阅读理解,根据短文内容,选择同义词。      The younger members of most American families don"t like

阅读理解,根据短文内容,选择同义词。      The younger members of most American families don"t like

阅读理解,根据短文内容,选择同义词。      The younger members of most American families don"t like foreign food. They like hamburgers.
Their idea of a good meal is a hamburger, served with ketchup and French fried potatoes, which are
called French fries. French fries are not considered foreign; most American children and teenagers love
to eat them any time of the day or night.
     Millions of hamburgers and French fries are eaten every year. Thousands of roadside restaurants
prepare and sell them. These are not really restaurants in the usual sense; they often have little space for
tables and chairs. Many people buy their hamburgers and take them home to eat, or eat them in their
     Sometimes it is not necessary to go inside in order to buy the hamburgers. They are ordered through
a window in the restaurant and then are handed out through the window to the waiting customer.
Sometimes the customer does not even have to get out of his car.
     When an American family travels abroad, this is almost always the custom that the younger members
of the family miss most.
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题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. However    
(     )2. natural    
(     )3. ketchup    
(     )4. teenager    
(     )5. roadside    
(     )6. French fries
(     )7. raw        
(     )8. soon        
(     )9. century    
a. thick tomato sauce                        
b. French fried potatoes                      
c. the edge of a road                        
d. not made by people                        
e. not cooked                                
f. 100 years                                  
g. in a short time                            
h. but                                        
i. a young person between 13 and 19 years old
1-9   h d a i c b e g f
     The food in Britain is very different from our Chinese food. For instance (例如), they eat a lot of
potatoes. They like to eat them every day. They eat bread for breakfast and usually for one other meal.
They eat their bread with butter (黄油), maybe cheese (乳酪) or jam (果酱), things we don"t eat much in
China. Cheese and butter are made from milk. They drink a lot of milk, too. They drink the milk cold or
hot, and they put it in their tea. They put sugar in their tea, as well. They are the world"s biggest tea
drinkers. They like Chinese tea, but they drink mostly strong black tea from India and Sri Lanka (斯里兰卡). They don"t eat much rice. For their main meal they like meat or fish with potatoes and one or two
vegetables. They serve all these together. After the main meal they always have something sweet. They
call this dessert (甜点心). They don"t have Jiaozi in Britain.
1. People eat many _______ in Britain.
A. potatoes
B. beef
C. butter
D. milk
2. They eat _______ butter.
A. breakfast with
B. Cheese for
C. bread with
D. jam for
3. They drink strong black tea _______.
A. to India
B. from India
C. for China
D. in China
4. After the main meal they always _______.
A. eat sweet something
B. eat sweet bread
C. have sweet something
D. have something sweet
5. People don"t eat Jiaozi _______. 
A. in China
B. in England 
C. from India
D. from Sri Lanka 
                                 New Year"s Resolution Survey Results
    We got over 1,000 letters, 1._____ (fax), and e-mails from our readers about their New Year"s
resolutions. Thank you! Many readers are 2._____ (go) to work harder in school this year. Lots of
readers are going to play 3._____ (sports). Some readers said they are going to eat 4._____ (many)
vegetables. A few readers said they are going to learn a new language. Some girls 5._____ (say) they
are going to exercise more to keep fit. Some parents are going to study the subjects their 6._____ (child)
learn at school. They want to communicate 7._____ (good)with their kids. An old lady said she found a
job as a foreign language teacher. She is going to look for a 8._____ (teach) job in China next year.
     In Canada and the U.S.A, people enjoy entertaining (请客) at home. They often invite friends over
for a meal, a party, or just for coffee and a conversation.
      Here are the kinds of things people say when they invite someone to their home:
     "Would you like to come over for dinner Saturday night?"
     "Hey, we’re having a party on Friday. Can you come?"
     To reply to an invitation, either say thank you and accept, or say you‘re sorry and give an excuse:
     "Thanks, I‘d love to. What time would you like me to come?" or "Oh, sorry, I have tickets for a
     Sometimes, however (但是), people use expressions that sound like invitations but which are not real
invitations. For example:
     "Please come over for a drink sometime (某个时候)."
     "Why not get together for a party sometime?"
     "Why don’t you come over and see us sometime soon?" 
