完形填空。     Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day. It  1  cloudy

完形填空。     Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day. It  1  cloudy

完形填空。     Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day. It  1  cloudy at times. There will be  2  to
the north of the Huai River. The day after tomorrow will be   3 .
    In the Northeast it will be fine. The temperature  4   above zero in the daytime, but at night it  5  below
zero again. In the Northwest, there will be snow  6 . The snow will be very  7  in some places.
    Beijing will be  8 . The temperature will be 2 to 9. Tianjin will be  9  and the temperature will be 4 to
10. Thank you for 10  (     )1. A. is            
(     )2. A. a strong wind  
(     )3. A. sun        
(     )4. A. will stay    
(     )5. A. stay        
(     )6. A. at night      
(     )7. A. heavy      
(     )8. A. raining      
(     )9. A. clouds      
(     )10. A. listening     B. will be      
B. wind strongly
B. sunshine      
B. stays        
B. fall          
B. in the night  
B. heavily      
B. rainy        
B. cloud        
B. listen        C. be        
C. windy    
C. suny      
C. to stay  
C. will fall
C. night    
C. light    
C. rains    
C. cloudy    
C. listens   D. is going to is  
D. very windy      
D. sunny          
D. stay            
D. will stay      
D. in night        
D. thin            
D. rain            
D. clouding        
D. to listening    
1-5    BADAC    6-10    BABCA
阅读理解。     Good morning. I"m Lin Li. Today is Friday. Now here is the 7: 00 a. m. weather report. Hong
Kong"s sunny and hot. Guangzhou"s warm. It"s raining, too. Shanghai was cool and rainy yesterday.
It"s cool and cloudy today. Beijing is very windy. It"s cold and dry, too. 1. What day is it today?A. Sunday     
B. Friday      
C. Tuesday     
D. Monday2. When is the weather report? It"s at _______.A. 7: 00 a. m.
B. 7: 00 p. m.
C. 2: 00 p. m.
D. 8: 00 a. m3. What is the weather like in Hong Kong?A. Sunny and hot            
B. Cool and cloudy  
C. Warm and dry            
D. Rainy and windy4. Which place is warm and rainy today?A. Hong Kong        
B. Guangzhou    
C. Shanghai   
D. Beijing5. Which place is very cold, dry and windy?A. Guangzhou       
B. Hong Kong    
C. Shanghai    
D. Beijing
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阅读理解。     Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. It is true. People usually
begin their talks with "Isn"t it a nice day?" "Do you think it will rain?" "What a fine day!" etc. (等等)
     Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like. But they hardly agree with
each other. One man may say, "Do you see how cloudy it is in the east? It"s going to rain tomorrow. "
Another man will say, "No, it"s going to be fine tomorrow. " People often look for the weather they
want. When a farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell him it"s going to rain; he won"t believe ( 相信) anything else. When friends have a travel, (旅游) they are sure the weather is going to clear up
(晴朗 )very quickly.
    Almost (几乎) everyone listens to what the weather man says. But he doesn"t always tell us what
we want, and once in a while he makes a mistake. (犯错误) Still, he probably (可能) comes closer to
being correct (正确) than anyone else. 1. "Nobody does something about the weather" means _______A. Nobody can make weather      
B. nobody can change (改变) weather
C. Nobody can talk about weather  
D. nobody likes weather2. _______ is a common way to start a talk. A. Talking about weather        
B. Keeping silent
C. Asking each other"s names      
D. Smile3. Many people hope the weather will be _______.A. fine    
B. rainy    
C. cloudy    
D. like what they like to be4. A weatherman probably is a man who _______.A. reports weather            
B. can see weather    
C. can change weather          
D. is made of weather5. When it is cloudy in the east, you know that _______ tomorrow. A. it is going to rain            
B. it will be fine   
C. it will be still cloudy        
D. A or B or C
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阅读理解。     No one can change the weather. But if we read correctly the signs around us, we can tell how
the weather will be. This way of telling of what the weather will be like on the following day or two is
called weather forecasting. For many centuries and in all countries, people have studied the weather
and tried to make weather forecasting. Rings around the sun are a sigh of coming rain. Many people
feel in their bones the coming of wet weather, their joints ache. Some birds fly high if fine weather is
coming, but they fly near the ground if rainy or stormy weather is on the way. It is probably because
of the insects which they are hunting that they fly low. If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, this
is a sign that the weather will become clear and fine. Such rainbows come in the evening. If the stars
twinkle clearly at night, then fine weather will continues. If a fog appears in the morning just above a
river, then the day will be warm. If the sunset is mostly red in color, then the following day will be
warm. If a rainbow appears in the morning, rainy weather will probably come. Most of the above
saying have been made by the people who have used their eyes and brains to make weather
forecasting. 1. People"s joints ache _______.A. is a sign of coming rain      
B. without any reason  
C. because they are ill          
D. because of the insects2. Which is true about weather forecasting?A. Weather forecasting is a report about the weather on the following day or two.
