Paper bags produced every year are ____ the world’s production of vehicles.A.thr

Paper bags produced every year are ____ the world’s production of vehicles.A.thr

Paper bags produced every year are ____ the world’s production of vehicles.
A.three times weight ofB.three times the weight of three times heavy asD.three times as heavier as


试题分析:考查倍数表达法。考查倍数被动法。倍数表达有四种:1. “A+倍数+形容词或副词的比较级+than+B”, 2.“A+倍数+as+形容词或副词的原级+as+B”, 3. “A+倍数+the size/height/length/width, etc+of+B”, 4. “……times+what+从句”。倍数永远都放在最前面。句意:每年生产的纸袋的重量是汽车重量的三倍。故B正确。
1. “A+倍数+形容词或副词的比较级+than+B”,表示“A比B大(长、高、宽等)多少倍”。如:
 This rope is twice longer than that one. 这根绳子是那根绳子的两倍长(比那根绳子长一倍)。
 Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。
3. “A+倍数+the size/height/length/width, etc+of+B”,表示“A正好是B的多少倍”。如:
This street is four times the length of that one. 这条街是那条街的四倍长。
4. “……times+what+从句”。如:
 The production is now three times what it was ten years ago. 现在的产量比十年前增加了两倍。
Today,kids have more worries and face more pressures than ever before. Here are a few tips to help your child focus on and do well in school.
●Create a personal schedule
Recording everything that must be done on a calendar or “to do” list will help him to keep track of important dates and deadlines. If he keeps it in a visible place he will have no problem acknowledging upcoming events and will be better able to plan how and where to spend his time.
●Watch the clock
 小题2:  I also recommend setting his clock or watch five minutes ahead since it"s always easy to run late. When it comes to something like catching a bus,just five minutes can make a significant difference.
He should train himself to be able to concentrate alone on one specific task. This is much easier in a noise­free environment. No TV or radio should be on to distract him.
Lack of sleep is proven to harm us physically. The more sleep we get,the more alert we are. We thus have more energy to handle life"s daily tasks. The average adult needs at least six hours of sleep a night and the average child needs at least eight.
●Stay in shape
Through spending time outdoors or playing sports with friends,he can “blow off some steam” so to speak,as well as re­energize. 小题4: 
●Talk through your problems
Be able to share his concerns with you.  小题5:  If you make it clear that you understand him and are willing to help,not only will you contribute to his emotional health but you"ll help build an open and honest relationship as well.
A.Sharing feelings often makes them easier to deal with.
B.Help your child work better to realize his aim.
C.Setting an alarm for the morning is a must.
D.Get enough sleep.
E.Help your child do better in school.
F.Encourage your child to be positive.
G.Encourage him to get outside.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
All those second-hand goods are sold at                  before.
A.30%as lower price asB.30%as low a price as 30%low price asD.30%lower price than