     They are really just polite ways of ending a conversation. They are not real invitations because
they don‘t mention (提到) a specific (确定的) time or date. They just show that the person is trying
to be friendly. To reply the expressions like these, people just say"Sure, that would be great!" or
"OK. Yes, thanks."
     So next time when you hear what sounds like an invitation, listen carefully. Is it a real invitation or
the person is just being friendly?
1. Why do Canadians and Americans often invite friends for meals at home?
A. Because they can save time.
B. Because they can spend less money.
C. Because they enjoy entertaining at home.
D. Because they have modern and beautiful houses.
2. Which of the following is a real invitation?
A. If you‘re free, let‘s go for a drink sometime.
B. Please go to the cinema with me some day.
C. Would you like to have a cup of tea with us sometime?
D. I’ve two tickets here.Can you go to the concert with me?
3. If people say "Let"s get together for lunch some day.", you just say "____".
A. That would be nice.
B. How about this weekend?
C. Oh, sorry, I"m very busy.
D. That"s great. I"ll be there on time.
4. People use "an unreal invitation" in order to (为了) show that ____.
A. they"re trying to be friendly
B. they"re trying to be helpful
C. they"re trying to make friends with others
D. They haven"t got ready (准备) for a party yet
5. The passage is mainly about ____.
A. entertainment at home
B. real invitations or not
C. expressions of starting of a conversation
D. ways of ending a conversation
     Lofton (洛夫顿) is a little village not far from Manchester (曼彻斯特). Like many  1  villages near
towns or cities, it is clean and quiet.
     Not many families  2  there, so the people all know   3 . Most of them are friendly and helpful.
 4   their homes are in Lofton, many people have jobs in Manchester. Some work in the big factories. 
 5  work in shops or offices. Most of these people go to work by train. It usually takes them about 
  6  to get from Lofton to Manchester.
    In the evening a lot of people like  7   TV. If they want to see a film or to listen to a concert (音乐会) ,
they  8  go to Manchester. There are no cinemas in Lofton.
    Life in Lofton may not be so exciting as life in the  9  cities, but it can be just as  10    as there. That is
why people in Lofton love their little village.
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(     )1. A. any        
(     )2. A. lives      
(     )3. A. each another
(     )4. A. Though      
(     )5. A. Little      
(     )6. A. a half hour
(     )7. A. to watching
(     )8. A. have to    
(     )9. A. more larger
(     )10. A. interested
B. others          
B. have lived      
B. each other      
B. But              
B. A little        
B. half hour        
B. watching        
B. had to          
B. larger          
B. more interesting
C. the other        
C. live            
C. other one        
C. So              
C. Few              
C. half an hour    
C. to be watched    
C. need            
C. larger than other
C. interesting      
D. other          
D. lived          
D. the other      
D. Because        
D. A few          
D. half a hour    
D. watch          
D. ought                      
D. larger that    
D. more interested
     It"s half past four in the aftemoon. _1_ is ready. There are many things _2_ the table-plates, bowls
and glasses. We can _3_ some meat, eggs and fish _4_ the plates. There are some dumplings, noodles
and rice. Oh, there is a big round cake in the middle of the _5_.  There is _6_ to drink and five glasses 
there._7_ of the glasses is full of milk; two of them are full of coffee and the others _8_ full of Coke.
There are two bottles of apple juice. That"s great. They _9_ our favorite food and drinks. I"d like _10  
them very much. Why are there so many nice things? It"s Timmy"s grandmother"s birthday.  
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(     )1.  A. Breakfast  
(     )2.  A. in        
(     )3.  A. see        
(     )4.  A. on        
(     )5.  A. plates    
(     )6.  A. anything  
(     )7.  A. Some      
(     )8.  A. are        
(     )9.  A. all are    
(     )10. A. to have    
B. Lunch      
B. on        
B. look at    
B. in        
B. table      
B. things    
B. One        
B. is        
B. are all    
B. have      
C. Dinner      
C. under      
C. watch      
C. at          
C. bowl        
C. something  
C. Two        
C. have        
C. are both    
C. having      
D. Meals      
D. at          
D. read        
D. to          
D. bottle      
D. nothing    
D. Three      
D. has        
D. both are    
D. has