The headmaster was______ as to how to inform her of the news that her daughter f

The headmaster was______ as to how to inform her of the news that her daughter f

The headmaster was______ as to how to inform her of the news that her daughter failed to pass the exam again. a a loss


试题分析:句意为:校长对于怎么告诉她那个她的女儿又没能通过考试的消息不知所措。at ease放松;in relief 松了口气;in a hurry 急忙,匆忙;at a loss 不知所措。故答案应为D。
Please put away your clothes hanging outside. As you know, dark clouds______ heavy rain.

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A new iPad in the market costs about ______ of a second-hand one.
A.three timesofthe price
B.three times as much as the price
C.three times the price
D.three times more than the price

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But for his father’s sudden illness, he would never thought of breaking this ______with you.

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Tips For Choosing A Career
Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Most people spend half or more of their waking hours five days a week at their jobs. While selecting a career can be a difficult process, the following tips can make this process easier for you.
Extensive reading about potential careers is vital. ______小题1:_______ It’s important to collect vital information such as career descriptions, career outlooks, employment statistics, educational requirements, and potential earnings.
______小题2:_______ Do this frequently since these lists keep changing. A “hot job” today may not be “hot ” next year or the year after next year. When evaluating these lists, keep in mind your interests, skills and job satisfaction requirements.
Find a mentor(指导者). Many colleges and employers have a formal mentoring program. ____小题3:_______ It is a great way to learn about a career, and a mentor can provide valuable networking opportunities. “Mentworking” is a new trend which combines mentoring and networking, and which has shown good results.
Interviewing people in the field is an excellent way to learn about the various aspects of a career._____小题4:_______ Informational interviews often change a person’s perspective about an occupation. You can find interview candidates by asking friends, teachers and neighbors. You can also contact relevant professional associations and societies and visit appreciate social and professional networking sites online.
The skills required for a career are an essential factor for an individual’s potential for success in that career. Write a list of the skills needed for a particular field. Place a check next to each skill you possess._____小题5:______
Your skills should be a vital factor in your career selection process. A satisfying career is often built upon a match with what you are naturally good at. Natural strengths allow an individual to work with ease and acquire expertise faster.
A.also, formal mentoring organizations are available that match mentors with individuals.
B.Doing this may also provide good social communication opportunities.
C.At last, please count the number of checks you have.
D.Potential careers are the jobs which you will have in the future.
E. You will discover details about careers that you were not aware of
F. The more checks you make, the more likely the field is right for you.
G. Look for lists of “hot jobs” on the Internet and in magazines.
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The Sanlu Milk Powder event is a clear indication that food safety is a big problem; nobody can __   _ all foods are secure to us, but we are sure that the situation is turning for the better.

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