巢)and form a ball around their queen. This helps keep both warm enough to survive the cold winter months他们会聚集在蜂巢转成一个球以蜂后为中心,这样让他们保暖以过冬。所以选B项。
小题4:C 细节理解题。根据文中提到Q: Why is the sky blue? Q:Why does the moon sometimes appear during the daytime? Q: Where do birds/ honeybees go in winter?这三个问题,所以没有提到C项。
March 5 is “Lei Feng Day”. Fifty years ago on this day, Chairman Mao Zedong called on people to “learn from Lei Feng”. Now half a century has passed. Is the spirit of Lei Feng outdated? Some people have shown us that it’s not. But people have also changed the ways in which they help others.
Li Yulin, who works in a hospital in Hang Zhou, Zhejiang, has been a volunteer for 15 years. He still remembers his experience in an old people’s home several years ago. An old woman held his hand and said, “You don’t need to do anything for us. Seeing young people like you here is all we need.” Those words made Li think: in what ways can we help people better? “Every person does what they can, no matter how small it is, to give out positive energy. And before we lend a helping hand, we should find out what they want,” Li said to the Qianjiang Evening News.
As well as Li, other people have shown their understanding of the spirit of Lei Feng. A “noodle fever” swept Zhengzhou, Henan in January. It started with an online post. Li Gang, a 42-year-old local man, said in the post that he has got cancer. He needed a lot of money for an operation. He was not asking for donations, but hoped people would come to eat at his restaurant. Li’s post spread quickly. Soon his restaurant was filled with people every day. Li had an operation on Feb. 2 and now he is getting better.
“It is good to help Li and his family like this for it shows them respect and doesn’t hurt their pride,” Qianjiang Evening News said.
小题1: According to Paragraph 1, we learn that_______.  
A.people now help others in different ways
B.people today don’t follow the spirit of Lei Feng
C.fifty years ago people were more helpful than today
D.Lei Feng died on March 15, 1963.
小题2: Li Yulin learned from his experience that______.     
A.the old want people to give them money
B.the young should show respect to the old
C.old people in the old people’s home don’t need help
D.helping people is giving them what they really need
小题3: According to the article, what is “noodle fever”?  
A.Many people ate noodles in a restaurant to help the owner.
B.Many people got a fever after eating noodles in a restaurant.
C.Many people got cancer after eating noodles in a restaurant.
D.Many people gave money to a noodle restaurant owner.
小题4: From this passage, what does the name of Lei Feng stand for? 
A.A symbol of understanding.B.A symbol of selflessness and modesty .
C.A symbol of respect. D.A symbol of pride .
小题5:What is the best title for this passage?  
A.Volunteer Work.B.The Spirit of Lei Feng Is Everywhere.
C.Positive Energy. D.Lei Feng Is Outdated.

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In an American classroom, a Chinese girl was asked to answer a question. She stood up and smiled, without making any sound. The American teacher looked at himself and didn’t see anything funny. So he asked her the question again. The girl just smiled but said nothing. The teacher was angry. He didn’t know that the girl smiled to cover her embarrassment(尴尬)because she wasn’t able to answer the question.
In a dining room in Beijing, an Englishman was careless and dropped a plate. The Chinese who had seen this began to laugh. The Englishman felt uncomfortable and even got angry. “They are laughing at me,” he thought. In fact the Chinese laughed not at the Englishman or his bad luck—whether he is a foreigner or a Chinese. The smile or laughter has several feelings: don’t take it so seriously; laugh it off, it’s nothing; such things can happen to any of us.
小题1:The Chinese girl smiled in an American classroom because ________________.
A.she was asked to answer a question B.she was asked to stand up
C.she couldn’t answer the question D.the teacher looked funny
小题2:Which feeling is NOT included in the laughter when the Englishman dropped a plate?
A.Don’t take it seriously.B.Bad luck!
C.It’s nothing.D.It can happen to any of us.
小题3:What does the writer want to tell us?
A.Smile and laughter don’t mean the same thing to different people.
B.Smile and laughter always bring happiness.
C.American people are easy to get angry.
D.Chinese students are impolite

