The best day of the week for shoppers is Saturday. In America, women do most of

The best day of the week for shoppers is Saturday. In America, women do most of

The best day of the week for shoppers is Saturday. In America, women do most of the shopping, while the young also enjoy shopping with their friends. Men don’t enjoy taking time in the store. There are many places to shop. A mall is a group of many shops where you can buy clothes, furniture, and everything of the house. Shopping malls provide parking of the cars which is very important to the shopper. Usually the mall is under one roof, so each people doesn’t get cold or wet from rain, wind, or snow. Mothers can buy clothes for family members. For the children, shoes, socks, dresses, coats, and sweaters are bought in August for the new school year. For the kitchen the mother might buy cooking pots, drinking glasses, and the television set. The bedroom furniture has beds, mirrors and so on. Finally, there are pictures in most rooms.
To buy all these things at the mall takes many trips but mothers enjoy this kind of shopping.
小题1:Who often goes shopping for the family members from the passage, we know?
A.Mothers B.Fathers C.Young peopleD.Children
小题2:In America, women like shopping on.
A.SundayB.SaturdayC.Monday D.Friday
小题3:Men do not enjoy shopping in the store, because. will cost more moneyB.takes shorter time takes a lot of time D.they will get wet from rain
小题4:The word “furniture” means.
小题5:What is a shopping mall?
A.It’s a group of many shops where you can buy everything you need.
B.A department store where you can buy everything you need.
C.A supermarket where you can buy vegetables, fruits and so on.
D.You can park your car there



小题1:根据In America, women do most of the shopping,描述,可知选A。
小题2:根据The best day of the week for shoppers is Saturday. 描述,可知选B。
小题3:根据Men don’t enjoy taking time in the store.描述,可知男人们不愿意把时间花在商店里面。故选C。
小题4:联系下文has beds, mirrors 可知这个单词指的是家具的意思。故选B。
小题5:根据A mall is a group of many shops where you can buy clothes, furniture, and everything of the house.描述,可知选A。
Mr. Black loved his daughter very much. Every day he spent all of his free time  1____ with her. One night, he had much work to do , 2____ couldn’t play with his daughter. In order to keep her 3____he found a map of the world in a magazine and cut it into pieces. When he 4___ , Helen came running to him and was ready to play. Mr. Black said he had 5_____ time to play right now. He told the girl to put the pieces of paper back together to a map of the world, and then they could both play.
About half an hour later, Helen came to her father and said,“ Okay,it’s finished. Can we play now?” Mr. Black was surprised, saying, “That’s 6____. Let’s go and see.” And sure enough, there was the picture of the world, all put together, every 7____in its place. Mr. Black said, “That’s surprising! 8_____ did you do that?” Helen said, “It was 9____ .On the back of the page was a picture of a 10_____. When I put the man together, the whole world fell into place.”
A.sleepyB.warm C.freeD.busy
A.left homeC.left the to the office

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One day, Bob took two of his friends into the mountains. They put up their tents(帐篷)and then rode off to a forest to see how the trees were growing.
In the afternoon when they were about ten kilometers from their camp(营地), it started to snow. More and more snow fell. Soon Bob could hardly see his hand before his face. He could not find the road! Bob knew there were two roads. One road went to the camp, and the other went to his house, But all was white now. Everything was the same. How could he take his friends back to the camp?
Bob had an idea. The horses! Let the horses take them back! But what would happen if the horses took the road to his house? That would be a trip(行程) of thirty-five kilometers in such cold weather!
It was getting late. They rode on and on. At last the horses stopped.
Where were they? None of them could tell. John looked around. What was that under the tree? It was one of their tents!
小题1:Bob and his two friends went to the forest          . find their way home build their camp see the trees see the mountains in the snow
小题2:They could hardly find their way back because          .
A.there was not any road in the mountains
B.everything was covered by snow
C.they couldn"t decide which of the two roads went to their tents
D.there was only one road to their camp
小题3:It is clear that they wanted the horses to take them to         .
A.the forests B.the mountains C.the camp D.John"s house
小题4:The horses stopped because         .
A.they were tired after running for a long time was getting late
C.they saw the trees
D.they knew that they had got to the camp
小题5:The story happened          . night when nothing could be seen a cold camp
C.on a dark evening
D.on a cold winter day

