阅读理解。    Maybe you are an average (一般的) student. You probably think you will nev

阅读理解。    Maybe you are an average (一般的) student. You probably think you will nev

阅读理解。    Maybe you are an average (一般的) student. You probably think you will never be a top student. However,
anyone can become better if he or she does his or her best. Here are some tips to help you.
    ★ Plan your time carefully. You should plan your time for things such as eating, sleeping and dressing.
Then make a good, regular time for studying. But don"t forget to set enough time for entertainment.
    ★ Keep your study quiet and clean. The study should have a desk, a chair and some study materials, but
no games, no radio and no television! When you sit down to study, you can put your heart into it. Make good
use of your time.
    ★ Listen to everything that the teacher says. Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking
notes will help you remember what the teacher says.
    ★ After you get home from school, go over your notes. Review the important points. If you know what
your teacher is going to discuss next day, read the material. It will help you study better.
    ★ Develop a good attitude to tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject.
It helps you know what you are not good at. The world will still go on even if you fail in a test, so don"t be
too worried. 1. How many tips are mentioned in the passage? [     ]
A. Three.
B. Four.
C. Five.
D. Six. 2. What does the underlined word "study" mean in Chinese? [     ]
A. 学习
B. 研究
C. 书房
D. 教室 3. Which is a good place for studying? [     ]
A. A clean and beautiful place.
B. The place with a computer.
C. The place with a television and a radio.
D. A quiet place with a chair, a desk and some study materials. 4. Which of the following is NOT true?[     ]
A. The purpose of a test is to show what you are good at.
B. After class, you should review what you have learned.
C. You should listen to your teacher and take notes carefully in class.
D. When you plan your time, you should think of the time for eating, sleeping and so on. 5. What"s the passage mainly about? [     ]
A. How to become a better student.
B. How to plan your time.
C. How to study English.
D. How to take notes.
1-5: CCDAA

     What are the limits (极限) of human body? The BBC"s Focus magazine has some answers.
How cold can you stand?
     Normal body temperature is around 37℃. At 35℃ you"re unable to write your name. Even walking is very
difficult. At 33℃ you may find it difficult to think, understand and form (形成) opinions properly. By the time
you have cooled to 20℃, your heart would have stopped beating. Limit: 0℃. Ice would form in your tissues
(纤维组织), killing all the cells.
How spicy can you eat? 
     There is capsaicin (辣椒素) in many foods. The more capsaicin, the hotter the dishes are. If you"re healthy
enough, you can survive (存活) eating a teaspoon of pure capsaicin. But you would find it impossible to eat
anything else for a few hours. Limit: 5g capsaicin.
How fast can you run?
     The fastest man in the world is Asafa Powell. The runner finished the 100m in 9. 74 seconds in 2007. This
gives an average (平均的) speed of 36. 96km/h. Top runners are at their fastest around 80 metres, so a runner"s
greatest speed may reach 43.06km/h. Limit: 43.06km/h.
How loud is too loud?
     The loudest sound you can hear is 168 dB (分贝). Sound louder than that may do harm to your ears. The
loudest sound ever recorded was the eruption of Krakatoa (卡拉卡托火山爆发) in 1883. It was 180 dB, 160km
Limit: 168 dB
1. At what temperature will your cells die?
2. What will happen if you eat a teaspoon of pure capsaicin?
3. How fast can a runner run at most?
4. What sound can be heard by your ears?
5. Where can you read such an article?

