完形填空。     I have a good friend.  1  name is Lisa. She comes from the US. Now she

完形填空。     I have a good friend.  1  name is Lisa. She comes from the US. Now she

题型:0114 同步题难度:来源:
完形填空。     I have a good friend.  1  name is Lisa. She comes from the US. Now she and her family  2  in Shanghai.
She likes many  3  here in China, especially (尤其是) Chinese food. "Chinese food is really  4  ", she says. "It"s
different( 不同的) from the  5  in the US." In America, she often  6  bread, French fries and salad. But in China,
she can eat  7   of different food. Lisa says. "Chinese food is so delicious. It"s nice and  8 . Eating is very  9  
here. I  10  Chinese food."
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(     )1. A. My       
(     )2. A. am        
(     )3. A. things    
(     )4. A. well      
(     )5. A. food      
(     )6. A. eats     
(     )7. A. many     
(     )8  A. relaxing  
(     )9. A. interesting
(     )10. A. run      
B. Her      
B. is       
B. food     
B. great    
B. game     
B. have     
B. lot     
B. healthy  
B. difficult
B. like     
C. She    
C. are    
C. chicken
C. boring 
C. star  
C. takes  
C. lots                                      
C. more   
C. well  
C. bring  
1-5      BCABA        6-10      ACBAB
     English breakfast is a very big meal----eggs, tomatoes, tea, coffee… For many people lunch is a quick
(快的) meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich (三明治) bars (快餐店). People can buy sandwiches there.
Students can have a hot meal at school, but many just take a sandwich, a drink and some fruit from home.
     "Tea" means two things. It is a drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes
and a cup of tea.
     They usually have supper quite early (早的), between 6:00 and 8:00,and often all the family eats together
     People often get take-away (外卖) meals---they buy the food outside and then bring it home to eat.
1. Many people in England have a _______ breakfast and a _______ lunch.
A. quick; small
B. little; big
C. big; quick
D. slow; big
2. Students usually have lunch _______.
 A. at home
B. at school
C. outside
D. in the restaurant
3. What don"t they have when they have afternoon tea? 
A. Chicken
B. Sandwiches
C. Cakes
D. A cup of tea.
4. How long do they have the evening meal?
A. Six or eight hours.
B. Half an hour.
C. We don"t know.
D. About two hours.
5. When they get a take-away meal. They eat it _______.
A. at home
B. in the school
C. outside
D. in the bars
     My name is Sally. I"m from England. I like eating and I often eat well. Every morning, I like coffee,
French fries, an egg and an apple for breakfast. I have lunch at school, I have a quick lunch-a hamburger,
some salad, ice cream and so on. And I have dinner at home. I have chicken with some vegetables. I often
watch TV in the evening. Sometimes I play computer games.
1. Sally is _________.
A. a teacher
B. a Chinese student
C. an English student
2. What does Sally like for breakfast?
A. Coffee and French fries
B. An apple and an egg
C. Both A and B
3. Sallu has lunch _________.
A. at school
B. at home
C. in the restaurant (餐馆)
4. Sally has  _________ for lunch.
A. hamburgers
B. chicken with vegetables
C. chicken with fruit
5. What does Sally often do in the evening? She often _________.
A. watches TV
B. plays sports
C. plays computer games
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     I like broccoli and bananas. I don"t like hamburgers or French fries. I have two eggs
and a banana for breakfast.
     I like salad and chicken. I don"t like ice cream. I have chicken and tomatoes for dinner.
      I like hamburgers and ice cream. I don"t like tomatoes. I eat lunch at school. I have
hamburgers and oranges for lunch.
     My name is Windy. I"m thirteen years old. I like sports very much. I have a basketball and a football at
home. They are under my desk. I often (经常) play balls with my friends. I like vegetables. I have tomatoes
and carrots for lunch. I like ice cream, too. My parents are doctors They like watching soccer games on TV.
1. What does Windy like?
2. What does she often do with his friends?
3. What are her parents?
4. What do they like to do?
5. What does she often have for lunch?
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Hamburger Tomato Broccoli Ice cream StrawberryOrange
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