阅读理解。     Life is short. Are you doing what you love? Are you living your passio

阅读理解。     Life is short. Are you doing what you love? Are you living your passio

阅读理解。     Life is short. Are you doing what you love? Are you living your passion? If not, why? I am guessing
most people will answer that question with "I have a loan, a lover and three kids to support". In the real
world people have responsibilities. They have to make sacrifices (牺牲). You aren"t supposed to be happy
with your job but you do it because you have to.
     With all due respect, they are wrong. You can take care of your responsibilities and be happy with your
job. We spend over 1/3 of our day, at least five days a week performing or jobs. This is a lot of time to be
wasted on something we don"t enjoy, isn"t it? Why not spend that time doing something you truly are
passionate about for 50 hours a week instead of something that lacks meaning?
      I think there is one main reason people don"t follow their passion: Fear. Fear of how others will react,
fear of failure, and fear that they can"t do it themselves. I think the first part is for people to realize that they
can conquer (战胜) their fear. You will fail at times and others will think you are crazy at times, but if you
believe that you will succeed then you finally will.
     I understand that it is not easy. I am in the middle of going through it right now. But understand that
there are other people out there who have been through what you are going through and can help you. They
have failed, been ridiculed, and come out on the other end extremely successful. They are living proof that
you can do what you love. 1. In the first paragraph, the writer tries to tell us ________. A. people always live a happy life
B. all people can have a job in the real world
C. people have responsibilities to do their jobs and to be happy
D. people are usually unhappy with their jobs but do them because they have to 2. The underlined phrase "are passionate about" means ________. A. are interested in
B. are proud of
C. find out
D. think about 3. Which would be the best title for the passage? A. Responsibility
B. Enjoy Your Life
C. Love What You Do
D. Dreams Come True
1-3     DAC
阅读理解。     "Love your neighbor as yourself" is a saying familiar to most of us. It means that you must have the
ability to love and accept yourself in order to form and keep satisfying relationship with others. Self-esteem
means accepting yourself for who you really are, and believing that you are indeed a worthwhile person who
is deserving of love and respect from others.
     Self-esteem is our sense of how good we feel about ourselves. It is based on our judgment of ourselves,
not on other people"s assessment, but simply on our own. Our self-esteem is not dependent on our talent.
Some very ordinary people feel very good about themselves, while other extraordinarily high achievers hold
low opinions of themselves.
     Self-esteem is the primary key to long-term stress management. Why? The first three sources of stress
are: predictable life event, unexpected changes and build-up of daily stresses. These are much easier to handle
when we believe in ourselves. A positive, healthy self-esteem gives us the "hardiness (强健)" to deal with the
difficulties of life, and to see them as challenges to be met, rather than threats to be feared. 
     The forth category of stress is entirely the result of a low self-esteem. It is the category of stress that is
most common and tiring over the long run. This kind of stress cannot be overcome, or even changed, until
the self-esteem problems that cause it are corrected.
     Learning to love yourself for who you are is the key to overcoming stress. Self-esteem comes from the
self, and cannot be promoted by others. A person who feels that his self-esteem comes from the approval
of those around him or her is bound to self-destruct (自毁). One cannot keep the level of "performance"
required to please everyone else, especially if that performance disagrees with who you are and is simply a
facade that makes you popular with the world. When the applause is gone, there is nothing left. Only those
who can feel the strength of knowing who they are and those who can feel good about that will survive the
stresses of life. Self-esteem is the basis of contentment and positive living. 1. According to the writer, what is self-esteem? A. A kind of positive lifestyle.
B. The impression we have on other people.
C. The sense of how good we feel about ourselves.
D. Our understanding of how we are seen by others. 2. What can help people overcome difficulties according to the passage? A. Getting help from friends.
B. A positive, healthy self-esteem.
C. Learning to love yourself for who you are.
D. Removing yourself from stressful situation. 3. Why do people need to learn to love themselves? A. Because it can help them overcome stress.
B. Because they often meet difficulties.
C. Because they need to love their neighbors
D. Because it can make them popular with the world. 4. The writer wrote the article to ______. A. tell people how to overcome stress
B. help people form good relationship with others
C. show the importance of feeling good about yourself
D. provide the different methods to get a clear view of yourself
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A. She always stands in the wind waiting for you back from school
B. When you are growing up day by day
C. Mother is always ready to give everything she has to her children
D. Mother always helps us with our lessons at home
E. In your walking hours, she always holds you in her arms
     Life is like the four seasons. Now I am very old, but when I was young, it was the spring of my life.
I played a lot, and then I started school. I learned many new things. Like a flower, I grew bigger every day.
