The greatest feeling in the world comes not from receiving presents, or even get

The greatest feeling in the world comes not from receiving presents, or even get

The greatest feeling in the world comes not from receiving presents, or even getting an A on the math test you studied so hard for. Rather, it          when you hand a cup of hot coffee to that older man sitting on the side of the street asking for money. You feel it when you drive an hour and a half to a          to meet children with cancer. And you feel it when you sit down with your friend to comfort her          her mother died. Helping others can be the greatest feeling in the world, and I          this just one year ago.
My friend asked me to attend a Youth Group meeting at his church. After an hour of listening to them         their opinions, I was invited to go with them to help          the homeless.
Early that Saturday morning, a team of 15 teenagers began making sandwiches and counting bags of candy. For the first time in my life I realized that we, the teens of America, can make a        . Since it was my first time, and I wasn’t part of the group, I felt a little out of place. But watching the others          the food drove my nervousness away.
Before long, all 150 bagged lunches were gone and the group was          its way home. I realized that not only is my friend an amazing person, but that all of those people are amazing. That’s what made me join the Youth Group.
I work at a coffee shop but don’t make much. It’s not the best job, but there are times when it’s worth it. For example, a few weeks ago, when the store was         and I was bored, looking out of the window, I noticed an old man sitting outside. He had been there before. As a matter of fact, he          came in to buy anything because he didn’t have any money. I took up a cup of coffee, walked outside, and handed it to him. The smile on his face made my day, and as I walked back into the store, I put my own money into the drawer. Then I knew how the members of the Youth Group feel every time they help someone. Knowing that you can help
is        – the greatest feeling in the world.
A.take outB.pick outC.hand outD.point out



小题1:考查语境理解及动词辨析。Starts开始,发动;stops  停止,阻止;lasts  持续,延续;fails失败,不及格。结合语境可知本句指的是,当你递给街边一位要饭的老人一杯热咖啡时,这种为伟大的感受就开始了。故选A。
小题2:考查语境理解及名词辨析。Shop商店;church教堂,教派;country国家;hospital 医院。结合语境可知此处指的是,去医院见一个患癌症的儿童。故选D。
小题5:考查语境理解及动词辨析。Write写;experience  经验,经历;voice表达,吐露;discuss 讨论。结合语境可知此处指的是表达意见。故选C。
小题7:考查语境理解及名词辨析。Decision决定;success成功;dream梦想;difference 区别,不同之处。结合语境可知此处指的是,作为美国的年轻人,我们能发挥自己的影响。短语make a difference有影响,故选D。
小题8:考查语境理解及短语辨析。take out取出,出发;pick out挑选出,辨认出;hand out施舍,把……拿出来;point out指出。结合语境可知此处指的是把食物拿出来。故选C。
小题9:考查语境理解及介词辨析。In在……里面;on在……上面;through从内部通过;by 通过某种方式,到……为止。结合语境可知这个团队上路回家了。短语on one’s way home在某人回家的路上。故选B。
小题10:考查语境理解及形容词辨析。Empty空的;free   自由的,免费的;busy忙碌的;crowded拥挤的。结合语境可知此处指的是,当商场的顾客散尽的时候。故选A。
小题11:考查语境理解及副词辨析。Even甚至,即使;usually通常;never  从来不,永远不;often经常。联系下文because he didn’t have any money可知他从来不来买东西。故选C。
小题12:考查语境理解及形容词辨析。Helpful有帮助的,有益的;wonderful极好的,精彩的;hopeful有希望的,有前途的; useful有用的。联系本文描述,可知此处指的是,知道你自己能给别人提供帮助是极好的事情。故选B。
In ancient times, there was a painter. He was good at painting flowers and birds. But he never stopped practicing until he became very famous.
An emperor(皇帝)of China also loved paintings,especially roosters(公鸡). So he asked the famous painter to paint a rooster for him. He wanted the rooster to be the best among all his collections.
The painter promised to do so. The emperor waited and waited for one year.,but he didn’t get the picture. He couldn’t waited to see the painter. He became angry and wanted to kill him. So the painter hurried into the palace with paper,paint and a brush. In five minutes, a perfect rooster was on the paper.
After seeing this,the emperor became much angrier. “Since you can paint a rooster in five minutes, why did you keep me waiting for over a year?”he asked.
“Your Majesty(陛下),”said the artist. “I will let you know why.But you’ll have to come with me. “ he invited the emperor to his house. There, there were piles and piles of paper. On every piece of paper was a painting of a rooster.
“Your Majesty(陛下),”said the painter. “It took me more than one year to improve my painting skill in order to paint a perfect rooster for you.
小题1:According to the writer, the emperor_____.
A.loved beautiful paintingsB.did very well in painting
C.was good at painting roostersD.Was very kind to the painter.
小题2:The painter spent ______practicing painting roosters for the emperor.
A.only a few monthsB.only five minutes
C.more than a yearD.five minutes every day
小题3:The emperor wanted to kill the painter because______.
A.the painter refused to draw rooster
B.the painter couldn’t draw rooster well
C.he couldn’t find the painter anywhere
D.he couldn’t wait to see his painting
小题4:In fact, during the whole year the painter______
A.escaped from the emperor to live quietly
B.worked hard at practice drawing roosters
C.was invited to other places to draw roosters
D.drew piles and piles of paper to make a living
小题5:From the passage we can learn that_______.’s hard for painter to’s easy to paint in a short time.
C.hard work causes perfect resultD.emperor was hard to deal with