B. Weather forecasting is a way of telling what the weather will be like.
C. Weather forecasting is a sign of coming rain.
D. People can change the weather forecasting.3. The birds fly high and the stars twinkle clearly is a sign that the weather will _______.  A. be warm    
B. be rainy      
C. become clear and fine   
D. be cold4. A rainbow is a _______ of the fine weather.  A. sign      
B. way      
C. method      
D. road5. We must _______ to make weather forecasting. A. use our eyes and brains      
B. study the weather hard
C. read correctly signs          
D. All of the above
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任务型阅读。      It"s Sunday today and it"s (1)sunny. Dave wants to (A)_______(play) soccer with his friernds.
He asks his brothe, Mike, "(2)你在干什么?" "I"m watching TV. " Mike answers. "Do you want to
play soccer with me?" Dave asks. "That ( B)_______ (sound) good. The TV show is boring. Let"s go!"
Mike answers. So they go to Henry and Larry"s (3)_______(公寓).Henry and Larry are brothers.
"Let"s (C)_______(go)and play soccer, Henry." Dave says to Henry." That sounds interesting. But I"m
doing  my homework. " Henry answers. "Oh, so (E)_______ is Larry and (F)_______is he doing?"
Mike asks.
     "Er, he is (D)_______(swim) at the pool. " Henry answers.
  So Dave and Mike go out and go to Scott"s house. But Scott isn"t at home. They have to go home.
How sad they are! What a boring Sunday!根据短文内容,完成下列任务。
1. 根据上下文,猜测 (1) 处单词的意思:__________
2. 在 A、B、C、D四处依次填人所给单词的适当形式:
    __________ __________ __________ __________
3. 把(2)处画线的句子译成英语:
4. 把(3)处的汉语翻译成英语:
5. 根据上下文的意思,在E、F两处填上适当的疑问词:
    __________ __________
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完形填空。Dear cousin,
     My fifteenth birthday is coming. I want to have a birthday party in   1    house. It"s on Friday afternoon. I
really    2   you can come, but I"m sorry I can"t go to the    3   to meet you. Here is a map and it can help
you   4   my house.
     Look at the map! After you get out of the airport,    5   down Yanshan Street and then walk    6   Six
Avenue. Then you can  7   a bus stop (车站) on your right.    8   the No. 19 bus there and get off (下车) at the third stop. Then you are    9   Center Street. Go along the street and you will see a   10   on your left.
     My house is behind the supermarket.
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(     ) 1. A. his      
(     ) 2. A. hope    
(     ) 3. A. park    
(     ) 4. A. pass    
(     ) 5. A. run      
(     ) 6. A. across  
(     ) 7. A. look    
(     ) 8. A. Buy      
(     ) 9. A. on      
(     )10. A. district
B. your    
B. think    
B. bank    
B. find    
B. turn    
B. in      
B. see      
B. Bring    
B. from    
B. park    
C. my        
C. know      
C. garden    
C. show      
C. walk      
C. with      
C. watch      
C. Take      
C. through    
C. pay phone  
D. her        
D. welcome    
D. airport    
D. enjoy      
D. arrive      
D. from        
D. pass        
D. Visit      
D. at          
D. supermarket