New York is a very large city with 8 million people. How do so many people move

New York is a very large city with 8 million people. How do so many people move


New York is a very large city with 8 million people. How do so many people move about the city on their way to work and school? So, we should know something about its transportation.
In New York you can travel about the city by subway, bus, taxi and car. The subway runs on the railroad lines under the city. It crosses the city at different points and goes all parts of the city. Traveling by subway is the fastest way to get around the city.
The second way to travel around the city is by public bus. It’s a slower way to travel. This is because the bus moves in road traffic which is often heavy.
You can also travel around the city by taxi. This is the most expensive way, but the taxi will take you to the very place you wish to go to. If traffic is heavy, the taxi will be slow. During the mornings and afternoons, this is the “rush hour”. This is the time when the traffic is very heavy with people going to and from work.
The last way to get around New York is using your own car. However(但是), it’s not easy for you to drive, especially(尤其是)when you are driving in the “rush hour”. If there is an accident(交通事故)on the road, you will have to wait for a long time.
The best time to travel around the city is from 9am to 4 pm. This is the time after the morning “rush hour” and before the evening “rush hour”. Traffic will be less crowded because most people are already at school or at work.
小题1: This passage is mainly(主要)about _____.
A.the weather of New York
B.the transportation of New York
C.the people in New York
D.traffic accidents in New York
小题2: The fastest way to travel in New York is by _____.
小题3:The most expensive way to travel in New York is by _____.
小题4:If you travel in New York in your own car, which of the following is the best time?
A.From 8am to 10 amB.From 3am to 10 pm
C.From 3 am to 5 pmD.From 10 am to 3pm


小题3: B

小题1:通过So, we should know something about its transportation可知,本文主要讲的就是纽约的交通。所以本题选B。
小题2:通过Traveling by subway is the fastest way to get around the city.可知,纽约最快的交通方式是地铁。所以本题选A。
小题3:通过You can also travel around the city by taxi. This is the most expensive way可知,纽约最贵的交通方式是出租车。所以本题选B。
小题4:通过The best time to travel around the city is from 9am to 4 pm可知,最好的时间是从上午9点到下午4点,只有D在此范围内。所以本题选D。
We can not live a modern life without traveling. The fastest way of traveling is by air. With a plane
one can travel in one day to places which it took a month or more to get to a hundred years ago. 
Traveling by train is slower than by plane, but one can see the country he is traveling through. 
Modern trains have comfortable seats and dinning-cars. They make even the longest journey enjo
Some people prefer to travel by sea when possible. There are large luxury liners or river boats
.They are not as fast as trains or planes, but traveling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holi
Many people like to travel by car. They can make their own timetable. They can travel hundred
s of miles a day, just as their wish. They can stop wherever they want to see something interestin
g or to enjoy a good meal at a good restaurant, or to spend the night at a hotel. That is why peopl
e choose traveling by car for pleasant trips, while they usually take trains or planes for business.小题1:According to the passage, the fastest way of traveling is _______. 
小题2: If we travel by car, we can _________.
小题3: When people travel on business, they usually take _________.
小题4:  _______ have comfortable seats and dinning-cars.
小题5:If possible, people like traveling by sea because  _______ .

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A man fell out of his plane and fell back into it again. Two people rowed(划) a small boat from New York to England in 56 days. One person was so big that he wouldn’t fit in any hospital room. Would you believe these stories? Well, they may sound strange, but they did happen. James Cornell has more strange but true stories like these in a book called Very Strange People.
Here is part of the contents(目录) of Very Strange People. The contents lists the names of the chapters(章) or parts of the book. It also tells on what page each chapter begins.
Chapter                                                            Page
One       A Dog’s Life  ..........................................3
Two      A Lucky Pilot(飞机师)  ................... ..............14
Three    High Wire Act(走钢丝)  .................... .............33
Four   Fat Men  ............................................... 41
Five     Over the Falls  .........................................43
Six      A House without an end  ................... .............53
Seven    Row, Row, Row Your Boat  ................. ..............60
Eight  The Tower Builder  ....................... ..............85
小题1: In 1918, Captain Hedley fell off his plane in the sky, but soon he fell back into it again! You may read about this story in Chapter _____.
小题2: One morning in New York City, people saw a man walking on a rope between two tall buildings. You may read this story in Chapter _____.
小题3: The Earl feeds his dogs better than most people do. This story may begin on Page ______.
小题4: Sarah thought she would die as soon as her house was finished. So she kept on adding more and more rooms. Her story may appear on Page _____.
小题5: In Chapter 4, Robert could not enter any hospital room because of _____.
A.his illnessB.his heightC.his friendD.his size