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The best thing to start your day is a good breakfast. There are different       of  breakfasts around the world.
“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper(穷人).”      the old saying tells us, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It        us with energy after a long night without food.
If people don’t have breakfast in the morning, they will feel tired and get angry       . Breakfast helps      stay more focused in school. A study showed that children who eat breakfast regularly score        in most subjects.
Breakfast is also important for weight loss. If you have a balanced breakfast, you will eat less throughout the day.
A healthy and        breakfast should include some protein(蛋白质) like eggs, milk or a little meat, which makes you        all day. Carbohydrates(碳水化合物) like rice or bread        keep you active. Vegetables and fruit have the vitamins        humans need.
     , in China, breakfast is different from region to region. Porridge        pickles(腌菜),baozi, noodles, soybean milk and youtiao are common throughout the        country. Although western culture has influenced China a lot, most people still        traditional Chinese breakfast. They think that porridge and noodles are not only easily digested, but also can provide enough       in the morning
A.waysB.types C.rulesD.ideas
A.SoB.Though C.AsD.When
A.properlyB.directly C.easilyD.quickly
A.can B.shouldC.mustD.need
A.dislike B.knowC.wantD.prefer

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Cats are creatures of habit. They like to go to sleep about the same time every day and for a certain length of time. They seem to have a natural clock inside them that tells them when to sleep. Cats increase their regular sleep with occasional cat naps.(打盹). Some experts feel that humans can also get advantages from this habit. Cats nap help to build up energy in the body. They are also a good way to get rid of trouble! Since cats have the same moods as humans, some experts believe that people can improve their moods. People might become happier.
A number of famous people have copied cats by taking cat naps during the day. The naps would usually last from 15 to 30 minutes. Winston Churchill took cat naps. So did President Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson. These famous men were known for their energy. They were also able to work long hours, often into the night. Napping was their secret.
小题1: From the passage we know that cats_________________.
小题2:Naps usually last ________. 
小题3: which of the following is NOT true?
A.Cats have the same moods as people.
B.Some famous people take cat naps.
C.Some people have full energy after they take cat naps.
D.People should take their naps secretly.
小题4:How many famous men were known for their energy have been mentioned?
小题5:Taking cat naps ________. 

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Stress is a normal physical response to things that make people feel worried or break their balance of life in some way.
Stress isn’t always bad. Sometimes, people’s stress is important during emergency situation, such as when a driver has to stop his car to avoid an accident. Sometimes, stress can help people do their best, like while getting ready before a big competition or exam.
However, too much or long-term stress gives people a stress overload. People with stress overloads may have problems remembering or concentrating on things. They are quick to get angry or lose patience. They may even have other problems, such as sleeping problems, headache and often getting colds.
What are some ways to deal with stress?
Ask for help.
Everyone has stress. For many people, stress is so common that it has become a way of life. Don’t be too shy to tell your parents or teachers that you are having a hard time. They may comfort you or give you some useful advice. Sometimes just sharing your problems with someone else can make you feel better.
Solve the little problems.
Develop skills to calmly look at a problem, choose a way to solve it and take action. Solving the little problems successfully helps to build confidence to move on life’s bigger ones.
Learn to relax.
Activities that make people clam and happy can help manage stress. For example, reading a good book, enjoying music, spending time with your parents, getting a good night’s sleep, or just taking a relaxing bath are all good ways to reduce your stress..
Encourage yourself with positive words.
When you are under your stress, saying certain things to yourself may help you feel more confident. For example, you might tell yourself, “I will do the best that I can.” or “I can handle this if I take it one step at a time.”
小题1:People with stress overloads may___________.
a. have trouble concentrating on things         b. have good memories
c. have sleeping problems                   d. easy to get impatient
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Stress is a kind of serious heart disease.
B.Stress is always bad for people.
C.Stress is always useless for an exam.
D.Stress is greatly needed sometimes.
小题3:Which is NOT the way that people solve their stress?
A.Sharing problems with others to get help.
B.Relaxing by enjoying music.
C.Try to be confident.
D.Having disagreement with someone else.
小题4:What does the underlined word handle in the last paragraph mean in Chinese?
小题5:The purpose of this article is to tell us_____________.
A.how to get good results with the help of stress
B.what a stress overload is and how to get rid of it
C.how to deal with stress and reduce it
D.what problems stress overloads might cause

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