It’s Sunday. There are   36   people on the bus. And   37   is looking here and

It’s Sunday. There are   36   people on the bus. And   37   is looking here and


It’s Sunday. There are   36   people on the bus. And   37   is looking here and there. He wants to find a   38  . Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small   39   is on the seat. And a young man is 40   it.”
“Excuse me.   41   I have this seat?” asks the old man. “Sorry, it’s for   _42  . She goes to buy some bananas.” says the young man.
“Well,” says the old man. “Let me sit here, please. When she comes back, I will leave(离开) here.”
The bus starts. “She doesn’t come, 43  her bag is here. Let me give her the bag.” The old man wants to throw(扔掉) the bag   44  of the window.
The young man jumps and shouts(大喊),“Don’t throw! It’s  45  bag.”
小题1:A. little         B. a lot          C. many
小题2:A. a young woman B. an old man      C. an old woman
小题            B. chair          C. bag   
小题             B. book          C. bag
小题5:A.or              B. at            C. next to
小题6:A.Do              B. May          C. Must
小题7:A.a boy           B. a man         C. a woman 
小题8:A.and             B. then          C. but
小题9:A.from            B. out           C. in       
小题             B. her           C. his      


小题2:此题考查名词短语,根据下文的语句He wants to find…可知此人是位男性,故选B
小题5:此题考查介词,根据语境可知选择next to,表示旁边有个年轻人。
小题7:此题考查名词,根据下文语句She goes to buy some bananas.可知选择a woman
小题9:此题考查介词,throw out of表示扔出去。

There are twelve months in a year. In the twelve months, February has twenty-eight days. In a leap year (闰年), it has twenty-nine days. A leap year comes every four years. The rest eleven months have thirty or thirty-one days.
There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year. But there are three hundred and sixty-six days in a leap year.
There are seven days in a week. They are from Sunday to Saturday. Sunday is the first day of a week.
The parts of a day are morning, noon, afternoon, evening and night.
小题1: There are twelve months in a leap year.
小题2:February only has twenty-eight days in a leap year.
小题3:Monday is the first day of a week.
小题4:There are five parts in a day.
小题5: When there are twenty-nine days in February, the year has three hundred and          
sixty-five days.
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In our town, there is a big zoo with a lot of animals in it. There are some beautiful tigers and two old lions. They eat a lot of meat every day.
There are also two big elephants and one baby elephant. The elephants are kind animals. They eat a lot every day. They like children. Children often give them bread and bananas. Elephants like bananas best.
In our zoo there are also brown bears(熊), black bears and white bears. They stand on their hind(后面的)legs,hold up their fore(前面的)legs and ask for(要)food. They like cakes very much.
There’s also a children’s corner in our zoo. Children ride horses(马)and donkeys(驴)and watch the monkeys there. The monkeys are very funny. They climb up ropes(绳子)and jump (跳)down again and play with each other(彼此,互相) like small children.
小题1: Which animal likes bananas best?
小题2: The zoo is          .
A.very beautifulB.very bigC.very smallD.far from our town
小题3:Which animal plays like small children?
小题4:Why do bears stand on their hind legs?
A.They are tired and want to have a rest.
B.They want to jump out.
C.They want to ask for food.
D.They want to sleep.
小题5: How many kinds of bears there in the zoo?

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My name is Molly Sharp. I"m eleven years old. I"ve got one brother—his name"s Joson and he"s fourteen. I haven"t got any sisters.I live with my mum and dad and grandma in a small house in Chesterfield,in the north of England. There are lots of things to do here. My friends and I go to the cinema on Saturdays.
   Do you like games? I like football. My favorite team is Manchester United. I sometimes play football with my brother. I can play well but he isn"t very good.
   I"ve got seven pets--a tortoise and six goldfish. I want a dog or a cat,but my mother doesn"t like them.
Please write to me.
小题1: The girl wants to find a ________.  D.pen pal
小题2:What is the girl"s surname(姓)?
A.SharpB. MollyC.Becky MollyD.none of the above
小题3: The girl"s family live in ________.
A.a big roomB.a cinema
C.the west of EnglandD.the north of England
小题4: Does the girl play football well?
A.Yes,she does. B.No,she doesn"t.
C.She"s not very good.D.We don"t know.
小题5: The girl"s mother doesn"t like ________. 
A.the tortoise or the goldfish  
B.the tortoise or the dog
C.a dog or a cat        
D.the goldfish or the cat