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“Cool” is a word with many meanings. It means a little cold at first. As time changes, the word gets many different meanings. We can use “cool” when we talk about something wonderful or somebody looking smart. For example. When you see a beautiful and expensive car in the street, you can say, “It is cool.” You may think the popular singer Jay Chow is cool. You can also use the word to mean something new and surprising. Here is an example. One day a teacher took the students to a farm and then asked them to write something about the visit. One of her students just wrote, “The farm is so cool.” Because he thought “cool” was the best word to show what he saw and felt. It also shows some people don’t have enough words. Without “cool”, they seem to have no other words to use. Can you think of any other words like “cool: with so many meanings? If you can they are also very “cool”.
小题1:The meaning of the word “cool” ______. always the sameB.changes a lot “wonderful or smart” “new and surprising”
小题2:“You may think the popular singer Jay Chow is cool”. Here “cool” means
A.a little coldB.a little and surprisingD.good-looking
小题3:When some people use “cool” everywhere they don’t have other words, the writer seems a little ______.
小题4:The best title is _____.
A.Meanings of the word “Cool”B.“Cool”, the Best Word to Use
C.People use “Cool” Too MuchD.“Cool’ Is A New Word

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A kind of little cars may take the place of today’s big ones many years later. If everyone drives such cars in the future, there will be less pollution in the air. There will also be more space for parking in cities, and the streets will be less crowded.
The little cars of the future will cost less. Driving will be safer, too, since these little cars can go only 65 kilometers an hour. The cars of the future will be fine for going around a city, but they will not be useful for a long way. Little cars will go 450 kilometers before they need to stop for more gasoline (汽油). If big cars are still used with the small ones, two kinds of roads will be needed in the future. Some roads will be needed for the big, faster cars and other roads will be needed for the small, slower ones.
小题1:.There is much pollution in the air today because _____.
A.people drive big cars
B.people drive little cars
C.small cars will go 450 kilometers before they need to stop for more gasoline
D.the usual size of cars today is too small
小题2:.The usual size of cars today is _____.
A.much smaller than the future big as the future ones small as the future onesD.bigger than the future ones
小题3:.Two kinds of roads will be needed in the future because _____.
A.there will be too many cars in the future
B.more and more people will go to cities
C.big cars run faster and little cars run slower looks more beautiful to have two kinds of roads

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English words don’t stay the same. People need new words for new ideas and new inventions. Different words come into use, or old words are used in a new way.
English can be changed by borrowing words from other languages. The word “tomato” was borrowed from Mexico and“tea”came from China and so on. Now new space and science words are being borrowed from other countries, too. New words are formed by adding two words together. “Countryside” and “earthquake” are made up of two parts. Sometimes new words are shorter forms of old words. The word  “photo” was made from “photograph” by cutting off the end of the longer word. “Plane” was made by cutting off the front part of “airplane”. The names of people and products can become new words, too. Our “sandwich” was named after a man called Sandwich and “sello tape”(透明胶带) was a name given by the company that first made the product.
小题1:New English words are needed because _____.
A.people use old words in a new way
B.the population is bigger now
C.the old words are not enough ideas and new inventions appear all the time
小题2:.Which of the following words came from China?
A.Tea.B.Earthquake.C.Airplane.D.Sello tape.
小题3:How many ways of developing English words does the passage tell us?
小题4:.The main idea of this passage is _____.
A.that the English language is always changing
B.that there are new ideas in England today people name new products and inventions people use old words in a new way

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