阅读理解。      The British are famous as animal lovers, and in a nation of about 60

阅读理解。      The British are famous as animal lovers, and in a nation of about 60

阅读理解。      The British are famous as animal lovers, and in a nation of about 60 million people, there are about
 27 million pets! The most popular pets are dogs and cats.
      Many British people say that the main reason they have a pet is to keep them company (陪伴他们).
 According to a recent report, 60% of people who live on their own have a pet as company. A lot of
 pet owners treat their pet just like one of the family. Many cat owners make holes in their doors so
 their cats can come and go as they please. Dog owners spend a lot of time walking their dogs.
      Another reason to own a pet is for protection, especially dogs. Most thieves would think twice
 about breaking into (闯入) a house if they could hear a large dog barking inside. Some people choose
 their pets because of their beauty. The most beautiful animals can win prizes at pet shows!
      In the UK, some pet owners think that nothing is too good for their animal! Some people take their
 pet to the animal doctor more often than they visit their own doctor. They might even take a day off
 work to care for a pet when it is sick. Many people talk to their pets, and some talk to them over the
 telephone. And of course, they mustn"t forget to celebrate the animal"s birthday!1. According to the passage, the number of the pets in the UK is _____ million.A. more than 16
B. about 27
C. more than 36
D. about 602. The main reason the British have a pet is to _____. A. win prizes at pet shows
B. protect the houses
C. keep them company
D. go for a walk with them3. The underlined expression "think twice" in the passage probably means "_____" in Chinese.A. 竭尽全力
B. 想方设法
C. 念念不忘
D. 三思而行 4. From the last paragraph we know that some pet owners in the UK think their pets are _____.A. important
B. dangerous
C. successful
D. beautiful
1-4: BCDA
完型填空        Many children have birthday cakes on their birthdays. In some ___1___, like England and Scotland, there is another custom, too. People beat or hit the___2___on his/her birthday. This may hurt___3___, but they say it is very lucky for the child. The child must ___4___cry. The custom says, if you ___5___, you will cry all year. They say the birthday spanks (一巴掌) is to make the bad spirits(邪气) ___6___. The harder you spank the better. In Belgium, another country in Europe, the custom is a little __7___. There a parent goes into the child"s room ___8___in the morning with a needle. As soon as the child ___9___ up, the parent pricks(刺) the child with the needle. This is for good __10____.
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(     )1. A. countries  
(     )2. A. children    
(     )3. A. a few      
(     )4. A. never      
(     )5. A. laugh      
(     )6. A. out        
(     )7. A. difficult  
(     )8. A. late        
(     )9. A. wakes      
(     )10.A. sleep      

B. cities      
B. girl        
B. a little    
B. ever        
B. sleep        
B. along        
B. different    
B. quickly      
B. runs        
B. luck        

C. towns        
C. child        
C. a lot        
C. /            
C. speak        
C. about        
C. helpful      
C. early        
C. stands      
C. birthday    

D. villages            
D. boy                
D. much                
D. always              
D. cry                
D. away                
D. friendly            
D. slowly              
D. comes              
D. breakfast          


     We live in the "computer age". People like scientists, teachers, writers and even students use computers
  to do __1__ work. But more than 30 years ago, __2__ couldn"t do much. They were very big and
 expensive.  Very __3__ people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are
  smaller and __4__. Because they can do __5__ work, many people like to use them. Some people even
  have them at home.
      Computers have become very important because they can work __6__ than men and they make fewer
  mistakes. Computers can __7__  people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to write,
 teachers  use them to teach and children use them to study. Computers can also remember what you put
 __8__ them. Computers are very __9__ and helpful. Do you want to __10__ a computer?
(     ) 1. A. lot of      
(     ) 2. A. computers    
(     ) 3. A. a few        
(     ) 4. A. cheap        
(     ) 5. A. a few        
(     ) 6. A. faster      
(     ) 7. A. ask          
(     ) 8. A. on          
(     ) 9. A. friendly    
(     ) 10. A.lend        
B. much        
B. rockets      
B. few          
B. dearer      
B. a little    
B. slow        
B. help        
B. up          
B. hcavy        
B. sell        
C. a lot            
C. machines          
C. a little          
C. more expensive    
C. many              
C. slower            
C. use              
C. into              
C. careful          
C. spend            
  D. many                
  D. scientists          
  D. little              
  D. less expensive      
  D. a lot of            
  D. quickly            
  D. make                
  D. at                  
  D. useful              
  D. have                
     Are you carrying too much on your back at school? Lots of kids at the same age as you are.
 Experts are starting to __1__ (worry) about that more and more young students are having back and neck
  problems as a result of __2__ (carry) too much in their backpacks.
    "It __3__ (hurt) my back when I run," said Oberlin Reyes, a student in Virginia. "It"s hard to __4__
 (get) up the stairs with my backpack, because it"s too heavy. "Some students have backpacks with two
 straps to carry them, but a number of other students __5__ (choose) rolling backpacks. But even with
 rolling backpacks, getting up stairs and buses with them __6__ (be) even a problem for kids. Kids are
 losing their balance and __7__ (fall) down with these backpacks. Many of them hurt their knees, backs or
 necks because of heavy school bags. So kids shouldn"t __8__ (have) too much homework.
     But how much is too much? Experts say students should carry no more than 10 to 15 percent of their
 own body weight.
     Parents and teachers are starting to tell the kids to only take home the books they __9__ (need) that
  night. Some teachers are __10__ (use) thin workbooks for students to take home.
     One of the best answers is, as some kids themselves want: to have no homework at all!


     More and more people like keeping pets. L __1__ dogs, cats, or rabbits Some people like to keep
 u __2__  pets, just like snakes, spiders. I think a good pet can make a lot of fun. In America, when
 people say "man" s best friend", they don"t  mean another person. I __3__, they are talking about a lovely animal: a dog! Many stories told us about how dogs helped people in  t __4__ . Dogs are useful for people in many fields.When you feel l __5__, you can talk to the pets. Pets are living a __6__. If nobody is at
 home, they also feel  lonely and uncomfortable. They may also get a __7__  if people do something bad to them.
    There are also many d __8__ for pets. They can make noise and dirt. You should try to take c __9__
 of  them, such as washing them, talking to them or taking them for a walk. If you are i __10__  in keeping
  pets, think about what pet you will choose.

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