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Chris is not a traditional explorer --- he usually works in an office for a large organization. However, Chris" job can be just as exciting and dangerous as being an explorer.
Chris works for MSF, an organization also known as .Doctors Without Borders. Since1971, MSF has sent trained doctors all over the world to help people who have suffered from disasters, such as wars and illnesses. Chris is a doctor from France who has traveled to many places to organize programs that help people.
At the moment, over 27,000 trained doctors have taken part in MSF projects. The organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. All kinds of doctors can volunteer for MSF. They need to be ready to go almost anywhere in the world and, of course, they should face difficulties. Most of MSF"s work is in Africa. When MSF chooses a doctor for a task, they have to go for at least six months. When doctors have completed a few tasks, they might be sent on an emergency task following a disaster, such as an earthquake.
But why would doctors leave a comfortable life and a good pay to join MSF? According to Chris, the experience they have is a great help in their life. What"s more, just like the explorers of the past, they need to keep an open mind and learn to get on well with the people they meet. One thing that they can say at the end of any task is that they have made a real difference to people’s lives.
小题1: What may MSF"s work be like?
A.Tiring and boring.
B.Exciting and dangerous.
C.Relaxing and colorful.
D.Peaceful and comfortable.
小题2:As a volunteer doctor for MSF, he or she should     .
A.have worked in Africa for six months
B.have been sent on an emergency task ready to work for a task for at least half a year
D.have suffered from wars, illnesses or other disasters
小题3:. Why would doctors like to join MSF?
A.Because they can get a good pay.
B.Because they can have a comfortable life.
C.Because they can help others and get experience.
D.Because they can travel abroad with their families.
小题4: What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Chris is a doctor who has organized programs to help people.
B.MSF received the Nobel Peace Prize for helping poor countries.
C.Volunteer doctors make a real difference to their own lives in MSF.
D.MSF offers medical help to people who have suffered from disasters.

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Maybe you can not imagine what a hotel made of trash looks like. But in Rome, Italy, there is a campaign called Save the Beach that has created a hotel out of 12 tons of trash in order to raise awareness (意识) of our waste.
Save the Beach is an environmental awareness campaign set up by the makers of Corona Beer. They collected all the trash from all the beaches all across Europe. Then they built the special hotel.
It was reported that the hotel was fully booked (预约). And it was open only for four days there in early June, the same time as World Environment Day. Next to the “trash hotel” was the slogan of Save the Beach. It said, we have built the first hotel made of trash in the world. This will be the future of our holidays if we do nothing to protect our beaches.
The hotel was built just to show the damage we were causing to the sea and the coastline (海岸线). We live in the time of trash and we are running the risk of becoming trash ourselves. Do we really want such a world?
The trash hotel in Rome was just the beginning to support healthy, clean and trash-free beaches all across Europe by Save the Beach. Maybe there will be more surprising ideas in the future. Let’s wait and see.
小题1: Where was the trash hotel built?
A.In EuropeB. InAsiaC. In AmericaD. In Africa
小题2:小题3: The trash was from the _____________
A.StreetsB. BeachesC. WoodsD. Hotels
小题4: The hotel was open only for four days in early June because ___________
A.Many people went to the beach in June
B.It was hot in early June
C.The hotel was not clean enough
D.That was the same time as World Environment Day
小题5:. The underlined word “damage” means “_____________” in Chinese.
小题6:. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.No one could live in the trash hotel
B.The trash hotel was the first one in the world
C.The trash hotel was built just for fun
D.The trash hotel will be popular in the future

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