There were happy days and sad days, some days the sun shone, and some days it didn"t. In my twenties, I
had a good job. I was strong and happy. Then I married and had a child. In those days I didn"t have much
time to think or to play. Every day I was busy and worked hard. I started to get some white hair. The
summer of my life passed quickly.
     Then the days got shorter. Leaves fell from the trees. My child was a university student and then an
engineer. My home was much quieter. I started walking more slowly. One day I stopped working, I retired.
I had more time. I understood this was my autumn, a beautiful time when the trees change color and give us
delicious fruits.  
     But the days kept getting shorter and colder. Winter has come. I am older and weaker. I know I do not
have many days left, but I will enjoy them to the end.
1. What does the writer think his life is like?
A. spring
B. summer
C. autumn
D. four seasons
2. The writer was very busy in the _______ of his life.
A. spring
B. summer
C. autumn
D. winter
3. According to the passage, which of the following ages is during the autumn of his life?
A. 15
B. 33
C. 62
D. 87
4. The best title of the passage can be _______.
A. Four Seasons.
B. Four Seasons in My Life.
C. Four Season In a Year
D. My Life
     My vision (视力) is getting worse. I can"t even see what is five feet away from me without glasses.
我拒绝戴眼镜, though I know I need to. I"m afraid they will make me look ugly. Besides, I can do well
without them. These were my thoughts two years ago, when I was in the sixth grade. An embarrassing
experience taught me that what I was thinking was wrong.
    ②School has been out for two months. I was going to junior high school soon, where I was sure that
looks are everything. So the question still remained there. Should I, Or should I not, wear glasses? The
question was still in my mind when my family and I attended a wedding (婚礼) late in the summer.
    During the wedding, I drank too much juice. Soon after it ended, I walked quickly to the bathroom. Since
it was an emergency (紧急) and I couldn"t clearly see which door was ③marked boys. I just opened the
nearest door and entered the restroom.
     Unluckily, I had entered the wrong restroom. But I didn"t know this until I heard a scream (尖叫声) coming
from the entrance when I was washing my hands.
     After that, I decided to wear the ugly-looking glasses. I didn"t really ④care about what people thought of
me any more, because I never wanted to enter the wrong bathroom again.
     On the first day of seventh grade, ⑤my friends didn"t make fun of me. Instead they gave me compliments.
They thought the glasses made me look more cute and more natural.
     So if you know something is right, just do it. ⑥It doesn"t matter what others think of you. All that matters
is what you think of yourself-and that you can see where you are going!
1. (A) 试写出文中③处划线部分mark的汉语意思:________.
    (B) 用一个适当的英语单词替代文中④处划线部分care about:________.
2. 根据文中①处的汉语提示,用英语将句子补充完整:
3. 写出文中②处划线部分的同义句:
     School ________ two months ago.
4. 将文中⑤处划线部分合并成一句:
    My friends gave me compliments ________ fun of me.
5. 将文中⑥处的划线部分翻译成汉语:
     Think back to a time in your life when you tried something new.
     When I was a teenager I volunteered to pass out water at a local race. I was so excited to see all the
different runners who passed by and quickly took a cup of water. Some ran past, some walked past and
a few wheeled past.
      I saw so many types of people doing it. I thought maybe I could do it too! The next year I decided to
run for the race, but I had little running practice. I just wanted to finish.
     On the day of the race, it was terribly hot. After running for about 5 miles, I was thinking, "I must be
crazy. Why did I do this? What was I thinking?" And at one moment, I said to myself, "I am never doing
this again!"
     That first 10 km race was quite an experience. I jogged (慢跑), I walked, I jogged and walked. At times,
I didn"t know if I could finish.
     Near the end, a 70-year-old man ran past me,very fast,and I felt a little embarrassed (尴尬的) that I was
more than 50 years younger than he and I couldn"t even keep up with him. But then I realized something. He
was running his race and I was running mine. How often in life do we compare (比较) ourselves to others
when we really shouldn"t? I decided that I would not give up on running races, and that one day I would be
one of those 70-year-olds who were still running.
     As I crossed the finishing line, I was proud of myself. I didn"t regret (后悔) having such an experience.
1. What did the writer do at a local race as a volunteer?
A. He helped old runners.
B. He cheered up the runners.
C. He passed out water to the runners.
D. He took back the cups from the runners.
2. Why did the writer join the race?
A. He just wanted to experience.
B. He was crazy about running.
C. He had practiced running very hard.
D. He wanted very much to win a prize.
3. How did the writer"s feeling change after running about 5 miles?
①He regretted.
②He encouraged himself.
③He felt a little embarrassed.
A. ①-②-③
B. ②-①-③
C. ①-③-②
D. ②-③-①
4. What is the best title (标题) of the passage?
A. To be No.1.
B. Let"s compare.
C. A volunteering job.
D. Running your own race.