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Helen Keller was a very bright, beautiful girl.       the age of six months  she could already say a few words. But unluckily, before she was two years old, she was badly      . After that, she could not see or hear, and soon she could not even       . Since then Helen had to  fight(斗争) for what she wanted. When she was six, her parents invited a teacher for her.        the help of the teacher, she began to see and hear the world around her .Through her      . She learned to       the books for the blind. The teacher took Helen for long walks, and       her about all the beautiful sights. Helen touched flowers, climbed the trees and smelled a rain storm(暴风雨) before it came. She also learned how to swim and ride a horse. After she      , she became a famous writer in America .Her first and most famous book is The Story of My Life. Her story has brought new       to many blind and deaf people. It has given light to those in darkness and encouraged        to live and work.
小题3: B.walk
A.toldB.spokeC.asked D.said
A.called upB.set upC.put upD.grew up
A.chanceB.hope D.job

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Andy was a little country boy. He lived in the house on the side of a hill. There was a railroad track below the house and Andy often watched the train as it passed by.
One day, as Andy was crossing the track, he saw that there was something wrong with it. One of the rails seemed to be out of its place. Just then he heard a noise. Dear, dear! The train was coming! It would soon be there! He must try to stop it in some way.
Andy did not think of any danger to himself, but he ran and stood in the middle of the track, not far from the place where the rail was broken, and then he held out his arms and waited.
On and on came the train. The engineer saw the boy on the track and whistled for him to get out of the way. But Andy stood still and did not move.
The engineer had to stop the train. He was very angry as he cried out to the boy and asked him why he stood on track.
But when Andy pointed to the broken rail ,the man understood everything. Andy saved the train and the lives of all the people on it.
小题1:When Andy was young, _____.
A.he often liked playing at the foot of the hill
B.he often ran on the track up and down
C.he often enjoyed listening to the click of rails
D.he often watched the train pass by
小题2:One day, as Andy went across the track, ____.
A.he thought there was something wrong with it
B.he saw the train was coming
C.he found one of the rails was broken
D.he heard a noise
小题3:When the train was coming,____.
A.Andy stood on the track to hold out his arms
B.Andy ran to the train to stop it
C.Andy ran out of the track quickly
D.Andy cried out to the engineer
小题4:As soon as the engineer saw the boy on the track,____.
A.he asked Andy why he stood there
B.he shouted at Andy
C.he whistled for Andy to leave the track
D.he asked Andy to get out of the way
小题5:When Andy pointed to the broken rail,____.
A.the engineer got off the train and repaired it
B.the engineer understood and got very angry
C.the engineer understood why the boy tried to stop the train
D.the engineer came out to see what was the matter