题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读短文,选择正确答案。      To find out whether bees (蜜蜂) can see colours, the following experiment is made. A round table is put in
a garden, and on the table is a piece of blue cardboard (硬纸版) with a drop of syrup (糖浆) on it. After a short
time, bees come to the syrup. The bees then fly to their hive (蜂房) and give the syrup to other bees in the
hive. Then they return to the feeding-place which they have found. After a while, the blue cardboard with the
syrup on it is taken away. Instead of this card, a blue card is now put on the left side of the first feeding-place
and a red card to its right. These new cards have no syrup on them. Very soon bees arrive again, and fly straight
to the blue card. None go to the red card. 1. How many cards do you need to prepare for the experiment? [     ]
A. Two: one blue and one red
B. Three: two blue and one red
C. Three: one blue and two red
D. Four: two blue and two red 2. During Step 2 of the experiment, the bees go to ________. [     ]
A. the blue card with syrup on it
B. the new blue card with no syrup on it
C. the empty space where the original (原先的) blue card was
D. the new blue card with syrup on it on the left of the red card 3. The experiment has proved ( 证明) that bees ________. [     ]
A. cannot see colors
B. can see colors
C. can not see blue
D. cannot see red 4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? [     ]
A. Bees Love Blue
B. Bees Love Syrup
C. Bees, Color and Syrup
D. Can Bees See Color?
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
阅读短文,选择正确答案。      Now satellites are helping to forecast (预报) the weather. They are in space, and they can reach any part
of the world. The satellites take pictures of the atmosphere (大气), because this is where the weather forms
(形成). They send these pictures to the weather stations. So meteorologists (气象学家) can see the
weather of any part of the world. From the pictures, the scientists can often say how the weather will change.
      Today, nearly five hundred weather stations in sixty countries receive satellite pictures. When they receive
new pictures, the meteorologists compare (比较) them with earlier ones. Perhaps they may find that the clouds
have changed during the last few hours. This may mean that the weather on the ground may soon change, too.
In their next weather forecast, the meteorologists can say this.
      So the weather satellites are a great help to the meteorologists. Before satellites were invented, the scientists
could forecast the weather for about 24 or 48 hours. Now they can make good forecasts for three or five days.
Soon, perhaps, they may be able to forecast the weather for a week or more ahead (提前). 1. Satellites travel _______. [     ]
A. in space
B. in the atmosphere
C. above the ground
D. above space 2. Why do we use the weather satellites to take pictures of the atmosphere? Because _______. [     ]
A. the weather satellites can do it easily
B. clouds form there
C. the weather forms there
D. the pictures can forecast the weather 3. Meteorologists forecast the weather _______. [     ]
A. when they have received satellite pictures
B. after they have compared new satellite pictures with earlier ones
C. before they received satellite pictures
D. during they study satellite pictures 4. Maybe we"ll soon be able to forecast the weather for _______. [     ]
A. one day
B. two days
C. five days
D. seven days or even longer 5. The main (主要的) idea of this passage is that satellites are now used in _______. [     ]
A. taking pictures of the atmosphere
B. receiving pictures of the atmosphere
C. doing other work in many ways
D. weather forecasting
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
阅读短文,完成下列各题。      Snow fell on the mountain. It snowed and snowed. The snow did not melt (融化). It became deep and
heavy. The snow on the bottom pressed (挤压) together, it became ice.
      The ice was very wide and thick. It began to move down the mountain. It was like a river of ice. It was a
glacier (冰河).
      Sometimes the glacier moved only a few inches (英寸) each day. As it moved, it took rocks and dirt with it.
It changed the land. In some places, it left hills. In some places, when the glacier melted, it made rivers and
      A million years ago, there were many big glaciers. Glaciers covered many parts of the world. The glaciers
changed the land.
      Glaciers are still at work today. A glacier in the north of Canada is cutting a new path (路) down the side of
a mountain. This glacier will change the land, too. 1. The snow that fell on the mountain               .[     ]
A. became snowman
B. melted
C. became ice
D. turned to rain 2. The word in the story that means a river of ice is ________.
3. The story says, "The snow did not melt. It became deep and heavy". The word "it" means              . 4. Which of the following does this story lead you to believe? [     ]
A. There are not as many glaciers as there used to be
B. Glaciers do not change the land as they move over it.
C. Glaciers are found only in warm places. 5. How fast did the glacier move? (Which sentence is exactly like the one in your book?)[     ]
A. Sometimes the glacier moved only once a year.
B. Sometimes the glacier moved over ten miles each day.
C. Sometimes the glacier moved only a few inches each day. 6. The main idea of the whole story is that _______. [     ]
A. snow is heavy
B. the high land never changes
C. glaciers changed the land
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
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Soviet Union (苏联)
The U.S.A
 April 12, 1961
May 5, 1961
October 15, 2003
Yuri Gagarin
Alan Shepherd
Yang Liwei
Vostok 1
Mercury 3
 Shenzhou V
Flight Time
1 hour and 48 minutes
15 minutes
21 hours
Height (高度)
327 km
185 km
343 km
Circles around the earth