Good work   good pay.A.deservesB.requestsC.desertsD.awards

Good work   good pay.A.deservesB.requestsC.desertsD.awards

Good work   good pay.


试题分析:句意:好的工作就应该得到好的报酬。A. deserves应得,值得; B. requests请求; C. deserts放弃,遗弃; D. awards授予。根据句意故选A。
Hardly could he _______this amount of work in such a short time.
A.get throughB.get offC.get intoD.get down

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Rather than ________on a crowded bus, he always prefers _______a bicycle .
A.ride; rideB.riding; ride
C.ride; to ride; riding

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If you go on doing so, you’ll _______ yourself sooner or later.

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How to Become a Top Student
Successful students use different techniques to study, which brings them more success.    小题1:    Here are the four techniques almost all top-performing students use.
They are regular. Almost all successful students study regularly, because they know “what you give is what you get”. If you put in regular hours of studying, then you will learn more and get better grades.    小题2:   This will help you to study regularly.
They have clear goals. All top-performing students have definite, specific goals.    小题3:    They motivate you and drive you to study more. But make sure that you do not get carried away. Set realistic goals which can challenge you, but do not seem impossible or too difficult to achieve.
They study without strain (压力). Successful students study a lot. But they study without putting strain on themselves. Most students make the mistake of studying too hard or studying continuously for a long time.    小题4:   Studying should be done in a balanced manner. Take a break for a few minutes, after studying for 30 or 45 minutes. Relax, walk around your room or house, or drink some water and return to studying. Such short breaks will refresh your brain and you will learn more.
  小题5:   Studying is not something you do just because your parents ask you to do it. It’s actually very important for you. Studying gives you knowledge and skills that will remain with you for the rest of your life. It gives you the ability to get a job and earn money. And successful students recognize the value of studying well. 
A.This creates tension and actually slows down learning and memory.
B.But to score A grade in English, you should make well-planned efforts.
C.Set aside some hours, each day or each week, for studying.
D.Having such goals gives you a purpose to study better.
E. Learn their techniques, and you will also join their rank.
F. They finish their homework on time.
G. They give importance to study.
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