I’m taking my family to other countries to have a trip. My wife and I and our tw

I’m taking my family to other countries to have a trip. My wife and I and our tw

I’m taking my family to other countries to have a trip. My wife and I and our two children are all going along. My elder brother will go with us, too. He has never been overseas and he is even more excited than the children. My father is so old that he’d like to stay at home and take care of the house.
We’re going by train to New York, and then take a ship to Europe . When we arrive in Europe, we’re going to some countries for sightseeing (观光). We’ll go to places either by train or by bus. We’re going to fly home.
It took us a long time to decide where to go, but I think we’ll have a very interesting trip. We’ll go to England, France and Italy. We also talked about how we would go to Europe. At first we wanted to fly because it would be faster and would save more time. But my brother likes to take a boat trip and the children like that, too.
(    ) 1. How many people will go to have a trip?
A.  Three          B. Four        C. Five             D. Six
(    ) 2. My father will not go on the trip because               .
A . he doesn’t like travels            B. he like staying at home
C. he is too old to travel             D. nobody wants to take him along
(    ) 3 . We’re coming back home by               .
A. sea                 B. air           C. bus            D. train
(    ) 4. In Europe we will               .
A. go sight-seeing at the seaside      B. to go to different countries by ship
C. buy a lot of presents             D. go from place to place by train or by bus
(    ) 5. My brother and my children would like to               .
A. do some shopping in Europe          B. study the Italian language in Italy
C. enjoy a trip by ship               D. learn French in France
1-5  CBBDC

小题1:根据My wife and I and our two children are all going along. My elder brother will go with us, too. 可知我的妻子、我、两个孩子还有我的哥哥,一共五个人去旅游,故选C。
小题2:根据My father is so old that he’d like to stay at home and take care of the house.可知我的父亲没有去旅游是因为他更喜欢待在家里,故选B。
小题3:根据We’re going to fly home.可知我们乘飞机回家,因此选B。
小题4:根据When we arrive in Europe, we’re going to some countries for sightseeing (观光). We’ll go to places either by train or by bus.可知在欧洲时,我们观光时或者乘火车,或者乘公共汽车,因此选D。
小题5:根据But my brother likes to take a boat trip and the children like that, too.可知我的哥哥和孩子们都喜欢乘船旅游,因此选C。
Today is fine. The sky is blue, Now it"s nine o"clock in the morning. There"s a sports meeting in the forest(森林)on the big mountain. Look,a horse, a panda and a cat are running. Over there a dog and two tigers are jumping. Two monkeys are climbing the trees. Four birds are flying around and singing. There are some other animals there, too. The elephants are standing. A monkey is sitting on an old elephant. The monkey has a flag(旗)in his hand. Polly is sitting in the tree. A fox, a baby panda and some small animals are sitting under the tree. They are all watching.
小题1:—What colour is the sky today?—It’s____________.
小题2:How    many animals are running and jumping?
小题3:Which animals are climbing the tress?
A. The monkeys.              B. The pandas and the foxes
B. The elephants and the cats.     D. The horses and the pandas
小题4:There’re  __________ at the sports meeting.
A.not any birds B.a lot of animalsC.many peopleD.many monkeys
小题5:Who’re all watching at the meeting?
A.A tiger, a baby horse and some cats B.Polly, an elephant and some small fish
C.A fox, a baby panda and some animalsD.A monkey, a baby cat and some birds

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In northern China during spring, big sandstorm often make trouble for people. Sandstorms usually happen in spring. They have happened in more than 10 provinces in northern China this year. People in southern China don’t have to worry about this kind of bad weather. Most of the sand comes from the north of China. In northern China, lots of places have few trees and don’t get much rain. When there aren’t many trees, the ground can’t keep enough water. Over the years, the ground dries up and turns to sand. When spring comes and the ice melts, the ground becomes loose. Strong winds take the loose sand into the sky. Besides, in northeast China, there lies some vast deserts.
Sandstorms are bad for people’s health. If people breathe in too much sand, they will cough or have serious illnesses. Sandstorms also give farmers lots of problems. Sometimes their sheep get lost in the storms and never come back home. The winds also tear the farmers’ houses down.
What can you do to stop sandstorms? Here’s a piece of advice. Ask your parents to help you plant some trees this spring. If you see people cutting down too many trees, tell them about the dangers of sandstorms, and ask your government to stop them.
小题1:When do sandstorms usually happen?
A.In summer.B.In spring.C.In winter.D.In autumn
小题2:What does the underlined word "loose" mean in China?
肥沃的           B.贫瘠的        C.疏松的        D.大量的
小题3:The second paragraph tells us ______________.
A.why sandstorms happen in northern China
B.the dangers of sandstorms
C.sandstorms aren’t terrible at all
D.how sandstorms happen
小题4:Which of the following is NOT a way to stop sandstorms?
A.Plant more trees in spring.
B.Stop people to cut down too many trees
C.Don’t stay outside when sandstorms happen.
D.Tell people about the dangers of sandstorms.
小题5:Which is the best title for this passage?___________
B.How we can stop sandstorms
C.Why sandstorms only happen in northern China.
D.Sandstorms can influence most of China.