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A punctual person is in the habit of doing a thing at the proper time and is never late in keeping an appointment.The unpunctual man, on the other hand, never does what he has to do at the right time. 小题1:
There"s a proverb which says,“Time flies never to be recalled.” This is true.小题2:The unpunctual man is forever wasting his most valuable possessions as well as others".The unpunctual person is always complaining that he finds no time to answer letters, or return calls or keep appointments.小题3: He knows that he can get through his huge amount of work only if he faithfully keeps every appointment and deals with every piece of work when it has to be attended to.
小题4: .If a person is invited to dinner and arrives later than the appointed time, he keeps all the other guests waiting for him.Usually this will be regarded as rude both to the host and the other guests.
Unpunctuality, moreover,is very harmful when it comes to one"s duty.Imagine how it would be if those who are put in charge of important tasks failed to be at their proper place at the appointed time.小题5:
A.They appear to be busy but never get well paid.
B.He is always in a hurry and ends up losing time.
C.Maybe nobody minds being kept waiting at a dinner party.
D.A lost thing may be found again, but lost time can never be regained.
E.But the man who really has a great deal to do is very careful of his time.
F.A man who is known to be habitually unpunctual is never trusted by others.
G.Failure to be punctual in keeping one"s appointment is a sign of disrespect towards others.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
虎妈,美国耶鲁大学的华裔教授蔡美儿Amy Lynn Chua,出版了一本名叫《虎妈战歌》Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother的书,在美国引起轰动。在接受采访时,回答了记者的5个问题(第61—65题)。请从下列提问(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出与她的回答相匹配的问题,并在答题卡上将相应选项涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。
A.What do you think of the competition between China and the US?
B.What do you think of the image of “tiger mom?”
C.How do your daughters take the criticism about you after your book was published?
D.You said you would not get her Christmas gifts or anything when your daughter refused to repeatedly practice the music. How did your husband respond?
E.What do you think makes a good mother?
F.What does your husband think of your method of bringing up kids?
Chua’s answer: Well, actually I think there are many ways of being a good mother. In my book my focus is just a memory about my own family story, me trying to raise my own children in a kind of traditional Chinese way. I make mistakes and I make fun of myself. It’s amazing the way the book has been received internationally, because. I didn’t intend my book to be telling other people of view and I am a proud strict “tiger mom”. But I’m not trying to tell other people what are the best ways to teach or raise their children.
Chua’s answer: Well, the title may sound a little frightening. Let me tell you why I chose the title. I was born in the year of the tiger. And “battle Hymn” in the United States comes from “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”. The book is really about finding some sort of balance: how can we find the balance between the eastern way of parenting and the western way of parenting. In ways the book as been misunderstood maybe because of the title.
Chua’s answer: I didn’t write this book to have any foreign policy implications. But it’s been taken into the foreign policy realm. It is of course true that there is a connection between child-raising and the future of nations. We are raising, as parents, the next generation. So I think Henry is right. We tapped into this thing of insecurity, American’s fear about the rising power of china. A friend of mine told me that if the book had been called The Battle Hymn of an Italian Mother or The Battle Hymn of a Mexican Mother, nobody would have cared. It’s really “China”. you know.
Chua’s answer: I don’t think he opposes my idea of raising children. I’d like to think we have a combination, which is the right solution. You need a balance. From my perspective, what I give my kids is something that I thought was lacking in the US educational system. You know, they hate memorization, while in China you have too much of it. In the US, learning should be fun, a lot of games,. So I brought hard work and disciplines. My husband and I think this is a great thing always teaching them to question the authority and to ask why. Don’t accept everything just because somebody tells you. Figure it out yourself. I really think you need to combine both these qualities if you want creativity and dynamism.
Chua’s answer:  They both are stronger than I am. I am really proud of them. Their friends and communities supported them. At a time, I couldn’t even look at the Internet because there are so many negative comments. And they would find the good ones and text them to me, saying “here’s a good one mommy, hang in there.” This experience has actually brought my family together. Believe it or not, not just my kids, also my parents and my three younger sisters have supported me.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
For several years, Americans have enjoyed teleshopping — watching TV and buying things by phone. __小题1:__ In a number of European countries, people can turn on their TVs and shop for clothes, jewelry, food, toys, and many other things.__小题2:__ For example, the biggest Swedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in 15 European countries, and in one year it made $100 million. In France there are two teleshopping channels, and the French spend about $20 million a year to buy things through those channels.
In Germany, until last year teleshopping was only possible on one channel for 1 hour every day. Then the government allowed more teleshopping. Other channels can open for tele-business, including the largest American teleshopping company and a 24-hour teleshopping company. __小题3:__
Some people like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without leaving their homes. With all the problems of traffic in the cities, this is an important reason, but at the same time, other Europeans do not like this new way of shopping. __小题4:__ Many Europeans usually worry about the quality of the things for sale on TV. Good quality is important to them, and they believe they cannot be sure about the quality of the things on TV.__小题5:__ They will have to be more careful about the quality of the things they sell. They will also have to work harder to sell things that the buyers cannot touch or see in person.
A.The need for high quality means that European teleshopping companies will have to be different from the American companies.
B.Teleshopping is popular among people.
C.German teleshopping business is controlled by American.
D.Now teleshopping is starting in Europe.
E. They call teleshopping “Junk on the air”.
F. Teleshopping is becoming popular in Sweden.
G. German businesses are hoping this new teleshopping will help them sell more things.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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