阅读理解。     Welcome to the zoo, everyone! Here is our plan. Listen carefully. Firs

阅读理解。     Welcome to the zoo, everyone! Here is our plan. Listen carefully. Firs

     Welcome to the zoo, everyone! Here is our plan. Listen carefully. First we will visit the Children"s Zoo.
 After that, we will walk to Bird World. Next is the African Area. There are elephants and lions! Don"t be
  afraid. The cages are safe.
     Then, we will have lunch. Everybody brought their lunch, right? Some of you don"t have drinks. That"s
  all right. There are many places to buy drinks.
     After lunch, we will go to the Asian Area. Last, there is the Butterfly Park. Then, we will come back
 here and get on the bus. Remember, don"t feed the animals. OK, let"s have some fun!
1. The Butterfly Park _____.
    A. is the first place to visit
    B. is the last place to visit
    C. is in the Children"s Zoo
    D. is a part of the Asian Area
2. What is near Bird World?
    A. Children"s Zoo.
    B. Butterfly Park.
    C. African Area.
    D. Asian Area.
3. Which of these is first?
   A. Visiting the Asian Area.
   B. Eating lunch.
   C. Seeing the African Area.
   D. Going to Bird World.
4. Students without drinks _____.
    A. can buy a drink at the zoo
    B. can not do anything
    C. must get a drink at the Children"s Zoo
    D. will get drinks from the teacher
5. People at the zoo should not ____.
    A. visit the Butterfly Park
    B. look at the lions
    C. give food to the elephants
    D. bring their lunch
1. B  2. C   3. D   4. A  5. C
根据短文内容判断正误,正确的在括号里填A, 错误的在括号里填B。     School bus safety starts with you, every morning and every afternoon. Take a few minutes to make
sure your kids understand the rules of the road.
     Most school bus accidents happen when children are outside the bus, and three quarters of these
children are under the age of nine.
     Make sure your children know these rules:
    ● Be on time.
    ● Never run to or from the bus.
    ● Stand away from the side of the road.
    ● Don"t push.
    ● Stay in your seat.
    ● Don"t shout.
    ● Always obey the driver.
    ● Wait for the driver"s signal before crossing.
    ● Always cross at least 10 feet in front of the bus.
    ● Never crawl (爬行) under a school bus.
     Make sure that an adult is present at the bus stop every day, especially with children under the age
of nine. (     )1. Most of the bus accidents happen to the children over nine.
(     )2. When the children are old enough, parents don"t have to go with them.
(     )3. We can cross if the bus driver wants us to go.
(     )4. Most of the bus accidents happen inside the bus.
(     )5. It is important for us to obey the road rules.
题型:广西自治区期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:浙江省月考题难度:| 查看答案
                                                School Trip
     Students in Junior One had a great time on the school trip on Children"s Day.  They went to
  Blue Water World by bus.  The teachers were very happy because the students cleaned
 the buses after the trip.
                                             American Visitors
     Sixteen visitors from American arrived at our school on June 3rd , Saturday. 
  And they have visited a few places of interest in Beijing.
                                               School Concert
     There will be a concert in our school on June 30th .  Some students will show their talents
 (特长) by singing , dancing and playing the piano at the music hall .
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
NameNumber of MilesAmount
Three Rivers
Rose City
Rocky River
Apple Valley
$ 2.50
$ 2.00
$ 1.50
$ 1.30
$ 1.00
     I"ve got some information for everyone is going to Britain next month.  You"ll be staying with a family for
  two weeks.  Now the most important thing is money.  You should take about £30in cash (现金)and
 about  £200 in traveler cheques (支票). Then when you arrive at the airport, our host (主人) family will
  meet you.  You must remember to wear a red shirt so the family will find you easily.  I"ve told them to
 look out for the red shirts.  You"ll also need to take 4 photos of yourself with you and, of course, it"s very
  important that you take the school letter.  While you are there, if you have any problems, you can call our
  agent(代理人). I"ll give you her office phone number :It"s 580-4436 and you can ask for the person--
 Mrs.  Belcher, that"s B-E-L-C-H-E-R.  She"s in the office from 9-5 every day.  OK! That"s
 everything.  Have a good trip.
题型:浙江省月考题难度:| 查看答案
Money-cash:    £30    
Traveler cheques: __1__
Wear: __2__
Take: __3__
Office phone number: __4__
Ask for: __5__
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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