Sometimes willpower is a lot like the television remote control — hard to find j

Sometimes willpower is a lot like the television remote control — hard to find j

Sometimes willpower is a lot like the television remote control — hard to find just when you want it most. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, stop smoking, get to the gym regularly,developing your sense of willpower is an important part of changing any behavior. ___小题1:__. But there are ways to increase your willpower.
Don’t try to change your economic situation, win a promotion and lose weight all on the same morning. Establish one clear, specific goal and make a realistic plan for achieving it. Extra willpower sometimes requires extra energy, so don’t stretch yourself too thin. __小题2:__.
Whatever your goal is, don’t expect to achieve it overnight. __小题3:__ . If you are trying to kick a caffeine habit, start by replacing your morning cup of coffee with a glass of water, instead of vowing never to drink coffee again. Congratulate yourself on the small achievements that will pave the way toward a larger one. These successes help your willpower grow.
__小题4:__. Ask friends, family or colleagues for assistance and tell them exactly how they can help. If your credit card bills have increased sharply, for instance, let friends know that you are cutting back on expenses. Suggest having a common dinner instead of meeting at an expensive restaurant. Find a support group or organization related to your goal and attend their meetings. You can get valuable advice, understanding and information.
If possible, change your environment to encourage positive behavior. Want to get in shape? Keep an extra set of workout clothes in your office as a reminder to stop by the gym on the way home. Quitting smoking? __小题5:__.
A.Change your environment to change your life
B.Real success takes time.
C.Avoid bars or restaurants where you might be attracted to light up.
D.Changing your behavior requires more than willpower.
E. Improve your willpower by a support network.
F. Breaking a bad habit or forming a new and healthy one can be difficult.
G. Focus on one goal at a time.


小题1:F 根据下句But there are ways to increase your willpower.有很多提高意志力的方法,句首的but说明前句与这句有转折关系,故F项:去除坏习惯和养成新习惯都很困难符合上下文。
小题2:G 根据前句Extra willpower sometimes requires extra energy, so don’t stretch yourself too thin.可知锻炼前面的意志力需要额外的精力。所以不要一下子设很多的目标,那样不现实,一次一个即可。故G正确。
小题3:B 根据前句  Whatever your goal is, don’t expect to achieve it overnight.不要指望一下子就成功。也就是指:真正的成功是需要时间的。故B正确。
小题4:E 根据下句Ask friends, family or colleagues for assistance and tell them exactly how they can help.可知可以向别人求助,不要单独靠自己。也就是说要靠一个支持的网络来提高自己的意志力。故E正确。
小题5:C 根据前句Quitting smoking?可知我们要克服抽烟一些不好的生活习惯,故C项内容Avoid bars or restaurants where you might be attracted to light up.避免去酒吧或者餐厅,因为在那里你很容易就被吸引再次抽烟。
Once there lived a man who was such lazy that no job was fit him. In order to make a living he went to the neighbor of his for help one day. The neighbor advised to him to be a grave caretaker as it is the easiest job one could find. The lazy man was delighting and soon became a grave caretaker. And to everybody’s surprise he gave up his job three days before he got it. “It’s unfair.” He said to the neighbor angry. “In the grave all the others are lying still when I am the only one who has to stand.”
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
He worked                             to pay off the debt.
I’ m                              your reply.
How did he                          cheating in the exams?
小题4:Don’t bother to look for my umbrella; it will ________ ________some day. (出现)
小题5:The race was so close that everyone was ________ ________ ________ at the finish. (屏住呼吸)
小题6:He couldn’t ________ ________ his foolish mistake. (作出解释)
The economic crisis ________ ________ first in the United States.
小题8:I must ________ ________ this morning and do the cleaning. (安下心来)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Homework is a bridge that joins schools and parents. For teachers, homework is an effective way to provide additional instruction through practice. __小题1:__. Through it, parents can observe their children’s education and express a positive attitude towards their children’s education. As children grow older, homework and the amount of time engaged in homework increase in importance.
Through practice and participation in learning tasks, homework can improve children’s achievement. Thus, it would be expected that if homework were completed accurately, not only would children’s general knowledge and grades improve but they would also increase mastery of basic study skills. __小题2:__.
Homework can provide other benefits. When children bring an assignment(功课)home, gather and organize necessary materials to complete the assignment, return the assignment and receive a grade, they strengthen their sense of responsibility. _小题3:__. When completing homework, they will plan how long they should spend on one subject.
__小题4:__. When parents become involved in the homework that kids bring from school, they are given a chance to communicate with their kids on what is happening in their school lives. A lot can be learned by parents when they sit beside their kids as they do their homework.
Finally, although we often do not consider that homework serves a school administrative(管理的)role, it offers schools an opportunity to let parents know what their children are learning. __小题5:__. Homework can also fulfill an administrative role in helping schools achieve their overall job of improving students’ achievement.
For parents, homework serves as a window.
Meanwhile, they also improve their time management.
Reading, writing, spelling and mathematics are included.
Homework is actually a good way to improve family communication.
Thus, homework can play a role by keeping parents informed about class activities.
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短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? I suppose you do. But I’d like to tell you what a bad day I had yesterday. Everything just went wrongly. On the morning, my alarm clock didn’t ring, since I woke up an hour late. I was in such a hurry that I burnt my hand when I was cooking the breakfast. Then I ran out of the house to catch the 8:30 buses. This is the bus I usually take. But, you may laugh, I missed it of course. I am very unhappy, and scared as well because teacher hates the students coming late to school. So I ran three miles to school only to found that nobody was there. The school was quiet but peaceful. Our classroom was locked. I realized that moment: It was Sunday.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Last night Iam getting ready for the coming examination when the noise from my neighbor interrupted (打扰)me.The noise went on and on. It was too loud that I could hardly pay attention to my study any longer. but I went to my neighbor’s house and say to him, “ Excuse me, would you please turn down the TV? I’m preparing for tomorrow’s examination.” Hear these words, his face turned to red. And he said, “ OK, I will. I’m very sorry to have made so much noise. Just now, the football game was very wonderfully. I was too exciting to control myself. I won’t do that again. Good lucky in your coming examination.” After that, I went on with his study.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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