根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词,在答题卷指定区域的横线上写出对应单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。小题1:Sally was ___(收养)when he

根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词,在答题卷指定区域的横线上写出对应单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。小题1:Sally was ___(收养)when he

小题1:Sally was ___(收养)when he was four.
小题2:She felt  (羞愧的)of doing that and tears ran down her cheeks.
小题3:In 1980, John Lennon was ___(射中) dead in New York.
小题4:She ______(扫视) shyly at him.
小题5:She"s _____(上了瘾的)to video games, which makes her mother angry at times.
小题6:The sun sends out light and_____(温暖).
小题7:You can never_____(预测)what would happen next.
小题8:The ____(平均的) number of visitors amounts to 120,000.
小题9:“It looks awful,”she said ____(焦急地).
小题10:I wanted very much to get a new ____(一套衣服) and drop off the rags.


小题1:adopted 动词收养adopt,要注意该词的一词多义的现象,还可以表示采纳。
小题2:ashamed  固定词组be ashamed of…对…感到羞愧。
小题3:shot 本句是shoot的过去分词sho表示的被动语态,后面的dead是一个主语补足语.
小题4:glanced  固定词组glance at迅速看…;匆匆看…;
小题5:addicted 固定词组be addicted to…染上…;沉溺于…
小题6:warmth 名词warmth温暖,注意构词法,很多的形容词后面加上—th就变成了名词。
小题7:predict 动词预测predict。
小题8:average  形容词平均的average。该词该词固定词组on average平均地。
小题9:anxiously 用副词anxiously修饰动词said.
小题10:suit 名词suit套装。
小题1:The boy, s______________ of stealing the collected money, is being closely watched over.
小题2:To their d_______________, their son was admitted into a famous university.
小题3:Word came that our football team was d_____________again. 
小题4:If we work with a strong will, we can o___________ any difficulty, however great it is.
小题5:He joined the group c______________of five young men.
小题6:It is impossible to know in ______________ (提前) what will happen.
小题7:The old man is respected by the people because he has____________(贡献) to the country.
小题8:Disneyland offers its visitors ___________(各种各样的)activities.
小题9:The girl made a great________(印象) on her neighbours and they spoke highly of her.
小题10:All ____________(航班) have been put off because of the heavy snow.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:John wanted to face the _______(挑战)and solve the problem.
小题2:For historical_________(建筑)you have to go older but smaller towns.
小题3:At first I want to ________(解释)this thing to you.
小题4:Nothing is wasted, and everything is_______(重新利用). 
小题5:________(同时)you have to prepare the next question.
小题6:He wants to see art from all over the world,_______(包括)some from China.
小题7:My ________(最喜欢的) subject is Chinese. 
小题8:Someone enjoys_________(打断)others whenever they want.
小题9:He was born and brought up in Chinese, but he speaks English _________(流利地).
小题10:He gave us some _________(信息) about the matter happened recently.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:As we all know, Nelson Mandela was once s_______________ to 27 years in prison.
小题2:On the top of the high mountain, they found the air was hard to b____________.
小题3:He is not a Chinese but he can speak Chinese f_____________.
小题4:Most scientists present at the meeting voted a_____________ the plan for it would be harmful to the air.
小题5:They all b__________ out laughing at the funny joke.
小题6:She is so generous that she gives the poor food and clothing and asks for nothing in r________.
小题7:After the earthquake, the whole city lay in r__________.
小题8:A majority of people like to play o__________ rather than stay indoors when it is fine.
小题9:People in all countries hope for a p_____________ world instead of one filled with wars.
小题10:We need more e___________ to prove that he is the thief.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
survive, perform, legal, dress, poacher, date, danger, extinct, protection, aim,
小题1:The project is one of the many government programmes ______ at improving the situation of the poorest people in China.
小题2:You need warm clothes to ________ yourself against the cold.
小题3:He was caught ________ the antelopes.
小题4:She won a gold medal for her fine ________ in the contest.
小题5:We are going to visit an old temple _______ back to 12th century.
小题6:If cancers are spotted early there"s a high chance of __________.
小题7:_______ in a white uniform, he looks more handsome.
小题8:Tibetan antelopes are _________ species.
小题9:Every year thousands of wild animals and plant are at the brink of ________.
小题10:The business is completely ______ ---there has been a ban on the trade.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:Mr. Smith has c__________________ half of his savings to the Red Cross..
小题2:In this sense, children and ___________(成年人)have equal rights.
小题3:The enemy a_______________ our airport all night.
小题4:A ____________(导游)will show you round the Palace.
小题5:There is a r____________ between diet and cancer.
小题6:The evening __________________(演出) begins at 8 o"clock.
小题7:Football is the most popular sport t_______________ the world.
小题8:He escaped from the train crash without i______________.
小题9:I don’t like him, for he is always c__________________ about everything.
小题10:Can you give some examples to ________________(支持) your argument?
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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