What is the best way to study? This is a very important question. Some Chinese s

What is the best way to study? This is a very important question. Some Chinese s

What is the best way to study? This is a very important question. Some Chinese students often  36  very hard  37  long hours. This is a   38 habit(习惯), but it is not a better way to study.  A good student must 39 enough sleep, enough food and enough rest.          
Every  40  you   41   to take a walk or play basketball or ping-pong or sing a song. When you  42   to your studies, you’ll find yourself   43   than before and you’ll learn more.
Perhaps we can  44  that learning English is like taking Chinese medicine, We mean that like Chinese medicine, the effects(效果) of your study   45   slowly but surely. Learn every day and effects will come just like Chinese medicine.
小题1:A. play           B. study              C. sleep         
小题2:A. at                 B. in                   C. for            
小题3: A. best           B. better           C. good           
小题4: A. have            B. do                  C. want          
小题5: A. day             B. week             C. hour             
小题6: A. want           B. hope               C. need
小题7:A. begin          B. return            C. go             
小题8: A. stronger            B. weaker           C. strong
小题9:A. say               B. guess             C. talk               
小题10:A. return            B. come          C. give

小题1:C。介词for常与一段时间连用, 在句中作状语。
小题1:D。下文take a walk, play basketball都是些日常活动,故day为正确选项。
小题1:C。take a walk, play basketball这些活动很有必要在学习之余进行,故选need。
小题1:B。根据文意,休息之后, 应重新返回到学习上, 而不是才开始学习, 故选return。
小题1:A。由句中的than可知应选比较级;根据文意,锻炼身体后, 身体应更加强壮, 故选stronger。
小题1:B。根据最后一句“effects will come just like Chinese medicine”以及文意可知come为正确选项。
Sometimes, even the best friends have fights. They disagree with each other and begin to argue. Sometimes, they even stop talking to each other. What can be done to help the two friends make up? Finding a good friend who knows both of them very well to be a peacemaker is a good way. Maybe one day you will be a peacemaker for your good friends. Here are some useful communication strategies for you to use.
State your feelings clearly but don’t criticize them. Begin with “I feel” instead of “You always…”.
Don’t stop or finish the other person’s sentences.
Listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Try to see the other person’s side of the disagreement.
Look the other person in the eyes when you are talking.
Ask questions to make sure that you understand them.
Repeat the other person’s ideas as you understand them.
Never put anyone down. Saying things like “You’re stupid” makes communication difficult.
Try to find a solution that makes the two friends happy. Never decide who is right and who is wrong. Instead, help them to find their own “win-win” solution. A “win-win” solution allows each of them to feel good. In this way, their friendship can be continued.
小题1:Which of the following is the suitable language for a peacemaker?
A.“I feel …”B.“You always…”C.“You are stupid.”D.“You are wrong.”
小题2:How should the peacemaker behave when talking with the two friends?
A.Stop the other person’s sentences in time.
B.Repeat his own ideas to make himself understood.
C.Listen to the other person carefully and ask some questions.
D.Don’t look at the other when you are talking.
小题3:What does the phrase “put anyone down” mean in the article?
小题4:How do you understand a “win-win” solution?
A.It is a way that helps make new friends.
B.It is a way that makes both people pleased.
C.It is a way that tells who is right and who is wrong.
D.It is a way to understand a person.

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“Millions of young people will lose their hearing in five years if they listen to MP3 or MP4 players at a too high voice every day,” scientists say recently.
Do you often listen to MP3 players at a too high voice? Are you frightened to hear this?
The sizes of MP3 players are very small, but small MP3 players make it easy to take hundreds of songs with you. So many young people carry them and listen to music every day. MP3 players are very popular among students. 
The scientists say teenagers should be far from high volume (音量), including mobile phones’ noise. A study says, “High volume and long listening time can cause hearing problems.” They think if young people listen at more than 89 decibels (分贝) every day, they will lose their hearing in five years. A scientist said, “So many young people often use personal music players and mobile phones at a high voice. I am afraid that they may be losing their hearing.
So let’s turn our MP3 players down!
小题1:According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A.Scientists tell young people to turn off their MP3 players.
B.Teenagers will lose their hearing if they listen to hundreds of songs in MP3 players.
C.A person will lose hearing in 5 years if he or she listens to an MP3 player every day.
D.The mobile phone can also cause hearing problems if we don’t use it correctly.
小题2:The underlined word “they” (Paragraph 4) most probably refers to ______.
A.scientistsB.MP3 playersC.mobile phonesD.teenagers
小题3:Which might be the best title for this passage?
A.Turn your MP3 players down!B.Never use MP3!
C.How to protect your hearing.D.Young people’s hearing.

