You’ll find this map of great ____ in helping you to get round London.A.priceB.c

You’ll find this map of great ____ in helping you to get round London.A.priceB.c

You’ll find this map of great ____ in helping you to get round London.

考查名词辨析。Of price 贵重的 of cost 成本的 of value 有价值的 of usefulness 有用的
小题1:Her son was filled with ________ (志向)to become a great inventor. 
小题2:________ (宇航员)accept danger as being part of the job.
小题3:________ (数码)cameras began to appear last year.
小题4:That couple have come to terms on their________(离婚).
小题5:A mother shouldn’t show too much ________(偏爱) to one of her children. 
小题6:All the firm’s employees are entitled to at least a ________(两星期)holiday with pay each year.
小题7:We must care for the weak who would ________(否则) fall by setbacks.  
小题8:The smooth surface of the lake________(照出)the bright full moon.
小题9:I felt much ________(同情) for the blind.
小题10:Her________(天赋) for music was not appreciated. 
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I invited Joe and Linda to the party, and both of _______ came.

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Nowadays, most young people enjoy ______ on the Internet. chatC.chattingD.chatted

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It was too dark, and I couldn’t _______ the words written on the wall.
A.turn outC.try outD.set out

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Directions:Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.
Search engines are a type of computer program. The links that you get are not classified by subject. These engines search the Internet for you based 1_______ the key words you type in, 2______choose web pages for you 3_____contain the words you ask for. The contents they search have not been evaluated. This means that the information has never been checked—it could be reliable, true information 4_____ false information written by a person 5_____ qualifications or someone who does not have solid facts. 6_____links you obtain from the search engine go to full articles or pages. This requires 7_____ to be patient as you have to read the information to decide whether it is linked to 8____ you are searching. Examples of famous search engines are Google, Yahoo and Baidu. You can also go to the website and check their list of search engines.
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