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Mo, the first Nobel winner in literature born and living in China, said he had trouble with the sudden publicity, which put a lot of pressure on him.
"I only hope to return to my writing desk as soon as possible, and I would also like to do well in society anonymously.(无名地)" Mo said. He was bothered by a large number of requests asking him to offer help that took advantage of his fame. " I was upset the first several days after the prize announcement, but then I realized the prize is just like a mirror that reflects various attitudes about my winning, and more, reflects the real me," Mo said. "I still consider myself an ordinary citizen who writes. And presenting quality works is my duty and best way of giving back to society. I"m no superstar," he emphasized(强调) several times.
Mo believes Chinese literature has achieved much in the past thirty years, and the driving force behind that is not the prize. Writers" creations should not be driven by awards, or criticism, or readers" expectations. Mo said he misunderstood the standards of the academy"s selection before he visited Stockholm(斯德哥尔摩) to receive the prize in December.
"I thought they were judging the authors" personality or political features, then I learned the sole standard of their selection is literature itself, which is also deeply based in the Swedish people"s long-established practice of reading a large number of books," Mo said.
During the forum, established Chinese and Australian writers discussed subjects as diverse as tradition and modernity, the local and the universe and cultural inclusiveness. And they will also read works to each other and the readers. The writers communication will further promote(推动) Chinese writers to a global audience.
Australian Ambassador(大使) to China Frances Adamson agreed. "It"s a milestone (驱动)of literary exchanges between the two countries, who are longtime friends," Adamson said.
小题1: Mo is the first Nobel winner in ______ born and living in China.
A.literature.B.peace C.physics D.chemistry
小题2:When did Mo receive the prize?
A.In September B.In OctoberC.In November D.In December
小题3:What did Mo say about himself after he got the prize?
A.He considered he was a superstar.
B.He still considered he was an ordinary citizen who writes.
C.He considered he was famous all over the world.
D.He considered he became rich.
小题4:Who is Frances Adamson?
A.He is the French Ambassador to ChinaB.He is the Canadian Ambassador to China
C.He is the Australian Ambassador to ChinaD.He is the American Ambassador to China
小题5:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Mo didn’t hope to return to my writing deskB.Mo was always upset after the prize .
C.The driving force behind writers is the prize D.Mo’s success will promote Chinese writers.

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No more fear. The Iron Hammer is here. Lang Ping has become the newly appointed Chinese women’s national volleyball coach.
For the past four years, Chinese women"s volleyball has been plagued by frustrating international results, frequent coach reshuffles, numerous injuries and a shortage of talent.
Volleyball was the first sport in which China succeeded on a global scale and was widely followed in the 1980s.
A prolonged slump might finally be coming to an end though, as Lang Ping was appointed head coach of the Chinese women"s national team for the second time.
Known as the "Iron Hammer", Lang was the country"s best-known volleyball icon and a symbol of the "never-say-die" spirit of the team in its heyday. She has been the favorite for the coaching post since the sports authority unveiled its four candidates on April 15. Her return is expected to bring attention and confidence back to the sport., more than 70 percent of participants said they believe Lang will lead women"s volleyball back to the top flight internationally.
Lang"s appeal among Chinese volleyball players is also expected to boost the current national lineup, which has several veterans who are planning to retire. National team player Wei Qiuyue, who was going to retire after the National Games in September, said she is ready to play for the national team for as long as needed now that Lang is the coach.
"Lang"s rich coaching experiences give her quite a bit of familiarity with her opponents" strategy and character," Wei said. "She was also an outstanding athlete, which makes it easier for her to understand the feelings and mentality of the players."
小题1:Who is “the Iron Hammer”?
A.Deng Yaping B.Lang PingC.Li NaD.Zhao Wei
小题2:What does the underlined word mean?
小题3:Did the new coach use to coach Chinese women’s national volleyball team?
A.Yes, she did.B.Maybe.
C.No, she didn’t .D.I don’t know.
小题4:How many candidates were there ?
小题5:Why has Lang Ping become the newly Chinese women’s national volleyball coach?
A.She was also an outstanding athlete.
B.She has rich coaching experiences.
C.Most of participants believe she will head women’s volleyball back to the top flight internationally.
D.All the above.

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任务型阅读 阅读短文,按要求完成各题。(5分)

CHENGDU - Public mourning was held on Saturday morning in Southwest China"s Sichuan province for those who died in a 7.0-magnitude quake a week ago. Students lower their heads during a silent tribute to the victims of Lushan April 20 earthquake, in Lushan Middle School, Ya"an city, Southwest China"s Sichuan province on April 27, 2013. The public mourning began with all transportation vehicles sounding their sirens at 8:02 am, the time the devastating earthquake hit on  April 20, and was followed by a silent tribute of 3 minutes.
The quake has claimed nearly 200 lives and destroyed about 126,000 homes, according to official figures.
On Friday, the National Health and Family Planning Commission said in a statement that 1,516 wounded people, including 43 terminally-ill patients and 69 severe cases, are being treated in hospital in Sichuan.
More than 1.5 billion yuan ($243 million) has been allocated to quake victims, with 10 yuan and 0.5 kilograms of grain distributed daily to each person.
More than 87,000 tents, 233,000 quilts, 25,000 items of clothing and 3,393 tons of food have been provided by local governments. And 426 medical centers and 1,015 relocation sites have been set up as of Friday.
China"s beverage maker JDB Group has announced a donation of 100 million yuan to Lushan, the largest donation thus far from any company in China.
Shu Yuhui, chairman of the Quan Jian Natural Medicine Science and Technology Development Co Ltd, also made a donation of 100 million yuan, making it the largest individual contribution for earthquake relief efforts.
In the first paragraph, we can know ____________ and ____________ public mourning was held for those who died in 7.0-magnitude quake a week ago.
The quake has claimed nearly 200 lives . (同义句)
Nearly 200 people____________   ____________ in this earthquake.
小题3:根据短文内容回答问题。 Have the companies made donations to Lushan?
What should you do after you heard the 7.0-magnitude quake hit Ya’an?
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