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Napping(小睡) after learning something new could help improve your memory--- as long as you dream, scientists say.
They found people who dream about a new task do it better on waking than those who do not sleep or do not dream.
Volunteers were asked to learn the layout(布局,设计) of a 3D computer maze(迷宫) so they could find their way several hours later. Those allowed to take a pap and who also remembered dreaming of the task, found their way to a landmark quicker.
The researchers think the dreams are a sign that unconscious(无意识的) parts of the brain are working hard to process information about the task..
Dr. Robert Stickgold of Harvard Medical School, said dreams may be a marker that the brain is working on the same problem at many levels.
Study tips
Co-author Dr. Erin Wamsley said the study suggests our non-conscious brain works on the things that it deem(认为) are the most important.
“Every day we are gathering lots of information and new experiences,” she said. “It would seem that our dreams are asking the question, “How do I use this information to inform(影响) my life?”
The scientists say there may be ways to use this phenomenon(现象) for improving learning and memory. For example, students might be better studying hard before bedtime, or taking a nap after a period of afternoon study.
小题1: Scientists say ______ could help improve your memory.
A.dreamB.napC.nap and dreamD.nap without dream
小题2: What were volunteers asked to do?
A.Take a nap.B.Dream a task.C.Learn about 3D computer.D.Find their way out of a maze.
小题3:Which is right about dreams?
A.They are a sign that parts of the brain is unconscious.
B.They can help us fall asleep and improve learning and memory.
C.They tell us how to use this information to inform our life.
D.They may be a marker that the brain is working on the same problem.
小题4:When is the best time for study?
A.Before bedtime.B.After bedtime.C.Before taking a nap.D.In the afternoon.

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Do you often think of your parents? You may say, “Of course, I     31   .I buy a present for my mother on Mother’s Day and on Father’s Day I give my father     32   , too.” But what about the other days of the year ?
I have a friend whose parents live in another city. One day 1 went to see her. We had a nice conversation. Then she wanted to      33    . So she dialed(拨号) the number, but then she put down the phone. After about fifteen      34    , she dialed the number again “Hi, Mom…”
Later I asked, “    35     did you dial the number twice?” She smiled, “My parents are old and      36     . They can’t get close to the telephone quickly. I always do so when I call them. I just want to give them      37     time to answer the call.”
My friend is a good girl. She is     38    thinking about her parents. You also want to be a       39     child, right? Please always remember to     40   your parents often, not just on some important days.
A.a cakeB.a kissC.some moneyD.a present
A.make a callB.pay a visitC.have a restD.go for a walk
A.think ofB.look afterC.call upD.1isten to

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Entering high school means you have to make more effort on study, There are a few tried and tested skills that have always proved effective(有效的) for learning. Here are some of them.
Firstly, make a timetable and follow it. This will include how many hours and which part of the day you will spend studying. Try to make sure that your study time takes place after you have rested, so that you are fresh and can learn effectively. You will find that studying at the same time every day will help you concentrate(集中) better. It’s also important to keep improving your timetable, to make it more effective over time.
Secondly, pick a place that will help you concentrate on study. The place should be far away from loud sounds which make you uncomfortable and prevent you from concentrating on your study.
High school study skills include a method called SQ3R. The first step is to survey(纵览) what needs to be covered in order to get a general understanding of the subject. Next, you can learn about the material by answering questions such as what, why, how, when, who and where. As you study, ask yourself questions and look for the answers in your material. The third step is to read and then recite(背诵) what you have read. The last step, reviewing, is often the most important one. People need to review any material about three times, before they keep it well in their minds.
Besides these study tips, you can come up with several of your own study skills for school. However, remember that time is the most valuable thing you have. All the study skills for high school will be nothing, if you don’t use your time wisely.
(   ) 4. In order to study well, you should do all the following EXCEPT _______.
A. never change the timetable once you have made it
B. choose a place that will make you feel comfortable
C. answer some questions and ask yourself questions
D. create and follow your own study skills for school
(   ) 5 The writer thinks the most important step in study is to _______.
A. read           B. survey         C. review          D. recite
(   ) 6. The right steps to use the SQ3R method are _______.
A. question-survey-review-read & recite     B. survey-read & recite-question-review
C. read & recite-review-survey-question     D. survey-question-read & recite-review
(   ) 7. Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?
A. School Life at High School             B. Study Skills for High School
C. The Importance of Making a Timetable    D. Best ways to Improve Your Study
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