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
I was said to be the worst student in my class, and my family thought I was hopeless. I had to         Grade Six. At that time a new teacher, Miss Sadia, came to our school.
One day after class, she noticed that I was staying alone during the lunch break. She came to me and began to talk to me. It was just a         conversation. After that day, she gave me particular attention and it made me feel special. I started to work hard because she gave me the feeling that         believed me, and my         started to improve in her subject.
Months later, she moved into a house near my        . We would walk home together after school. Her constant support helped me, especially in my studies, as I knew she would          my grades both in her subject and the other subjects. I finally         second in my class.
Then, after Grade Six, she started to slowly drift away(疏远),         still kept a constant check on me. By the time I was in Grade Seven, we         spoke, but by then I had become the         in my class. When I left my school, I was out of touch with her, as she never answered the         when I called her.
Then I graduated and went to a good university. One fine day, our paths crossed again. I met her at a wedding. I could not         asking her, "Why did you stop talking to me?" "You are a clever boy. I wanted you to be a tree standing on your         roots, not depending on others. Now here you are and I feel         of you. You are your inspiration(启发灵感的人) and do not need to         a shoulder." she said. I could not say anything, but I smiled. I"ll always thank her .
A.give upB.get onC.look forD.take up

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Once my father asked me to hold his hammer while he repaired something, so we could have some time to talk to each other.
For 22 years, after I left home for college, he called me every Sunday at 9 am. He was always interested in my life and how my family was doing, and I never once heard him complain about his own life.
Nine years ago when I bought my first house, my father, 67 years old, spent eight hours a day painting it for three days. He would not allow me to pay someone to have it done. All he asked for was a glass of iced tea and for me to hold a paint brush for him and talk to him. But I was too busy.
Five years ago, at age 71, my father spent five hours putting together a swingset (秋千组) for my daughter. Again, all he asked was that I get him a glass of iced tea and talk to him. But again, I was too busy.
Four years ago, my father drove all the way from Denver to Topeka, with an eight-foot Colorado blue spruce (蓝叶云杉) in his trunk, so that my husband and I could have a part of Colorado growing on our land. I was preparing for a trip that weekend and couldn’t spend much time with him.
Then, one day, my father telephoned me as usual, this time from my sister’s home in Florida. We talked about the tree he had brought me, “Fat Albert”, but that morning he called it “Fat Oscar”, and he seemed to have forgotten some things. I had to get to church, so I cut the conversation short.
The call came at 4:40 pm that day: my father was in hospital in Florida with an aneurysm (动脉瘤). I got on a plane immediately, and on the way I thought of all the times I had not taken the time to talk to my father. I realized that I had no idea who he was or what his deepest thoughts were. I promised that when I arrived, I would make up for lost time.
I arrived in Florida at 1 am. My father had passed away at 9:12 pm. This time it was he who did not have time to talk to me.
小题1:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The writer arrived in Florida before her father passed away.
B.The writer didn’t find enough time to talk to her father all these years.
C.The writer noticed nothing unusual about her father’s health before he was put in the hospital.
D.The writer’s father brought them the Colorado blue spruce because it is an expensive kind of tree.
小题2:How did the writer feel when she was rushing to the hospital where her father was staying?
A.Hopeless. B.Sorry.
C.Frightened. D.Disappointed.
小题3:Which words best describe the writer’s father?
A.Honest and modest.
B.Strict and demanding (要求高的).
C.Talkative and positive (积极乐观的).
D.Caring and thoughtful.
小题4:What’s the best title of this passage?
A.What a good father!B.How busy I am.
C.Time keeps going.D.My father and our family.

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