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What are you going to do if you are in a burning house? How will you escape? Do you know how to save yourself? Please read the following passage.
Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do during a fire can save your life. It is important to know the ways you can use and show them to everyone in the family, such as stairways and fire escapes, but not lifts.
From the lower floors of the buildings, escaping through windows is possible, learn the best way of leaving by windows with the least chance of serious injury.
The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground. An average (平均高度的) person, hanging by the finger-tips will have a drop of about six feet to the ground. It is about the height of an average man. Of course, it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building.
Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed. Or smoke and fire may be drawn into the room. Keep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may have leaked (渗) into the room.
On a second or third floor, the best windows for escape are these which open onto a roof. From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely. Dropping onto cement (水泥) might end with injury. Bushes and grass can help to break a fall.
小题1:It is more important to ________.
A.put out the fire in the burning houseB.Know the ways to escape the fire
C.jump off a burning houseD.keep the door closed
小题2:It is possible to escape through the windows ________.
A.if you have a long ropeB.if you are strong enough
C.if you live on a lower floorD.if there are some bushes on the ground
小题3:Which of the following escaping way is NOT right?
A.You can escape through stairways.
B.You can choose fire escapes.
C.Escape from the windows which open onto a roof.
D.Use a lift to come down at once.
小题4:Open the window so that ________ if the building is on fire.
A.you can get fresh airB.you can call for help
C.you can easily jump offD.you can be seen first
小题5:The best title for the passage is ________.
A.Escaping from the WindowsB.Save Yourself in the Burning House
C.Knowledge on FireD.Waiting for Help

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Fashion isn’t very environmentally-friendly because it makes people buy things they don’t need, just because they’re new. We want to take care of the environment, we don’t want to pol­lute the air and we don’t want to waste energy and resources. But we also want to be fashiona­ble. How can we buy fashionable clothes and protect the environment?
Old styles are fashionable again, so one way is to buy second-hand clothes — recycled clothes. Another way is to buy’ fair trade clothes. These clothes are either recycled or made in a ’ way that protects the environment. They also protect the people who make the clothes.
Surprisingly, white cotton is one of the least environmentally-friendly crops of all. To pro­tect the cotton, the growers use chemicals that pollute water, make farm workers ill and kill wildlife. New materials, such as hemp and bamboo, grow quickly and are more environmental­ly-friendly. These materials are very soft, and look fantastic. The best materials are coloured using natural dyes, made from plants.
Environmentally-friendly clothes are practical but until now they were often dull. Now fashion-designers are working with these materials and the clothes are beautiful as well. So now we can buy fashionable clothes that are also environmentally-friendly.
小题1:Why do people often buy things they don’t need? Because_.
A.new things can be more comfortable
B.everyone wants to be fashionable
C.people are richer than before now
D.people care about the environment
小题2:What’s the topic for paragraph 2?
A.Recycled fashion.B.The problem with fashion.
C.Fashion doesn’t have to pollute.D.New materials.
小题3:Which of the following is more environmentally-friendly?
A.Materials soft and looking fantastic.
B.Any materials coloured using natural dyes.
C.Hemp and bamboo.
D.White cotton.
小题4:Why are environmentally -friendly clothes more fashionable now? Because______.
A.people pay more attention to our environment
B.environmentally-friendly clothes are practical
C.all old styles become fashionable again
D.fashion-designers are working to make them beautiful
小题5:What is the best title for the passage?
A.Cotton or Hemp and Bamboo?
B.Environmentally-friendly Clothes
C.Old Style, New Fashion Again
D.Fashion and the Environment

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As an exchange student, I have been staying in a host family in Beijing for the past five months. The parents are   36  in their mid-30s and the son just turned 5. In exchange for room and board, I teach their son   37 .
Like in many of the other Chinese families, he’s an only child. And though he has   38 plastic trucks and boxes full of crayons, I don’t know   39  he has the time to play. When he’s not in the kindergarten, he’s taking after-school classes. On the weekends, the boy goes to more classes. He has one day off―Sunday.
Compared to his schedule, I feel like my childhood was   40  a waste of time. I learned how to climb trees and draw cartoons. I wasn’t learning Chinese at his age. But he and lots of other children are learning English. Both his parents dream that he will have   41  jobs, higher pay, and bigger houses.
The boy seems to take no interest   42  learning English. He doesn’t need a teacher, but a playmate. He is,   43 , only 5. When I think about my life as a 5-year-old, I know for sure I wasn’t half as   44  as he is.
In the evening, when his parents   45  him to speak with me in English, he gets   46 . He lies on the floors, hides under the table and climbs on the furniture. When he finally stops   47 , and starts talking, it isn’t in English, but it isn’t in Chinese,   48 . He speaks in his own language.
He   49  not be a very good student, but I’m not a great teacher. I just want to be his big brother   50  can speak in gibberish(胡言乱语) with him and help draw trucks, robots or spiders.
A.a hundred ofB.hundreds ofC.hundred ofD.hundreds
A.after allB.at allC.first of allD.all the time
A.moveB.to moveC.movingD.moved
A.tooB.alsoC.as wellD.either

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