However difficult you find it to arrange your time, it will pay off in the long

However difficult you find it to arrange your time, it will pay off in the long

However difficult you find it to arrange your time, it will pay off in the long run if you set aside a certain part of the day for studying - and stick to it. __小题1:__ But don"t forget to make sure that you have enough left for recreational activities or simply to be “with” yourself: reading a novel or watching a television programme.
As part of your weekly schedule, it is also advisable to consider exactly what you have to do in that week, and make sure that you handle the most significant tasks first. __小题2:__
On a physical level, make sure you have an area or space for studying. __小题3:__ If you always study in the same place, preferably a room of your own, you will find it easier to adjust mentally to the activity when you enter that area. You should have everything that you might need at hand.
Make sure that all the physical equipment that you use, such as a desk, chair etc. is at good height for you. If you use a personal computer, there are plenty of guidelines available from the movement on angles, lighting and the like.   __小题4:__
If you are working on topic your teacher has set, but finding it hard to concentrate, it may be that you actually need to take your mind right off it for a period of time.  __小题5:__ After a period away from the test, having not thought about it at all, you may return to it refreshed and full of ideas.
A.It"s wise to leave the easier or less urgent areas of your work until later.
B.It"s all too easy to read something and then forget where it came from.
C.Consult these and avoid the typical student aches and pains.
D.“Airing the mind” can work wonders sometimes.
E.Make use of equipment that is available to you .
F.It is best to make a weekly schedule.
G.Don"t do it just anywhere.


小题1: 考查句意理解和上下文串联:根据However difficult you find it to arrange your time, it will pay off in the long run if you set aside a certain part of the day for studying --- and stick to it.可知最好制定一周的日程表,故选F。
小题2:考查句意理解和上下文串联:根据As part of your weekly schedule, it is also advisable to consider exactly what you have to do in that week, and make sure that you handle the most significant tasks first.可知把工作容易的,不紧急的放在后面是明智的,故选A。
小题3:考查句意理解和上下文串联: 根据If you always study in the same place, preferably a room of your own, you will find it easier to adjust mentally to the activity when you enter that area.可知不要随便在社么地方学习,故选G。
小题4:考查句意理解和上下文串联:根据If you use a personal computer, there are plenty of guidelines available from the movement on angles, lighting and the like.可知要咨询这些问题,防止学生的常见的疼痛和疾病,故选C。
小题5:考查句意理解和上下文串联:根据If you are working on topic your teacher has set, but finding it hard to concentrate, it may be that you actually need to take your mind right off it for a period of time.可知适当走神是很有用的,故选D。
The beauty of Hangzhou is ______ what words can describe.
A.less more thanC.more thanD.not more than

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
In order to support his study, his brother can’t wait ______ money. earnC.for earningD.for earn

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The sad mother ______ crying when the reporter asked about her son’s death.
A.set outB.broke outC.burst outD.gave out

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— Tom, are you going swimming with us?
— I’d love to, but something important has ______.
A.ended upB.given upC.used upD.come up

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
After entering high school, you must wonder how to study well. Here are some good skills for you.
Go to class.
If you want to do well at school, going to class is the first step in studying well. If you miss classes, you will miss what the teacher thinks is important; as a result, you’ll miss what is the most likely to end up on the test.    小题1: 
Take good notes.
Try not to write down everything.  小题2: Write down unfamiliar terms. After class, review your notes as soon as possible. You can fill in details that you missed and review the material while it is still fresh on your mind.
If you are struggling in class, talk to your teacher. He or she may be able to give you more help or tutor you before or after class. Most teachers have little sympathy(同情) for students who just become worried about failing during the last few weeks of the grading period.
Take part in class discussions.
In order to learn more in class, it is helpful to take part in class discussions. Asking questions and having eye contact with your teachers and classmates can increase your participation(参与)and your focus during the class discussion.   小题4: This helps you make your point clear in class.
Form study groups.
 小题5:  Make sure that everyone is familiar with the material because you do not want to spend time re-teaching material to people who do not understand it. Be careful! Sometimes group sessions can become chatting sessions.
A.Don’t be late for your class.
B.Talk to your teacher if you need help.
C.You should write down all the new terms.
D.So if you want to study well, go to every class.
E. Get students together who want to do well in class.
F. All you need is to put the main points in your own words.
G. If the material is difficult, you’d better read it before class.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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