The water we drink and use was running short. We all have to learn what to stop

The water we drink and use was running short. We all have to learn what to stop

The water we drink and use was running short. We all have to learn what to stop wasting water.
One of the step that we should take is to find ways of reusing it. Today in the most large cities, fresh water is used only once and then it runs in waste system. But that is possible to pipe the used water to a purifying factory, there the used water can be treated with chemical materials by the workers so that it can reused. But even if every large city purified and reused it"s water, we still would have enough water.   

小题4:in the most large中去掉the
小题8:it can reused 在can 后加be
小题10:would 后加 not

小题1:考查动词时态。The water we drink and use was running short 。整篇文章讲述的是现在的情况,所以要用一般现在时态,把was改为is。
小题2:考查疑问词。We all have to learn what to stop根据下文可知此处是讲如何才可以制止浪费水的行为,所以把 what改为how。
小题3:考查名词复数。One of the step 。one of +复数名词“。。中之一”,所以把step改为steps。
小题4:考查冠词用法。Today in the most large cities, most表示最高级时前面才需要加定冠词the,而此处是“大多数”的意思,所以把the去掉。
小题5:考查介词用法。it runs in waste system 。in是表示物体位置的静态介词,表示“在……里面,而into是表示动作方向的动态介词,表示“到……里面去”,常与表示动作的动词(如come,go,run,rush等)连用,所以 把in改为into。
小题6:考查代词用法。that is possible to pipe the water,此句的真正主语是to pipe the water,只有it可以代替不定式做形式主语,所以把 that改为it。
小题7:考查连词用法。there the used water can be treated with chemical materials 联系上文可知此处是定语从句,而there不能引导定语从句,所以把there改为where。
小题8:考查动词语态。so that it can reused. 根据句意可知废水是被重新利用,所以要用被动语态,在can 后加be。
小题9:考查代词。every large city purified and reused it"s water,句子意思为“每个大城市都净化并且重新利用它的废水”,而it’s是it is 的缩写形式,所以把it’s 改为its。
小题10:考查上下文理解。we still would have enough water. 根据上文内容可知此处说的是将来没有水来利用,表示否定意思,所以 在would后面加not。
Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any         

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My chest           when I take a deep breath, doctor.

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The computer system __________ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.
A.broke downB.broke outC.broke upD.broke in

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Dear Sir,
I have to travel every day from So UK Road to the airport. Two buses travel along this route: No.49 and No.16. However, by the time No.16 reaches So UK Road, it is always full.   小题1:   
The timetable states that there are buses from So UK Road to the airport every ten minutes.
  小题2:   The instructions state that if there are empty seats on a bus, the bus must stop at every stop where people are waiting.    小题3:  
The instructions state that no bus may carry more than 40 seated passengers and 20 standing passengers. Yesterday, I was the first to get off the bus when it reached the airport.   小题4: There were 129 of them.
Clearly printed on the back of every bus is a sign that says “Maximum speed: 50mph.” 小题5:  
Saturday morning a No. 49 bus traveled the distance in ten minutes, at an average speed of 60 mph. At times it must have done at least 80 or even 90 mph.
It is obvious that our bus companies have neither respect for the instructions nor consideration for their passengers. Can nothing be done about this?
A.I counted the other passengers as they got off.
B.Is there anything we can do to change this?
C.The problem is that we have to pay more for our trip.
D.The distance from So UK Road to the airport is 10 miles.
E. This leaves No.49 which sometimes has empty seats on it.
F. If this is so, why do I have to wait half an hour for a bus nearly every day?
G. Why is it that half-empty buses go straight past me when I am standing at the bus stop? 
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You’d better          your score and see if you have passed the exam.
A.add up toB.add toC.add upD.Add

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